Your Feedback ...Your Compliments

          Since starting this site I have received NUMEROUS e-mails on what a great site it is. I want to thank all of you who have written to thank me as well as to ask for further advice. It is truly inspirational to see just how much this site has helped you.

          Of course, I can write a million things here and recommend even more. However, nothing is greater than fan mail advising of the benefits and GREAT results they have gotten following the basic guidelines and using the items I have listed.

          As a matter of fact, a friend and I are considering going into business. Smile.

          This page is dedicated to YOUR fan mail and commentary! Thanks to all, once again.

          You Should SEE My Hair NOW!

          Mail received March 25, 2000 from Gweny 73
          Dear Susana,
          It's been about 6 weeks since I last wrote to you. I've continued to take your advice and you should see how my hair has grown. My last relaxer was in Dec. I use the oils you recommend and wash my hair at least twice a week. Last week my hairdress pressed my hair and I have over 3 inches of new growth!! She was shocked. And she said it was thick and healthy. She couldn't believe it she thought it would fall out if I didn't relax it.

          I ordered supplies from Victorian Greenhouse. They come quickly and I am very pleased with the products. My hair is also very shiny and healthy looking. Some people thought it was a weave because it is so thick!

          Since you told me I need oil on my hair, I use plain Mayonannaise and olive oil (then I add a little Jojoba, aloe, and coconut oil) I use a heating cap and wash it out like your instructions say. I also use a little Wild hair growth oil daily. I found that I don't need a lot of greasy stuff, just oil if I use the products that you suggest.

          I'm sorry this letter is so long I am just so happy with your website I have never had fast growing hair but now I do and healthy. So far I don't plan to put a relaxer back in it but I might change my mind in the summer. If I do I'll be sure to contact you first for ways to prevent it from falling out again. I also set my hair on rollers the way you suggested it. But it is hard to sleep on them!! The clips get tangled up in my hair and come out at night!!

          Thanks again! I use Shea butter Rosemary oil and aleo vera also!

          Girl Godd Bless u!!

          My input on the sleeping with rollers is that it's not good. I told Gweny to try doing the anchoitas (loops of hair clipped down) for a softer sleeping experience!
          WAY TO GO GWENY!!!