Loose Ends Version 1

Wednesday, June 14th…

Scene fades up in Café 101, a semi-popular Los Angeles eatery. El Linchador is sitting in a booth, his newly-acquired Intercontinental title belt on the seat next to him. He’s digging into a French dip. Across from him is a gingerly eating Pedro Esquille. He looks like he’s recovering from some sort of injury as he picks at his Cobb salad.

El Linchador : I have no control over the airing of footage, Pedro.

Pedro : How could you have no control? It’s your material! Your name is on it!

El Linchador : As gross as he is, Floyd Fallum has complete control over what airs. He’s using it all to put together the documentary about my return!

Pedro : How much longer is this guy going to be in your life?

El Linchador puts down his French dip, which is falling apart due to an excess of au jus sauce!

El Linchador : Well, Pedro my man, I have to be honest. Probably until I get a World Title shot.

Pedro : Christ.

El Linchador : What?

Pedro : Nothing.

El Linchador : You don’t think I’ll get one?

Pedro : I didn’t say that.

Pedro scoops up some more leafy greens and downs them.

El Linchador : Well a contract is a contract. I will concede that it was strange that he came to LA.

Pedro : Floyd? I guess he wanted to see you actually get this title belt.

El Linchador : Right, but the Pay-Per-View was in Oklahoma… I feel I should be happier I have this, finally… but it feels very unearned.

He looks at the gold belt, sitting next to him like an obedient puppy.

Pedro : So how’s your father?

El Linchador : Great! He made it back to Spain just fine. What about the gym?

Pedro : Yeah… I should fill you in…

Wavy wavy lines. Eerie music.

Title card reads: LAST THURSDAY… June 8th!

More wavy lines.

Pedro is standing amongst the rubble of his gym. Well, part of his gym that was damaged. But enough of the gym was burnt to disrupt it’s grand opening. It’s closed down. Pedro’s new dream feels on-hold yet again…

Just then, a very large man yells from the doorway.

Floyd Fallum : PEDRO! What the f*** happened here?

Pedro turns and winces upon seeing the financial backer of El Linchador’s return. Floyd Fallum.

Pedro : Fire. What the hell are you doing here?

Floyd walks into the damaged gymnasium, looking around as if he knows what he’s looking for.

Floyd Fallum : This is dickass, Pedro! How the hell did this place catch on fire? You smoking cigars? Lighting hookers on fire?

Pedro : No, Floyd. The fire department is still investigating. There is evidence is might’ve been arson.

Floyd does a double-take, his chin flopping like wet pork chops.

Floyd Fallum : WHAT? SOMEONE burns down MY gym - I mean - YOUR gym? Sh*t f*ck, why didn’t you call me immediately? I have to get the insurance company down here right away.

Floyd runs back out of the room and hops on his cell phone.

Pedro : Cripes.

Cut to -

The Hospital.

Miss Grace and El Linchador are standing over his father, El Toreador, who is lying in bed. A doctor stands there, shaking Linchy’s hand feverishly.

Doctor: I mean, my kids watch you all the time.

El Linchador : That’s nice, but -

Doctor: And they always tell me “DAD, GET US TICKETS” and I’m like “Sorry, Billy and Tommy, daddy’s gotta work.”

El Linchador : I see, but I -

Doctor: And then I feel all guilty because I’m doing pretty well for myself and why can’t I just GO to an event, right? Like the kids would LOVE Capital Punishment!

El Linchador : DOC!

Doctor: What?

El Linchador : Let go of my hand!

Doctor: Oh, sorry!

The Doctor stops shaking Linchy’s hand. His dad and Grace just look at them patiently.

El Linchador : So, what’s up with my dad, who magically showed up out of nowhere.

Doctor : He’s doing much better -

El Toreador : You know I’m right here. I can talk!

El Linchador : We’ll GET to YOU, dad! You have a ton of explaining to do!

El Toreador : I told you, son, some weird man from Detroit told me you were fighting some guy who hated his father, so he thought fatherly love would help you out. I flew here even though Spain is in the World Cup finals!

El Linchador : I hope they do well.

El Toreador : Me too.

El Linchador : But this is all so STRANGE!

Miss Grace’s cell phone goes off.

Miss Grace : You guys keep going, I gotta take this.

Miss Grace leaves.

El Linchador : So, doc, back to you. How is my father, for the billionth time?

Doctor: Short answer - good! He did have some smoke inhalation and a slight bruising on his back, but otherwise he’s fine. I’ll want to keep him a little longer, but he’ll be discharged at the latest by tomorrow.

El Linchador : Friday.

Doctor: Right.

El Linchador : A few days before Capital Punishment, which would be on July 11th.

Doctor: Right.

El Linchador : OK, just making sure, in case they use this footage for a flashback and used as a non-official promo. Thanks, doc!

The doctor starts to leave, then freezes, looking at Linchy.

El Linchador : I promise to get you some schwag before I take off.

The doctor hops up and down, then sprints from the room. Linchy turns to his dad and punches him in leg.

El Toreador : OW!!!

El Linchador : What were you doing at Pedro’s new gym that late?

El Toreador : I had a crappy flight! Floyd may be rich, but he can stingy when it comes to air travel.

El Linchador : Well, I’m glad you came, but I’m sorry you got caught up in that fire. And I’m mad you didn’t tell me. And glad you’re here. A lot of various emotions.

El Toreador : How’s Pedro doing?

El Linchador : I think he’s OK. I mean, he lost his old gym in Chicago and that upset him for awhile. And, to be honest, pops, he hasn’t been too crazy about coming out of wrestling retirement. But I think the promise of a new gym in Hollywood really made him happy. Made it all seem worth it. I don’t know if he’ll stick around now, to be honest.

El Toreador : I’m sure he will, Lincny. He’s an old friend. He’ll do it for me.

El Linchador : I want him to do it for himself. That’s why I’m back. That’s why I’m fighting for the Intercontinental title!

El Toreador : And one day the World?

El Linchador : Yeah. But my boy Derek’s got a World Title shot on Sunday. If it ain’t me, I’d much rather it be him.

El Toreador grabs his son’s hand.

El Toreador : If I have never said this before, then I’ll say it now so you know. I’m proud of you, son.

Cut to - Outside in the hallway. Miss Grace picks up her phone.

Miss Grace : What?

Floyd Fallum (on phone) : What do you mean WHAT?

Miss Grace : Are you here?

Floyd Fallum (on phone) : Yeah, I just saw the gym. Nice work, only you missed half of it!

Miss Grace : It’s not easy to set a FIRE, Floyd!

Floyd Fallum (on phone) : Keep your goddamn voice down!

Miss Grace : It’s not easy!

Floyd Fallum (on phone) : Clearly you find it difficult. They also suspect arson! Did you leave your headshot behind as well, you nitwit?

Miss Grace : WHAT? I thought you said -

Floyd Fallum (on phone) : You didn’t DO what I SAID, Grace! You’re lucky I’m here to clean up this mess. You did enough to help in the short-term, but next time, follow my instructions EXACTLY, or I’ll reveal this whole thing to El Linchador. Got it?

Miss Grace : Yeah. Fine!

Floyd Fallum (on phone) : Keep your mouth SHUT.

He hangs up. Grace hangs her head.


Linchy, Grace, Pedro, El Toreador and Floyd are all in the gate area of a flight to Oklahoma City. As they sit in a row of chairs, Floyd nudges Grace to look up at the screen. Grace shakes Pedro, who looks up. Toreador taps his son on the shoulder.

On-screen, the crazy woman from the gym is being arrested.


Everyone looks at Pedro.

Pedro : Unbelievable.

Floyd Fallum : Well I’m glad they got her at least.

He looks at Grace.

Miss Grace : Yeah. I hope she gets fried.

Pedro : For arson?

Miss Grace : Oh yeah. Maybe the gun squad.

Toreador taps Linchy on the arm, who’s slouching in a chair, his eyes closed.

El Toreador : Hey. Wake up.

Linchy looks up at his dad.

El Linchador : Yeah, I’m awake. Just thinking about the match.

El Toreador : You’ll do fine.

El Linchador : Yeah. I guess. Something just doesn’t feel right.

El Toreador : Hey, how is Penelope?

El Linchador : Oh. Yeah. I caught her cheating on me.

El Toreador : Oh…

Grace looks over at Linchy. Floyd smiles. Pedro eyes Floyd suspiciously.

El Linchador : I haven’t talked to her since. I probably should.

El Toreador : Yes, you should. If only to get some closure. Maybe save the family.

El Linchador : Tell you what. If I win the title belt, I’ll be sure to talk to her. Settle this once and for all. Clean the slate, you know?

El Toreador : That’s my boy!

El Toreador : By the way, how’s Guanniles Pena doing? I haven’t seen him here in Los Angeles with you?

Floyd smiles again.

El Linchador : Who knows? Floyd? You sent him on a mission too, right?

Floyd Fallum : I suuuuuure did!

Cut to -

Iraq… unknown city…

Masked men with guns are slowly moving down a dirt road. Cut to opposite side of the street as US military are hiding behind a building. One scout with a sniper rifle is monitoring the insurgents approaching.

Cut to the middle of the street. A box, a bit out of place, sits in the middle.

The camera zooms in closer, and two blinking eyes face the side of the US armed forces. The box sneezes. It’s Guanilles Pena.

Guanilles Pena : !

Cut back to this past Wednesday…

Linchy puts the last bit of French dip mess in his mouth.

El Linchador : So that’s all I know.

Pedro : I was there for half of it.

El Linchador : Right.

Pedro : So did you talk to Penelope?

El Linchador : I did. We’re going to just take some time. Not a divorce, but just a trial separation. She said I can have the kids whenever I want, just to give her a head’s up.

Pedro : Huh… does Miss Grace have anything to do with this?

El Linchador : With my wife and I? No. Grace is a good valet. A good bodyguard, even. But I have no romantic feelings for her. She’s way too… um -

Pedro : Bitchy.

El Linchador : That’s it. That’s the word.

Pedro : Well, with your pops back home, I’m here if you need some advice. I never married, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know women.

El Linchador : Yeah right.

Pedro : Seriously.

El Linchador : Let’s get back to the gym. I want to be ready for my next match.

Pedro : Which is when?

El Linchador : I have no idea… I’ll pop in at this week’s Inferno…

Fade to black…