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"...I turned and took at the man. He sat on a stool and did not rise for me. He wore nothing but a filthy loincloth, which was plain stupidity on the part of the merhcant, but his neglect certainly revealed that this slave was one very handsome man, beautiful in the face, with soft brown hair and long almond-shaped green eyes, and a sarcastic expression to his pretty mouth." --Pandora

He lost this leg and was nearly killed during a boar hunt, with a previous Roman Master.

Flavius lived all of his early life as a slave (though treated like a son), and grew up in one house w/ one master throughout this entire early part of his life. Flavius was well educated here, learning many languages (latin, greek, roman, ect.), mathematics, music, extensive poetry and cooking, and philosophy.

During Pandora's first encounter w/ Flavious, who was around the age of 30, he proved himself to be a humble gentleman and wholeheartedly loyal to his masters. Blushing meekly, under the demanding interigation of Pandora, he coyly confessed to his homosexual preferences [proving that he would be trustworthy with the housemaids, though of little use (to her great disappointment) to his mistress]; and refused to reveal the circumstances which lead to his transfer from his first and only previous home/owner to being sold in the meger and rundown slave shop in Antioch, where Pandora found him.

Intrigued by Flavius' sincerity and intellegence, Pandora took him as her steward, and was at all times pleased with his work. Even after Pandora was transformed into a vampire and moved into Marius' household, Flavius continued to serve both Pandora and Marius w/ complete loyalty. Marius welcomed him with complete acceptance: "He is an extraordinary man, and most welcome here."

Around his 40th year, however, Flavius fell ill and was soon on his deathbead.

"Marius could scarce bear it. He had become more than fond of Flavius-they taked about Aristotle all the time..." "Flavius had never put a single question to us as to what we were. In hismind, I found, devotion and acceptance far superseded curiosity or fear.

We hoped Flavius had only a minor illness. But finally, as Flavius' fever grew worse, Flavius turned his head away from Marius whenever Marius came to him. But he held on to my hand always when I offered it. Frequently I lay beside hmi for hours, as he had once lain beside me.

Then one night Marius took me to the gate and said, 'He'll be dead by the time I come back... he doesn't want me to see him die'"

Though, Marius had laid down the strict rule of never creating other vampires, the minute he was gone, Pandora turned Flavius into a vampire.

As soon as Marius returned, he banished Flavius from sight. He was "utterly convinced" that Pandora had done it to leave him for Flavius, though Pandora assured him otherwise after Flavius was gone.

Flavius' last words to Pandora, before he left, were: "Thank you for this Dark Gift." which was the first time Pandora had ever heard "..that particular phrase which appears so often in Lestat's writings."

After his night of making, there is no documentation, mention or sign of Flavius again. As Marius had commanded, Flavius went on his way to find his own adventures and a new life that we may perhaps never know about. Whether he was killed along w/ so many in Akasha's fires, or survived to perhaps tell his own tale one day, we don't know. Maybe someday we'll find out.