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I can’t remember the last time,
I felt the way I do,
I find I don’t stop smiling,
Whenever I’m with you.

It’s been so long since I met someone,
Who really caught my eye,
And made it all too difficult,
For me to say goodbye.

I rarely feel this comfortable,
Around someone I hardly know,
But you make it easy for me to be myself,
And let my feelings show.

It’s amazing how you seem to know,
The perfect words to say,
You make me forget my fears,
I watch my worries float away.

It’s strange how you will often speak,
As if you’re reading from my mind,
We think alike on many things -
I know that’s a good sign.

Tonight you made me realize,
That nice guys still exist,
I felt myself just melt away,
With every single kiss.

I had butterflies in my stomach,
And shivers down my spine,
A kind of electricity,
When your hand reached out for mine.

I don’t know where fate might lead us,
Or what the future will contain...
But I know I enjoy spending time with you,
And can’t wait to do it again.