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Meet Louis...

"...And what constitutes evil, real evil, is the taking of a single human life. Whether a man would die tomorrow or the day after or eventually... it doesn't matter. Because if God does not exist, then life... every second of it... Is all we have." --Louis de Ponte du Lac.

Louis is the ultimate pain within pain itself. He has an unmoveable guilt caused by his "lingering respect for life", while this guilt makes him the most heartless killer of all. He is completely non-discriminate in killing. Could be anyone, anytime, anywhere. Age, sex, race, stature.... none of it matters... none of them can help you.

He is perhaps the most heartless character of the vampire chronicles, but at the same time, perhaps the most caring and heartwarming. The best and worst, the most honest and dishonest, he is a picture of irony; but so are we and perhaps that's why we love him so much.

Louis would probably be the most loving, caring friend you ever had, but the most unmerciful killer you could ever wish to stay away from. To me, he very well might be the most mysterious character in the vampire chronicles, despite his lack of mystery. And to me, that definitely makes him one of the most beautiful.

For those of you who are not familiar with him, he is Louis de Ponte du Lac, from New Orleans, Louisiana. Upon his "death" he ran a plantation as a young man w/ out cause or care after his brother died, for which he blamed himself (as he does now w/ every person he kills to live), and in the movie, of course, it was his wife and an infant child who died. The then ready to die any minute, Louis meets Lestat, who quickly falls in love w/ him and makes him into a vampire. They later make the infamous Claudia, his most beloved and cherished daughter/lover, who is killed by Armand's coven.

Lestat loves Louis, perhaps, most of all. Despite the fact that on numerous occasions Louis has nearly killed Lestat, Louis loves Lestat just as much, and through all the pain, suffering, adventure and dismay, their relationship very well might be one of the longest lasting of all relationships in the vampire chronicles..... it may even last 'till the end of time...

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