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Cast: Saleperson (S)

Person (P)

Setting: Inside a shop, the ‘Life Shop’

Synopsis: Person wants to ‘get a life’, Salesman tries to sell him various types of lifestyles

S: Hello, welcome to the Life Shop. How can we help you today?

P: Well, some of my friends told me to ‘get a life’, so I was hoping you could show me what’s on offer.

S: Yes, well we have quite a few modern lives to choose from, a wide selection in fact. Let me show you the Short term life package.

P: Ooh, that looks like fun!

S: Yes, indeed, Fun is the name of the game. Basically, you do it all to the max. Drink, Fast cars, Drugs, One night stands, Partying, Smoking. More more more, Faster Faster Faster. The stupider and more dangerous the better. The earlier you start, the faster you’ll get hooked into the lifestyle.

P: Wow, That sounds GREAT!…Hang on, What’s the catch?

S: Ahh..Well, you see, all this excess plays havoc with the body and soul, and the mind deteriorates too, and if you don’t end up killing yourself, pretty soon, the lifestyle will kill you. It’s a very short-term existence.

P: Well, that’s no good. Why would I want something that doesn’t last.

S: Exactly! Which is why I suggest you try the ‘Borrowed Existence" lifestyle. With this one, basically you follow the crowd, get involved in whatever is trendy and flavour of the month at the time, and quickly move on to the newer, hipper things over time.

P: Hmm… sounds good, high on comfort and commodity. Not terribly much satisfaction there, though, is there…

S: Yes, well, it’s an expensive, superficial and draining life. If you don’t keep up with the latest trends, you get to feel inferior, unimportant, and lacking in confidence and you can also tend to blend into the background and look like everyone else.

P: But I’m unique! I want my personality and character to SHINE through my life, not hide away because my own ideas and hobbies aren’t ‘cool’ enough.

S: Well, if it’s individuality you’re after, then maybe the "All for Oneself" Life is more to your style. In this package, you do what you want, as you please, YOU decide what’s important, what to believe, where to take your life and stuff everyone else’s ideas and needs.

P: YES! That’s it exactly…that’s the Life for me. Right, show me the manual.

S: But there isn’t a manual, you have to figure it out for yourself, that’s the whole point!

P: But, well, then I’ll just end up going round in circles, and probably get nowhere! I need some direction, some purpose…….And what if I make a mistake, or it all falls to pieces, who’ll be there to help mend it? Is there any warranty on this Life?

S: Um…No. Look, perhaps you’d prefer the "Put me in a box" Life then.

P: What’s that?

S: Well, it comes with a full, very precise and highly technical instruction manual of the Perfect Life. Basically, you live up to what the manual says, and everyone expects you to be. There’s no need to think for yourself with this one. However, if you don’t meet the expectations, you’ll feel like a total failure, and your life won’t have any worth.

P: Sounds impossible for a human to get anywhere with this life, unless you switch off and become like a robot, or a slave. No thanks!

Look! I want a Life that’s good a good future outlook, longterm benefits, doesn’t put unreal expectations on me, allows me to think for myself, recognises my own unique qualities, allows me to still have some of that Fun we talked about, and above all else gives me a hope, a purpose, and REAL SATISFACTION!

S: Oh, you want New Life!

P: New Life?

S: Yes, it has all of that and more. It’s a great package, but it comes at a high cost. (Shows him the pricetag)

P: That’s a very high cost!

S: Lucky for you someone’s already paid the asking price for you to have it.

P: What? Who?

S: Well, this man called Jesus bought up the entire stock on this line some time ago. He paid the price so that EVERYONE can have one if they want. And he’s giving them away for free.

P: Wow! How do I get one of those New Life packages?

S: Well, all you have to do is ask Him for one, and receive it. Here’s his card, you can ask him anytime.

P: Thanks for all your help. I’m going to get me a New Life right away!

(P exits)

S: (to audience in Salespitch voice) So, Folks, don’t just get a life, get a NEW life from Jesus today!

(S Exits)