poems, storys, and writing

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I've been told many monoluge but their are only very few monoluges of peoples that I like. Their was this monoluge that I was told by a friend from school it was very funny and entertaining with that.The monoluge goes something like this: It was about 10 o'clock at night and we were pull on some corn and radishes and all of a sudden we hear oh, and ah. Back at home they just slap us down on the bed and that was it. So we listened and we heard it again ah, and oh. We went over to see what was going on and we so them pulling on a radish saying oh, and ah. We asked them what they were doing and they said "were trying to pull this radish out come on and help us. So now you have 8 girls pulling on a radish saying oh, and ah. The master wakes up and come to the window. He calls his son collin, Collin come here and see what they girls are doing. Collin comes and looks down and then up and say "Halla Lua". They run down stair and out to where we were. The master asks us what we were doing and we say "were trying to pull this radish out master". Collins looks at us and then at his dad. His dad looks at us and then at his son. Then Collin starts to laugh and say's "I thought you were popping cherry's. I thought that was the funniest thing that I have ever heard of. But I have heard more then just that. Their's this other one that another friend is doing it goes something like this. I went to try out for this play and it took me two day's, since they don't have one of those 24:7 things. They have a 5day 12hour thing. So I tried out and I did my thang. The next day I got a call. I made it. YES! I learded my lines real fast and I knew my part real well. Then the day came and I ran out onto the stage and fainted. It was on a bed though. I don't know how they woke me up but they did. Then I heard the sound cue for the song and started to sing can't you feel the love to night. Then he pulled me over and said what are you doing and I said of wrong song? And he said yes. So I started to sing a kunma metata what a wonderful pharse. Then my boss came on stage and fired me. The audience loved it they thought it was part if the script. You want to know what I hated the most about it, was the fact that i didn't get to finish my song. I am starting a group with my friend and i don't know what we will call our selfs yet all i know is that it is going to be so much fun and a real adventure. But when you sing you get an experience that is one to enjoy and live with if it is bad i suggest that you stop look at how it went wrong and then change it so that it can be better. That was a monologue that i enjoyed. But if you mail me with your I can so easily pick your to be the number one funniest monologue or story if you enter it please click below. But beware if you can't email me and I'll see what I can do to fix the problem. I'm here to hear your thoughts and wonders and anything you have to say. Like I think Britney Spears is stupid and that Christina Augilar is a slut just little thoughts.

Email: actresa@aol.com