How to Write HP Fanfiction

I will admit it, I am not the greatest fanfiction author in the world. GASP! I know, this may come as a huge shock to you all, but it is true. I'm not the greatest. I have tried my hand at a few genres though. Everything from songfics (my personal favorite) to long series (PITA!) to humor. Which, I'm horrible at. But I attempted, gave it my best shot, THEN I failed. You cannot just assume that you are horrible and shouldn't make the effort. If you like to read it, and would like to try it, then go for it! Yes, maybe you will be horrible. But hey, you tried. And it was fun, wasn't it? Maybe you had a blast and although you sucked, you're still gonna do it, FOR YOU! Well, all the more power to you. But I thought, you know, in TONS of my stories, there has been horrible mistakes because I was too lazy to go and pickup my book and look for it. I mean, which book? then which chapter? and then by that time, I just don't care anymore. But what if it was right there for you, at just the click of the button. Well, TADA! That is what I'm trying to create here. An all access guide to writing/researching Harry Potter. I'm going to work on everything from character names, dates, spells, things like that, to how to write, when to write, and how to process those creative ideas on to paper. I'm not an expert. I'm not claiming to be an expert on any of this stuff. But I'm a 16 year old girl who loves Harry Potter, fanfiction, and working on this site, and I figured I'd share some of the knowledge that I've gained while becoming engrossed in this series. So sit back, relax, click on a few links. And maybe you'll get some assistance you were looking for!

A Timeline of HP Events

Character Listing


Beta-Reading! <~~~That's a website, but always feel free to e-mail me if you need something beta-read!

Please remember- This is a page in progress!