Countrymen! Lend me your ears! Amsterdam, November 25, 2001. No! Vincent! I didn't mean that literally! I bet that hurts... Amsterdam is a wierd place. I was sitting in a laundrette yesterday when a Canadian guy (presumably in an attempt to strike up a conversation) says to me, "So, are you into trees?". I told him he won the prize for the wierdest single thing I've ever been asked while waiting for my washing to finish. I think I put him off a little, I didn't mean to be nasty, it was just another strange episode in what had already been a reasonably strange day. I managed to haul my bum out of bed in time to catch the train in Paris. I had just worked up an appropriately gallic amount of facial hair and discovered the secret to speaking French by the time I had to leave. The trick, I've decided, is to just not pronounce the last part of words. Just sort of tail off half to three quarters of the way through. Oh, and while I'm still with France, a couple of people asked about the catacombs: In the early 1900s (I think) the cemetaries in Paris started filling up, so they had to clear up space by exhuming bones and stacking them in unused tunnels under the city. Every so often there was a "headstone" telling you which cemetary that selection of bones came from. Now you know. So after having gotten a hold on French, I change countries and therefore languages. Why in the hell did anyone need to invent "Double Dutch"? Single Dutch is confusing enough. It sounds a bit like German crossed with Danish. But that doesn't matter as everybody here speaks English (and probably six or seven other languages) perfectly. When I got off the train I made a beeline for the "Flying Pig" hostel, which I'd heard of as being the place to go in Amsterdam. It was full! Apparently it's always full, but it was especially full then as the "Cannabis Cup" was on. Imagine the Sydney Royal Easter Show with pot instead of gladioli, that's apparently what it's like. I didn't get to see it as it finished the day I arrived, but it meant the city is even more full of stoners than usual. This made the hostel I spent the first night in a very scary experience. But I got out of there and into the Pig pronto, so everything's cool with that. After being here now for almost a week, I've discovered that there isn't really that much to do in Amsterdam. I saw the Van Gough museum (and now know three ways to pronounce it: "van Goff", "van Go" and "van Goch" (the way the locals say it, with a throaty growl at the end). I enjoyed it quite a lot, even though Sunflowers was in Chicago at some travelling exhibition. I've also seen the Reijksmuseum which, apart from a couple of rooms of Rembrandts and the odd Rubens didn't do it for me much. There is altogether too much space devoted to furniture and gold spoons. I went and saw Anne Frank's house which also was quite unremarkable, unfortunately. When their cover was blown and they were all shipped off to various camps, the SS cleared all the furniture out so the rooms are fairly bare. So that leaves the Rembrandthus and the Heineken brewery if I could be bothered. I've been out a couple of times. I bought a ticket to see the Avalanches play here on Saturday night. I was pretty tired after having gone out to Haarlem (15 minutes on the train) to see Pete Gooding (Renaissance DJ) on Friday night, so I was just going to have a couple of beers in the hostel bar on Saturday evening and then a power nap before the show, which started at 1:00. So a couple of beers turns into about 5 (pints, mind) and I end up crashing at about 10:30 and not hearing my alarm and not waking up until 3. You've never seen a man move so fast into his clothes and into a cab, and I got there in time to hear the last half hour of the Avalanches set before they finished at 4:00. ARGH! I had a bit more success on Sunday night when I went to see the rapper Guru (of Gangstar/Jazzmatazz fame). He didn't play anything I recognised but I had a good time nevertheless. For one brief but joyful moment, I was one of the Guru's niggaz! :-) But that's all over the course of 6 days! What on earth have I been doing for the rest of the time? Mum, stop reading now. No Mum, really. You ought to stop reading now. Please. Ok, then, don't say I didn't warn you... I had actually been here for three days before I had my first spliff believe it or not; due to a funny wake/sleep cycle and not wanting to sit there getting stoned on my own. But there are a few people about in the hostel so the done thing is just to sit down, blaze up and then see if anyone is in a fit state for conversation. The first gram (of "Blueberry", the 2000 Cannabis Cup winner) lasted me a day and a half; the next gram ("Afghan Widow") lasted a day and I went through a whole gram of "B52" yesterday evening (but it was crap). So you can see where my week is heading. The question now is do I stay here for this weekend or have it in Frankfurt instead (I have to be on the plane at 1400 hours on Monday, so that really means spending Sunday night in Frankfurt). Or, by the time I have to make the decision, will I be in a state where I could really give a flying F...udge. Mmm, fudge. There are heaps of bakeries here evily preying on the munchies of stoner tourists. It was one of the first things I noticed when I arrived :-). I'd better get out of here now, I've been sitting in front of this bloody computer for hours and I'm getting hungry. Looks like it's too late to go and see the Rembrandthus though, whatever will I do for the rest of the afternoon? 7 days and counting... Cheers, Robert.