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Rosedale Friends Church Cemetery


Rosedale, Oregon


Burial ground of James Haldane Carr and Cora Luella Johnson Carr




8 Miles south of Salem, Oregon


From Commercial Street south, take Liberty Road south,


Then turn left (east) on Hylo Road (it goes and high and low!)


Then left (north) at the Rosedale Friends Church, onto Champion Hill Road SE



Photos taken February 7th, 2003, on a sunny day, temps in the low 50’s,



Photos by , great-grandson of James & Cora.


James and Cora were buried near their homestead, where they lived for many years on Bunker Hill Road, near Rosedale.


Two of my great-uncles live there now, and when I visit them, the house smells the same as 30 years ago, when I visited my great-grandparents there.


James Haldane Carr died on October 21st, 1971, in a car accident on Interstate 5, near Brooks, Oregon.  He somehow passed out, and crossed over the grassy median and hit an on-coming car.  I remember my Mom getting the phone call, that he had died…


A few years ago, the Oregon DOT installed a short cable barrier along this stretch of freeway, which would have prevented his death, had I been there at the time.


Cora Luella Johnson Carr died the next spring…but she had not been doing well for quite some time.



Click Here for Family info on James' grandmother, Phoebe Maxson Carr