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Sommer's Stuff

Sommer Brooks' Site



11/28/00: This lazy bum finally has a job!
12/7/00: I'm going to the Anger Management Tour concert! Oh Yeah!!!
12/31/00: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
1/1/01: I have a new poll!!! And from now on there will be a new one at the start of every month.
1/19/01: I FINALLY cleaned up my room. If you're a friend of mine, you'll understand why this is such a big deal.
1/21/01: Me and David broke up! And I made a huge update to this site. I seem to do that everytime I have a relationship change. I put up a new dream also.
2/28/01: I am now holding a contest for the best banner link for my site. See the details on my Links Page. Deadline for this contest is May 1st, so get those entries in A.S.A.P.
8/3/2001: It's my Birthday! I'm now 18 and no longer "jail bate". But all I got was ten bucks from my grandma...
8/5/2001: Hey... look! I put up a new poll. Maybe some of you can actually vote on it this time. Oh... and since no one entered in my banner contest, I now have no banner. Any ideas?
11/1/01: Sorry about the lack of updates. I finally have cable modem, so there will be a lot more changes. I'm now living with my friend Jake. I'm pregnant. I was engaged. I have a job (Walgreens). And I am currently single. I suppose that's all the updates for now. More to come.
2/02/02: Amber Lee Brooks was born 1/24/02 at 4:39pm, 4 pounds, 4 ounces, 7 weeks early. She is still in the hospital because she's a premie, but she'll be home soon. I'm a bit sore, but ok. I'll keep everyone up to date on Amber's condition.
12/01/02: Alright, I know I've been gone fore a while, but I'm back. For a full update on Amber please go toAmber's Story. As for a full update on me please go to Story of My Life.
07/16/03: Ok, I said good bye to my Story of My Life page. I decided I would just update you on important stuff through this News section. As you can see I'm updating my site. Big Time! There will be more new pics of Amber and even some new ones of my boyfriend George.
12/13/03: Well, I quit my job at Walgreen's. I just couldn't stand working there anymore. But I'm looking for a new one. I got Amber alot of cool stuff for Christmas. After Christmas I will be taking myself off of a medicine I'm on. It has become too expensive. Only problem is the withdrawal symptoms are VERY bad. Everyone wish me luck!
9/14/04: Hey! Look at me updating my site! Hopefully there'll be more to come :D

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Amber's Story

Pictures of Amber

Pictures of George

Pictures of My Pets

Pictures of Me and My Friends

Dream Diary
