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The NBA. The gathering of many of the greatest players of the game. NBA analysts argue over who is the best player in the game. Many believe "Shaq" to be the greatest player in the NBA....I simply become nauseated at the very THOUGHT of this great atrocity...but I shall leave that discussion open for another section. Anyway, back to Jason.

First of all, let me state that if you are even viewing a section titled "Why Jason" you are probably still in the dark about the master of all things basketball. Williams is quite possibly the best ball handler in the NBA. Ok..he has an occasional turnover...SO F'EN WHAT! The NBA was created for entertainment purposes. Trust me. If you watch Jason Williams handle the ball you will be entertained.

Behind the back. Behind the head. Between his legs. Off his elbow. How creative can one individual be? Take a look at Jason Williams and you will find the answer. Gravity will be defied and jaws will drop. If Jason Williams was a math equation it would be the following:

Jason = tha man.

In closing, I want to thank everyone who made this site possible:
1. Jason Williams
2. Me
