We're going to Ibiza! London, September 13, 2000. I assure you, that is the first, last and only time I will ever quote the Venga Boys. Ever. But yes. It's true. It was one of the things on the "while travelling" list and it's just come up suddenly. I had lunch with (guess who?) Kyne a week ago and he casually slipped in to the conversation "Oh, I'm going to Ibiza next week -- leaving on Saturday or maybe next Wednesday. Hey, do you wanna come?". So here I am, sitting at work with my bags packed, ready to go. We're flying out at about a quarter to midnight (no clue what airline it is, Kyne's booked it all) tonight (Wednesday) and flying in at an some ungodly hour next Thursday morning. 7 nights and 0 days of sun, sand and Seb Fontaine. So I'm planning to come straight from Gatwick to work. Should be fun. Maybe I'll have some marbles left. Possibly. There's not much of a plan at this stage. It's myself, Kyne and another Aussie named John who are going. We're staying in San Antonio in some sort of unit, and it's 10 minutes walk to the beach. Manumission looks good for Monday night, but I haven't had the opportunity to get a decent clubbing guide from anywhere. I don't suppose it will be difficult to pick one up there. I'm taking my dive gear too, just in case (but maybe diving's not advisable in the state I plan to be in :-). Must go now, Kyne's just called. Have you all been watching the "Ibiza Uncovered" show on channel 10? I haven't seen it but apparently it really is just like that. Note to Mum & Dad: *Don't* watch the Ibiza Uncovered show on Channel 10. We'll see how I go, after winning the Kieth Dury memorial trifecta at Reading :-). Not sure if I'll get to a net cafe while I'm there, so if not you'll hear from me in a couple of weeks! Cheers, Robert.