
The Harry Potter Movie
Pensieve's Awards
Harry Potter Quotes
Fanfiction Writing
The Results of the Polls
A New Fanfic

Well, I'm very sorry to say so, but I have to give up Pensieve. Junior year is quickly approaching and I can't keep it all up, I must go to college folks and to do so, I have to have good grades. I love Harry Potter still, and will forever and I love all of those that EVER for a second helped me with Pensieve and helped it to become what it was at it's peak. Thanks all. Love, Jen

Jen adopted Ron
at Astronomy Domine!

This Harry Potter Fan Ring Site
is owned by Jen
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Disclaimer: All the Harry Potter characters and related things belong to J.K. Rowling, Scholastic etc. I claim no right to any of them.

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