Gods' hand guiding His angels

Angels of protection flying the skies protecting our soliders day and night.

The Holy Spirit within us, surrounding us and guiding our President.

Thank You Heavenly Father for Your photographs that bring us comfort with knowing You have everything under control and we shall not fear for You have already written thousands of years ago, 'there will be wars and rumors of wars', do not fear for I am with You. Keep Your eyes upon Me.

Seek my face, stay in My word and I shall never ever forsake You.

Be strong in knowing, these things must come to pass before our glorious Jesus returns.

May God bless each and every single one of you reading this and may it bring you great comfort as God has intended.

Through Christ, we live, love and have eternal life. In Jesus' name, King of Kings, LORD OF ALL LORDS, Master of the Universe, we thank You.



photographs and writing copyrighted@Linda Elaine Calhoun 03/23/03

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