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New Jersey Association for Spiritual, Ethical & Religious Values in Counseling

Fall 2002 **********a Sanctuary Publication ********** Newsletter


Recently, 2 esteemed colleagues from our New Jersey Counseling Association questioned whether or not they should be members of ASERVIC. One declared she was an atheist while the other claimed she was not at all spiritual.

I believe there is some confusion about the nature of spirituality. Most of us possess qualities which we do not recognize as spiritual. These qualities are not necessarily related to a belief in a deity or require membership in organized religion.

If you have any qualities of empathy, compassion or forgiveness, then you are truly spiritual.

Come explore and plumb our understanding of spirituality and let us all learn together at our first workshop of the season.

Join us for brunch and exploration. We will all be richer for it! - E. Betty Levin, President NJASERVIC

E. Betty Levin became NJASERVIC President July 1, 2002

I am very plased to become your president of ASERVIC. I have been on a spiritual path for many years. My activities have focused primarily on the aging process and peace work.

On the aging agenda, I have lectured frequently on the "Wisdom of Aging" to senior groups at most hospitals in north central New Jersey. My Aging Well presentation is a conscious-raising process that recognizes, despite some physical decline, that years of accumulated wisdom can enhance quality of life in the later years. As the 97 year old poet Stanley Kunitz declares, despite aging, "Spirit and creativity remain!" He continues to publish new books on poetry. As for me, I am almost 77 years old, not an age to hide, but to celebrate.

My peace activities started during the cold war when I inaugurated a series of programs, Changing the Silence, an attempt to counter the psychic numbing around the nuclear threat. These despair/emplowerment workshops were based on concepts developed by Buddhist Joanna Macy.

I served many years on the board of Partners in Peacemaking led by Naomi Drew, gifted educator, author and lecturer. Currently, I am organizing a workshop, Creating Peace in Violent Times, to be facilitated by Naomi at my spiritual home, Ethical Culture Society, in Maplewood, November 2.

Clinically, I am a LPC, NCC and CCMHC. I have been in private practice for 27 years.

U.S. Representative Dennis J. Kucinich spoke at the Praxis Peace Institute Conference on Sunday, June 9, 2002 in Dubrovnik, Crotia on Spirit and Stardust


-- Andrea Campbell, PhD

Images of assault, murder, wars, child abuse and political corruption barrage us with constant delivery in minute to minute news reports. Thrust into the voyeurism, we watched rapid fire video replays of a young mother leaning into her automobile to batter her four-year-old daughter. The one year anniversary of 9/11 evoked shock and re- traumatization, again provoking our basic national sense of right and wrong . Globally, humanity is challenged to debate the morality of war with Iraq and question how we can satisfy the need to punish offenders who initiated so much 9/11 suffering. Individually, nationally and internationally we are confronted by this moral/ethical dilemma . Humanity is facing an enormous inquiry into its creative ethical courage.

Webster defines ethic as; the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation. The second definition under ethical is; conforming to esp. professional standards of conduct.

As practicing mental health counselors we too are faced with issues that challenge our ethical and moral courage, (courage ,meaning of the heart) and often we question ,"how do I keep the heartfullness in my practice and remain ethical?" As chair of the NJASERVIC ethics committee I conducted an ethics workshop at our last meeting. We participated in a fun question and multiple choice answer discussion that aroused commentary, stimulated discussion and provided added awareness of liability causes. We addressed confidentiality, data privacy, using the term psychotherapist and explored disclosure. For those of us who love our work, keeping the heartfulness and warmth is as important as respecting ethical codes.

Far from an expert on the subject of professional ethics, I recommend that when licensees are unsure whether or not they will be in violation of an ethical code, they must consult with the state licensure board.

Ethics define boundaries. Boundaries inviolate the sacred. Now more than ever before in history we must model respect for boundaries and diversity. The Dalai lama encourages, "through developing an attitude of responsibility toward others, we can begin to create the kinder more compassionate world we all dream of."

More information regarding ethics and the ethics workshops can be found on the NJASERVIC website.

Andre is a past President of NJASERVIC, holds a PhD, is a Licensed Professional Counselor, a Board Certified Mental Health Counselor and a Certified Global Career Development Facilitator Instructor. She has more than 20 years of diversified experience in group and individual therapy and marriage and family counseling. She is in private practice, is an adjunct college teacher and has extensive consultation experience with hospitals, colleges, private foundations, social service agencies and community groups.

President Elect Judy Harrow's second book has been published

Judy Harrow has been a Wiccan High Priestess for over twenty years. She holds a Masters Degree in counseling and is "retired" from the New York State Department of Labor after 30 years of service. She was one of the co-creators of a workshop series on Basic Counseling Skills, intended to help amateur clergy assist congregants with the problems and confusions of normal life. Judy's first book, Wicca Covens, is a well-known and highly respected introduction to group dynamics for coven leaders. Her second book, Spiritual Mentoring, has just been released by ECW Press.

Barbara Burgard is new NJASERVIC Secretary

Barbara holds a Master of Arts Degree and is a Nationally Certified Counselor. With over 25 years experience within human services, she is currently employed as a mental health counseling gerontologist in Hunterdon County. She is a Quaker and her interest in NJASERVIC comes from the belief that there is a spitirual dimension in counseling.

Laurie Langbein is new NJASERVIC Treasurer

Laurie holds a Masters Degree in Counseling Services, is a Licensed Professional Counselor, a Nationally Certified Counselor and a Certified Social Worker. Currently, she is the Executive Director of the Interfaith Hospitality Network of Mercer County and has been since its inception. In addition to her clinical credentials, Laurie has a BA in Sociology from Rider University with a specialty in business management.

Phylis Philipson is Awards Chairperson

Phylis J. Philipson Ph.D. is in private practice in Edison seeing individuals, couples and families and serves on the faculty of Kean University's Graduate Counseling Program. She is past President of the New Jersey Counseling Association, NJ Mental Health Counseling Association, founder and a Past President of NJ Marriage and Family Counselors, a Past President of NJASERVIC and served on the ASERVIC National Board for four years. She has been the reciient of many service awards including the prestigious Tabler Award from NJCA. She continues to be active in NJASERVIC. In addition, she became a Working Ahead Certified Instructor this year.

She has two grown daughters, one married living in Florida and the other in California. She continues to work a full schedule. She has just moved into a smaller home and is 'happily downardly mobile," and looking forward to more travelling including frequent visits to her daughters.

Michael Lazarchick is now Past President

Michael was on the committee that chartered NJASERVIC and served as the first president. A dozen years later, he has now completed a second term as President. Michael remains active as our Webmaster and Newsletter Editor. He has a Masters Degree in Employment Counseling, is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Nationally Certified Career Counselor, Certified Global Career Development Facilitator Instructor and a graduate of the New Jersey Leadership Institute on Workforce Development. Michael is currently Manager of a Workforce New Jersey One Stop Career Center. He has presented four different workshops at the American Counseling Association World Conference all titled, Experiencing Spirituality. Michael became interested in Spirituality when working in the Atlantic City public employment office during the advent of Casino Gambling. "It was a great place to learn to be a counselor. I encountered world class social problems and knew quickly a little Divine influence couldn't hurt."
Contributions to this news letter may be sent to Michael Lazarchick

Chartered during 1989, NJASERVIC emphasizes the spiritual, ethical and values dimensions of counseling issues, such as human rights, spiritual growth, world peace and religious freedom. When we formed the association we printed the following goals: 1) To explore issues of spirituality as related to the practice of professional counseling; 2) To provide state leadership in moral and social justice issues within the practice of counseling; and 3) To contribute to the development of professional counseling in religious, private and public institutions.

Deadline Close for NJCA Conference Workshop Proposals

If you can present a Workshop on Spiritual, Ethical or Religious Topics in Counseling, Please send in a Proposal by October 30th. The NJCA Annual Conference will be held April 6, 7 and 8, 2002 at the Princeton Westin (formerly, the Princeton Marriott). The Proposal to Present Form is on the NJCA Web Page.

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