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Friend's Quotes

Quotes by friends, classmates, people . . . All things on this page are acctual quotes said by acctual people I know. And we are considered the smartest people in our class . . go figure.

"Will whoever borrowed the computer please bring it back?" -Announcement at our school. Will someone please explain to me how one steals a computer, printer, moniter, and scanner out of a school during the day? And what makes the secretary think they'll bring it back?

"Whoever borrowed the . . . magazine from the library please return it... also, you need to return the fifteen foot extension ladder to Carl." -Another announcement, don't remember the name of the magazine. Gee, people at our school sure like to "borrow" things, don't they?

"There are clothes in my closet!" -Psycho, my dearly insane friend. Oh, is that where you find them?! (someday I will explaine our nicks)

[Echo's brother points to a car that has a barbeque grill sitting next to it. Flames are shooting up from the grill, which is right next to the window of the car.]
Keith: Hey look! That car's on fire!
Echo (my oldest friend. Friends since the 1st grade): Oh my gosh!
Keith and his friend laugh their head off and Echo is forced to hit her brother for making a fool of her.

Psycho: I'm going to tell you about that movie now
since you can't watch it.
Brooklyn (me): Okay, tell me about the movie.
Psycho: What movie?

[Our English teacher's oldest son, Sheldon, was having trouble with how much attention his youngest brother, Shane, was getting, so this is what my english teacher asked him.]
English teacher: Sheldon, don't you just love Shany?
Sheldon: Yes mom, I love Shany so much I could chop his head off.

"I think you have the chicken pox." -Sheldon, English teacher's 5 yr. old son talking to a guy in our class who had lots of zits on his face. (The kid thought the zits were chicken pox.)

"Well, now the hand's on the other foot!" -Jonathan, guy in speech.

"The bunny goes through the loop!" -Hayden, playing a murderer in a play, and saying a line he's not supposed to when the other murderer can't tie a guy up. (Hayden is one of the funniest guys I know)

"The guy we killed in London was just as dead as the guy we killed in London... er, Melbourn." -Hayden messing up again.

"I can't misspell anything wrong anyway." -Brooklyn (Me)

Kid: Can I have a pop?
Echo: Sure, what kind?
Kid: Small.
Echo and Josiah, annoyed: What kind?
Kid: Oh... Dr Pepper.
-Echo, Josiah (guy in school), and some kid at concession stand.

Person: Can I have a Pepsi?
Echo: Is Coke okay?
Person: Uh... what else do you have?
Echo: Dr Pepper, Sprite, Coke, and Diet Coke.
Person: You have Diet Dr Pepper? I want that.
Echo, annoyed: No, just Dr Pepper, Sprite, Coke, and Diet Coke.
-Echo and some person at the concession stand... gosh that was annoying. Really, if she doesn't name it, we don't have it.

"That's a freshwater ocean." -Stevie (Guy in my class, used to be friends.)

Erin: Hippos don't live in the ocean!
Brody: They do to! They have fins for ***'* sake!
-Kids in my class (I don't like Brody. He's a . . . bad word.)

"I'm not going to list all the people who died in this book, it's during the Civil War, I don't have that short of a memory... long." -Echo talking about Gone with the Wind

Candy: Is that an ant farm?!
Echo, sarcastic: No, it's a pig farm.
Candy: Is it cool looking?!
Echo, amused: You tell me..
Brooklyn: You're the one looking at it.
Echo: Say something else, this is fun.
Candy: They look like... they look like...
Echo: Ants?
Candy, excited: Yeah!!

"I did not make an error; I just needed to revise." -English teacher

Geometry teacher: It's also Dynamic Duo day. Super man and Clark Kent. I'm my own duo.
Brody: I knew you were skitsofrenic.
Geometry teacher: I am... but I'm not.

Echo: How long had he been dead?
Montana: For the rest of his life.
-Montana and I discussing a mummy.

"I think it's just liquid alcohal." -Brody... isn't all alcohal liquid?

Geometry teacher: We're testing your spacial aptitude.
Echo: I already know I'm spacey if that's what you mean.

"Yes, that's a postulate. In this room we're accepting that our arms won't go through walls." -Geometry
teacher's response when Brody asked her how she knew her arm wouldn't go through the chalk board. (A postulate is theory but not fact.)

Clint: Oh, was that the Hooker girl?
Janet: The hooker?!
-Echo's brother Clint, talking to her brother Keith, Janet is her dad's ex-wife. Note: Hooker is a town in the Oklahoma panhandle, the girl was from Hooker, she wasn't A hooker. A lot of confusion that day, there was also a rumor that Echo was a bartender and she's only 17. :) (There was someone else with her name that was a bartender and someone thought she was the bartender)

"I'll drive from the backseat." -Echo

[Echo points at calculator] "Jeff, I don't like this calender!"

"I'm telling you, it's the same stinkin' camera!" -Echo talking about a camper.

Echo: Look! A streetlight!
Ax: Yeah, it makes the trees look green.
-Ax and Echo... wow! Green trees?! (and these are my friends.)

"The car was walking down the street.." -Echo in a fan-fic she was writing

"I hope it's a girl because I want to be an aunt, not an uncle." -Amber (Psycho's cousin)

"A-b-c-d-e-f-j.. wait a minute.." -girl in school

Augie: He's just misunderstood.
Benedict: No he's not, he's just stupid."
-A guy in my class and our substitute (who is also a cop) discussing Brody.

"The bell sounds like a dead cow." -Some kid in our school, tell me, has anyone ever heard a dead cow?

Dallas: He knows where you sleep.
Erika: No kiddin', in a bed.
Two girls in our school. Don't like Erika much.

Benedict: What does that have to do with hooking you up with a dude?"
Dallas: A dude? It has to be a dude?
Benedict: Well I wouldn't want to hook you up with a chic.
The sub and a girl in my school.

Dallas: Have fun with them for a while and then move on to greener pastures.
Benedict, looking surprised: That sounds kind of trashy.
Dallas: I didn't mean it like that!

"What do you guys do? I mean, I know they don't have donut shops in Turpin!" -Dallas talking to Benedict, our town cop.

Benedict: Why don't you jump on him and work him over? Nathan: No, that don't sound good.

"There was this old guy across the hall that would yell 'It's cold in here, build me a fire!' That's what I want to be like when I get old!" -Keith (Yeah, only you.)

Teacher: It'll only get bigger, better, and worse. (Oh that makes sense... better and worse?)

Shawn: Maybe it's the birthday of his death? (Yeah, the birthday of his death... can you say, oxymoron?)

Keith: You know what this picture needs?
Echo: No! I'm not putting any KKK guys or confederate fags, I mean, flags on my picture!

Echo: I meant to say fag not flag.

Psycho: Then you look at me like I'm psycho or something!
Brooklyn and Echo: You are Psycho!

"Cars are like books. An old Camero that's fixed up really nice is like... Shakespeare. A new camero is like one of those romances grandma reads. A family car is like... math books. And a jacked up pickup truck is like... John Grisham." -Keith explaining the rating of cars in terms he thinks Echo'll understand, I love cars!

Echo complimenting girl in art class on painting: That's really good!
Brooklyn: Shut up! (I thought she was complimenting hme and it made me mad.... don't ask.)

"I'm calling Keith, Echo." -Echo (she meant to say Spot! she was calling her brother Spot because he was acting egotistical! she's been doing this stuff all the time... she's called, Keith, Psycho, Brooklyn (me), and another girl (Montana) Echo... she's labeled notes to Psycho "Echo" and called Brooklyn (me) Psycho.)

"I don't have any fat rolls! Fat roll free! No fat rolls! No fat rolls!" -A cheerleader watching a horror film that she's in (a cheerleading video to be exact) and yelling this intelligent line over and over. *Echo and I roll our eyes*

"Pull out your knife and shoot him!" -Echo (Brooklyn: yeah that's intelligence for ya.)

Dice: I think I found it where you left it.
Curtis: No, that's not where it was.
Echo: You didn't put it where you left it?
Curtis: No
-Echo, Dice, and a guy in our Speech class

"Since when is Bill Clinton our president?!" -Echo

"How can you have a baby when you're in labor?!" -Elizabeth, girl in school(she meant when you're in a coma)

"Pull your hands out." -art teacher, we were drawing hands!

Spanish teacher: Pull out your body parts.
Student: Okay!
(Echo: We were learning words for arms and legs and she meant the lists with the words on them Brooklyn: It just sounds wrong though.)

"If I had been there, I wouldn't have been there." -Psycho

Echo: Are you a nazi or something?
Micheal: I am, my family is Russian.
-Echo and Micheal, the Russian nazi

"l-m-n-o-v... wait a minute, v?" -Echo thinking of the alphabet

"Ten, thou shalt not covet, eleven... what's the eleventh commandment? Wait a minute... eleven?" -Echo trying to think of the eleven, I mean, ten commandments.

"She's not opening the phone." -Echo... opening phones, turning off doors... I don't need sleep, nope, not me.

"What do Gabe Babes have against Spot?" Question Echo put on the survey.. Brooklyn fixed it.

"He smiled and shook my head." -typo in a story by echo

"You don't have to chase after you." -another typo (You don't have to chase after her. Same story where someone was driving down the street in 1899.)

"I'm now stupid." -yet another typo (I'm not stupid.) Echo.

"I want to take the picture of me and Charity!" -Keith (Echo's brother)

Keith: I'm going to poke your eye out with a spoon!
Echo: No, actually... that's a paintbrush.

"Funny, I always thought people went to college to get scholarships." -Echo, trying to make a football player look stupid but only making herself look like an idiot

Keith: I don't see you with a boyfriend.
Echo: Look where I live. Look at the guys I go to school with. Nathan, Brody, Steven?
Keith (thinking): Barlow? Me?
Echo laughs hysterically for the next five minutes. (Barlow is a hick cowboy that dips and... ewwwwww)

Echo: How are poles related to police?
Lacy (girl in my english class): They slide down the poles.

"Is kool-aid a band?" -Guy Echo met from the UK in a chat room.. they don't have Kool-Aid there!

Keith: Rod says I should be a comedian.
Echo: Yeah, you wouldn't have to say anything. Just stand on stage and they'll laugh. Of course, you could throw in your little, "Boats can fly" line, but it's not neccassary.
(long story Boats fly. Didn't you know that? I will post it some time.)

Keith: I'll beat you in science too!
Echo: This coming from a guy who thinks boats can fly?

"I hope he eats chalk and chokes." -Brooklyn talking about Brody

"What state is New York in?" Randy, guy in science class

"What? Do they think the purpose of pictures is to be looked at or something?" -Echo

"I need to call my girlfriend and see what he's doing." -Echo's brother, Keith

"Maybe my grandma has some toothpicks I can refill my hat with." -Keith (Echo: Yes, sadly, my brother does keep toothpicks in his hat.)

"Put a bunch of letters together, that's how you get a name." -Psycho (Echo: No kidding? I thought you used numbers!)

"Doubt that the stairs are fire." -Misty,my Garfield obessed friend. trying to write a poem and failing miserably

"Excuse me... jerk!" -Echo: Yes, I've had lectures about this one from Psycho. When you are trying to be polite, leave the jerk off the end... I know. But they deserved it!)

Echo: Someone just went into the bathroom.
Dice: Yeah, it was Psycho.
Echo: Oh... where's Psycho?

Speech teacher: Brody!
Brody to speech teacher: Are you asleep?
(Echo: Yeah, she's talking in her sleep.. you moron.)

"Why don't we just leave Brooklyn here and make her turn off the door?" -Echo

Michelle: I didn't know my boyfriend was your cousin!
Echo: Who's my cousin?

"I'm insane, not stupid." -Echo's motto... one of them anyway

"That's an oxymoron... or maybe just a moron." -our shortened version of a Sea Quest quote

"I got the berry!" and "Snicky, you go with them!" -Misty trying to quote directly from Newsies in her fanfic ("I got the Boury! and "Snipeshooter, you go wit 'em.")

"Newsies are the guys that walk around on the fake grass all the time, right?" -Travis, guy in art class. *Echo mutters under breath* Christian Bale.. Teletubbies... Andalites and Newsies aren't Teletubbies!

"I don't have what can be classified as thoughts... more like lapses in sanity." -Echo

"What do you think Spot was doing in the teddy with... I mean, in the carriage with Roosevelt!" -Echo

"That bird actually looks like a bird!" -Echo

"I feel like I'm in a silent movie. Only with color... and sound." -Echo

Echo: Barry e-mailed me yesterday.
Brooklyn: What'd he say?
Echo: Barry who?

"I was in a bad mood yesterday today." -Echo

"Innocent means guilty, right?" -Rebecca

"I hate the people at my school, they didn't kill me!" -Echo on Grim Reaper day

"Two as in, like, not one?" -Echo

"It's cold in the summer and hot in the winter." -Echo

Dice: See?! Doesn't that make you want to see the movie?!
Misty snores

"See! They can't even fly a boat!" -Echo's brother Keith. They were watching a show and someone crashed a submarine.. want amusement? E-mail her a message for her brother and ask him if he thinks boats can fly... he'll actually argue about it! (

Brooklyn: He knows Michael Deluise, he said he was really nice."
Echo: Was he good-looking?!
(Note from Echo: This is stupid because I was excited about this because I think Micheal Deluise is good-looking and it's just a stupid question considering I've seen him in every episode of Sea Quest ever made.)

"Breathe!" -Sign in a school (Echo: Thanks for the reminder.)

"There are people in there!" -Echo

"I can't help it if I'm-no I'm not!" -Echo

"Go over there and pretend you're standing." -band teacher (Echo: Okay, I'll sit on the grass and pretend... you said it yourself so don't yell at me!)

"You're down and screwed." -Kay (Echo: It's not as gross as it sounds but it's hard to explain.)

Echo: Josh is so good-looking. He's got brown hair, kind of tall, brown eyes...
Montana: You like Josh don't you?
Echo: Who's Josh?

"You're not as stupid as we are!" -Echo

DUDE!! You guys are INSANE!! *hears voice* Thank you.

Man, they're scaring me!