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Mona Mayfair

"One minute you want me to grow up; the next you want me to behave. What am I to you a little girl or a sociological problem? I don't like to conform Aunt Gif. Take a look at men today on the news. Never in history have all the men in a nation's capital dressed exactly alike. Ties, shirts, coats of grey. It's apalling."

This is an average quote from Mona Mayfair. Throughout the three Mafair novels we see that this sarcastic but extremely intellegent 13 year old is slowly becoming one of the most important members of the entire family.

In "The Witching Hour", Mona is only about 8, I believe if I recall correctly, and plays a minor role as a cute cousin to Rowan, but in the second novel, in which she is 13, she becomes a major character. A very liberal girl, she manages to seduce Michael Curry (along w/ just about every other male in her family from the age of 15 to 80) while Rowan is away w/ Lasher and continues their affair up until the time Rowan is returned to the family.

However, this doesn't make Mona a bad person. ^_^

As strange as it may seem at first to the ear, things are never exactly as they appear in Anne Rice novels, and Mona is no exception. Mona is probably one of the most intellegent members of the family and even though she is only thirteen, she is very enterprising and is one of the key members of the family that holds the family together as a whole after Rowan's disappearence. She is one of the strongest witches in the family and is one of the few who is open minded enough to admit that this family is a different one and love them for it.

Mona Mayfair is an adventurous teenager who could, literally, run the stock market if she put her mind to it. She forces the begining construction of Mayfair Medical, which was origionally a clinic Rowan wanted to start and was in the process right before she disappeared; and project that would probably have been canceled w/ out Mona's authorative attitude.

Until about the third novel, Mona always appears very sweet and childlike in her babydoll dresses and the ribbons in her hair, but see's her style as a way of deception and nearly the only way to use her age to her advantage.

She has Audrey Hepburn's sweet childlike appearence w/ the strength of Kathrine Hepburn; and devious side more mysterious than "the lady in red" all rolled up into one 13 year old shell of a body.

This red-haired, freckle-faced young lady is also the heir to the Mayfair legacy and has already named her designee: Morrigan Mayfair; her daughter, and a taltos. During her affair w/ Michael Curry, she concieved a child, and since the two had the "extra chromosome" gene, and appearantly all the right chemistry, this extra chromosome activated to create the species known as the Taltos; which is what Lasher was.

Mona went through extreme lengths to protect her unborn child, and it's father's identity (for a while at least) out of fear of what would happen if it turned out to be like Rowan's child, Lasher. She even took the Mayfair limo to a rundown (and sinking) house out in the swamps to give birth to the child so nobody could harm it. She gave birth to a baby girl who began to grow from the instant of birth into a full sized person, and what appeared to be a close clone of Mona herself. W/in an hour after birth, this taltos was the same height w/ all the assets and looks of her mother, and her mother named her Morrigan. And immediately designated Morrigan as Mona's successor to the Mayfair Legacy.

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