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Bus Stop

Matthew 25:31-46


Scene –two friends (A and B) are sitting at a bus stop as a stranger (S) appears. Friend A is reading the paper. Friend B is reading a magazine.

S: (Dressed as a tramp) Oh hello there. You wouldn’t have $1 to spare would you? I’m a bit short this morning. Haven’t had me breakfast yet, thought I’d head over to McDonalds….

B: No, sorry, I’ve just got the bus money. Another time, eh? (Goes back to reading the paper)

A: I’ve only got 50c, but here, you can take this banana, if you like, I’ll get one at work.

S: Thank you! You’ve been most kind sir…

(S Shuffles off)

B: What’d you go and do that for? It only encourages them you know. Bleeding wino, he’ll only spend it on booze . Bet he’s heading that way right now…

A: Or he could be just a lonely old guy who needs a bit of breakfast….or a backpacker maybe

B: He didn’t SMELL like a backpacker to me! Well at least you only gave him a banana. We’ve got the Social Welfare for the likes of them, there’s no need to feed them with the food banks available today.

A: It may have only been a banana to him it was probably a lovely meal, and if it wasn’t for kind donations there’d be nothing IN the foodbanks, would there…

B: Well yes, I suppose you’ve got a point…but he could’ve been anyone, a common stranger (Goes back to the paper)

A: Yes …a stranger

(A stranger enters)

S: (Normal dress with a collection tin) Hello, I’m collecting for Plunket, do you have any change?

(A puts a few coins in the jar. B shakes his head and waves them on. S exits)

B: Blimey, it seems everyone these days is out to rob us! There’s so many charities around they must be raking it in! Plunket….young Mums with kids eh? I bet they just got knocked up so they could go on the DPB...they’re far too young to be mothers, thats what I reckon, bludging off the taxpayer. If you can’t afford kids, don’t have them.

A: Well, not everyone plans it that way…these things happen to the best of us. Plunket doesn’t just help the single mums you know, that money could just go to help someone down our street..

B: Hmmph! Could go to anyone, more likely to be a stranger. (Goes back to his paper)

A: Yes…a stranger.

(A stranger enters, dressed as a campaigner –badges, scarves, woolly hat)

S: (Holding a clipboard) Hello, there. Are you a caring citizen of the world? I’m gathering names for a petition to send to the Ambassador of Sumagolia. You must’ve heard in the news about the terrible atrocities being done to the people over there. Did you know they are even slaughtering infants and young children? As a concerned citizen, I’m sure you’d want to sign this petition?

B: Oh, I would, but I don’t have a pen…

A: Here you go (hands him a pen)

B: Oh, I just remembered, I signed it yesterday…

(A signs and hands clipboard back. S exits)

A: Did you sign it yesterday? I only heard about it on that documentary last night..

B: No, of course not, but I don’t like signing those things. I don’t like getting involved in politics and that.

A: If no-one got involved, nothing would ever get done.

B: But nothing ever does get done, I mean it always seem to be the same countries, doesn’t it. Anyway, it’s not like it’ll ever happen to us here in little old New Zealand, is it?

A: I’m sure the people in Yugoslavia and Timor thought the same thing…

B: Well, yes, but it won’t happen to us.

A: Stranger things have happened..

Enter S dressed in a cap, wearing a cardboard bus.

S: Tickets on the Eternal Life express! (A gets on board). Oh, hello Antonia, welcome on board!

(B goes to get on board)

S: I’m sorry, do I know you?

B: Yes Lord, of course, it’s me, Brian!

S: That’s funny, I passed by here three times and I don’t think you knew me then.

B: Three times Lord? When?

S: I came as a poor man, needing food, but you didn’t bother to help me. Even the poorest of my followers gave me food in their town when I stopped with James and John all those years ago, and you couldn’t even spare a dollar! I came as a father, raising money for the kids. I was the child of a poor innocent young girl once too and yet you didn’t want to know.…. My parents once had to flee with me as a refuge, and I came asking for your help for the refuges in a terrible time of persecution. … but again, you didn’t want to know me…

B: That was you Lord? I thought it was just a stranger.

S: Yes, it’s amazing how often Jesus Christ comes into our lives as a stranger.

(A and S tootle off in the bus)

B: Wait!!But Lord, you must have forgotten-...And what about-...(plaintively) Please-don't leave me behind!!

Exit B rushing off.