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Art And Beauty


True beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That much is an obvious truth. Hense the art critics of the world. Anyone can draw anything and call it abstract but the feeling that goes into it is what really matters. I can draw from model pictures. They aren't mine but the drawing is a release, it holds feeling. The peoples eyes have a soul, their expression and emotion is on their face. I have seen drawings that should be great but the eyes of the subject are important and they show no life. Even in the real world eyes show everything. Weakness, happyness, sadness, everything. From the cold, unloving eyes of an enemy, to the warm joyous glow of a loved ones gaze, eyes show truth and truth in itself is beauty. Van Gogh's paintings were surreal and blurred but his emotion made them beautiful. A child with fears and worries not fit for her age will wear a person down but their eyes can shine with beauty. Age only shows in dispair, youth comes in joy, a shine is in love, a glare from hate, glazes appear during indifference, and eyes will droop in weariness. All of this is clear in art. Wait for an extreme emotion and draw. Your art will show your heart.

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