
the delicious end

his coffee eyed silky desire flashed

behind perfectly uneven tables of teeth

and Shiva laughed






The years shape long



...............need found wounded again away my heart

The true hands know







High and far denied

pinned by the ravenmoon

my bloodstained soul wakes and gently shrinks

Till Consumed






oceans between fences

when days wept time of juniper

grasses pirates nettles childhood streets

that time of precisely sometimes places







mind's long legged desire

. . . . . . . . numb


never . . . . . . . . . . . wasn't . . . . . . . . . . . can't



Maybe something whispered

just say the Wanting is the why





...sitting... [[20++]]

sitting where something else wasn't

you too can hear thoughts whisper and wave


your mind does it


Maybe once caught Wanting But never known

why just Here the very place Where

someone Never was






~sipping~ #rusty# Wine


I saw myself trying to


. . . . . . desire

. . . . . . . . . . . . . s-l-o-w-l-y-> . . . headed-> . . to








a warm wondering wind

and pale estranged breezes

send through the

afternoon eye of Summer's harmony

a hummingbird reply





...wind(a)... ((revised~1~?))

a warm wondering wind

and pale estranged breezes


through the afternoon eye

of Summer's harmony

a hummingbird reply




...wind(b)... ((revised~2~?))

a warm wondering wind

and breezes pale



through the afternoon eye

of Summer's harmony

a hummingbird reply





 . . . groping

. . .  seeking

Frail fingers of fog


the sodden eyes

of those winter grey afternoons






Bees bouquet lingers in lemon grass

rippling butter clouds breeze

While summer stretches at last across a calico apple sky







[[..too many notes..]]


another version using


than the

Official Rule('s)




that day's

available words


[[..the capital LeTTerS..]]



As rippling butter clouds breeze over the apple orchard's children

Bees bouquet lingers in the lemon grass

While summer stretches at last across a calico sky






desire opened the rehersal

within hastily balanced hesitations

Wondering fingers releasing reservations

bodies woven into unheard rhythms our

Bronze melody






when week-end words

Sing three farthings sensible sound

little feet laugh with sixpence

measuring the acre with

their threepenny song







heaven beyond time

The changes

planets patiently run calm true curves  

The watcher awake

much is done

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   and

 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . nothing happens







eye of grace

belladonna beauty

born to end

priceless nightshade triumph imprisoning

the wandering dance of saintly chance


no sale






poetry's magenta chasm embroiders

our exquisitely essential four-square architechture

it's towering fabric skySwings


. . . . . . . . . . Unpretentious








humble soil dispassionate

old voice of Earch burdened

my insignificance will tread

your power

while angels count your tired breaths







Embraced your hope waking

grasped your shining spirit's sudden chance light taken

to share deep time within

Entrenched night






. . . . . . Time

joy's solar grace drew

paper plans interlinking stages

. . . each balanced

 . . . . . . Placed

. . . . . . . . . in perfectly circled elegant embrace


 . . . . . . . . .elation





~Faye Manning