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Joel – A prophet, appears mad, with ruffled hair, and wearing a sack-cloth.

3 vineyard workers – wearing long cloaks and sandals. (like Japanese kimonos)


An old testament vineyard field, late on a hot summer day.


Three workers are gathering grapes from vines in the field.

W1: (looks skyward) Well, it’s been a hot one today.

W2: Yes, so much suncream!

W3: Well, just a couple more vines to pick and we can knock off and go home.

Joel enters from side. (Throughout the play, he either talks, or rants and raves mutely miming while the workers discuss what he is saying.)

J: "Pay attention all you people, and listen up!"

W1: Is he talking to us?

W2: No… ignore him, it’s one of those guys from the Mad Raving Prophets party. you know, full of the "Doom of Israel" and all that.

W3: Which one?

W2: Well, we’ve had that Daniel, with the business about the lions, and then there was Hosea, who’s wife ran off with the grainstore keeper-

W1 (gossiping): Ooh yes…I read about that in the Jericho Times – TERRIBLE business, wasn’t it?

W2: Yes, I know, so this one must be Joel.

W3: Right. What’s he on about then?

W1: Sounds like something about Locusts…

W2: Locusts? That’s not going to make him popular round here, what with the famine, and then this drought….well, that’s all we need.

J: Cry you people!

W3: We will if this caterwauling continues much longer!

W2: Yeah, this guy’s just full of joy isn’t he?

J: Blow the trumpet (Trumpet sounds offstage). Sound the Alarm! (Car alarm sounds off stage) No No No! You people have got it all wrong. I don’t mean that at all! (Sighs) Don’t you see that a dark and gloomy day is coming?

(Workers all look puzzled)

J: A black and cloudy day?

W1: ( Looks skyward) Looks pretty sunny to me.

W3: Yeah, the forecast is for more sunshine, not clouds, mate!

J: No, it’s a prophecy – a metaphor! The sun and moon will grow dark I tell you! And the stars will no longer shine, and (shouts) The Lord THUNDERS-

W3: Thunderstorms! Well that I can see – here, you’ll get cold in that sackcloth if a storm breaks, take my cloak. (Gives him the cloak)

J: Repent! (tears the cloak) and return to me – let your broken heart show sorrow – for tearing your clothes is not even enough!

W3:Hang about – that’s my cloak!

J: (Throws him the torn cloak ) Come back to the Lord your God! He is kind and merciful. He is patient and keeps his promise. He is always ready to forgive and not to punish!

W3: (shocked, to W1) Did you see what he did to my cloak? Mad I tell you, Mad!

W1: Oh leave it, you can have one of mine (removes cloak to reveal one underneath, and then removes this one to reveal a third. W2 takes them and holds them out like a shop display while W3 takes his time trying on and choosing one)

W2: Is he still on about all that bad weather and crop failure?

W1: No he says we’re in for a good crop, a BUMPER crop in fact!

W2: I do wish he’d make up his mind!

(All three sit around him listening in earnest)

J: The pastures are green, and the trees bear fruit, and there are plenty of figs and grapes.

All 3 workers: Did you say PLENTY OF GRAPES??

J: Yes, plenty! Rejoice and be glad!

Workers: YAHOO!! (Start dancing and whooping, and popping champagne bottles, and partying and praising God!)

J: Rejoice in what the Lord has done for you

Workers :YAH!!

J: He has given you the right amount of Autumn rain

Workers: YAH!

J: And He poured down Winter rain

Workers: YAH!

J: And now he will pour out his Spirit on all of you!

Workers: (stop partying) HUH??

W1: Plenty of high spirits here mate!

J: No No, this is a HOLY spirit. Your old men will dream dreams and your daughters will proclaim God’s message, and young men will see visions too.

W3: That’ll make a change from old guys like you then!

W2: If you ask me, the only one who’s dreaming is him!

W1: Yeah, I’ve heard enough of this. Come on, let’s go home!

Workers Exit.

J: What a fickle lot! They don’t mind being told about the good times. But when you try to warn them about anything, they just harden their hearts and shut their ears! Even when I sugar coat it and speak in metaphors they still don’t seem to understand.

(Shakes head and looks sad)

J: (looks up to the sky) What’s that Lord… Did I tell them to come back to you….that you love them…..and want to do good things for them…Well, I tried. (Getting annoyed and frustrated) It’s not that easy you know! Why don’t YOU come down one day and try to tell them yourself!!

(Leaves in bewilderment.)