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Name: Mary Beth Brouwer
E-mail address:
Signed On: April 1, 2000
Comments: Kendra, You've done a wonderful job with the website. Thank you so much. Mary Beth

Name: Christine Jones
Signed on: April 2, 2000
Comments: Kendra, it's lovely to be able to put faces to names - thank you for all your hard work on this! I also love the biographies, as I find it quite hard to remember details of all the pmp's / mp's of all the ladies in our group. Thanks again - great work. Love, Christine.

Name: Dreama Owens
E-mail address:
Signed on: April 2, 2000
Comments: Kendra this is so beautiful. You have done a great job. I look forward to seeing all of us up there. Thank You so much!

Name: Sharon Field
E-mail address:
Signed on: April 2, 2000
Comments: Excellent Job Kendra! We so much appreciate all your hard work - you are a god send. XXX

Name: Susan Jaciow
E-mail address:
Signed on: April 2, 2000
Comments: You did a beautiful job. Everything you have done has helped so many of us. Know that you are an angel in our eyes.

Name: Kim Presser
E-mail address:
Signed on: April 12,2000
Comments: This is great. I looked so long and hard for info on molar pregnancy, you're right; it is hard to come by! I am going to find out how to be a member of this group.

Name: Charlene Troyer
E-mail address:
Signed on: April 13, 2000
Comments: Ladies, you are all so beautiful! Kendra, you have done a wonderful job with this. God bless you with many happy days ahead!

Name: Paula Lanz
E-mail address:
Signed on: May 30, 2000

Name: Sharon
E-mail address:
Signed on: June 17, 2000
Comments: I have experienced a molar pregnancy this spring. When I first found out the pregnancy was molar, I found this web site, and it was really nice to know I wasn't alone. Now, having been through it myself, having chemotherapy and all that goes with that, I want to be able to help others. If you are experiencing this, please email me. I would love to share my story with you and pray for you.

Name: Vlasta Cadieu
E-mail address:
Comments: I was told that I have molar pregnancy 4 days ago. Since then I had D&C and now I am trying to understand what happened. I am very thankful for this site.
Signed on: June 19, 2000

Name: Jo Wadsworth
E-mail address:
Signed on: June 19, 2000
Comments: Dear Kendra, Thank you for your wonderful site. I have found so much support and encouragement from all the ladies. I feel less isolated. So few people have heard of molar pregnancies and it is so nice to talk to people who know what you feel and what you have been through. Thanks again love jo**

Name: Amy McCance
E-mail address:
Signed on: July 5, 2000
Comments: I was I found out 2 days ago that I had a molar pregnancy and had a D&C that same day. I am home from the hospital and have taken the week off work. It is so hard to understand why these things happen and to get back to your life when you are so sad. I was 11 weeks and a couple days and now I am nothing. Last week I was going to have a baby in January and now I am not.

Name: Marie Fosket
Signed on: July 6, 2000
Comments: Thank you to everyone for sharing your stories. It's nice to know there are others out there who have been through the same thing. I too "suffered" a partial molar pregnancy earlier this year (on mine and my husband's first try to get pregnant) and my 6 month waiting period is almost up. I am so excited to try again. All we can do is hope and pray for the best. My thanks to everyone and especially to the wonderful, kind and supportive husbands out there. There's always hope... May we cherish what we have now in this moment? Best wishes to everyone! By the way, I can't believe I just found this website now, after months of doing research.

Name: Kim
Signed on: July 15, 2000

Name: Monica
E-mail address:
Signed on: July 20, 2000
Comments: I am a member of the group and this was my first time looking at the web page and I loved it and hope to put my story and picture on soon and let everyone know my story and what's going on now. Monica

Name: Kim Anderson
E-mail address:
Signed on: July 24, 2000
Comments: Hi! I'm in the molar pregnancy message board and would love to get on your web site! What do I need to do?

Name: Cindy Keefe
E-mail address:
Signed on: July 26, 2000
Comments: In Fall of 1999, my husband and I were thrilled to find out we were pregnant after 5 years of marriage. After several misdiagnoses (ectopic pregnancy, impending miscarriage), we ended up in the E.R. and I passed a mass of tissue. I couldn’t stop looking at it...this was my baby. A molar pregnancy is so tragic, and so nonsensical. All you can do is ask "why?" Thank you for this site, Kendra. Our stories are sacred, and we all want to share our memories of our precious babies. Thank you.

Name: Kendra McCuistion
E-mail address:
Signed on: August 8, 2000
Comments: I think this is such a great idea. I had a partial molar pregnancy in April, 2000. It is such an horrible experience to have to go through. I really think that this web site will really help make everyone who has had to deal with a molar pregnancy that they are not alone.

Name: Karen Licata
E-mail address:
Signed on: August 15, 2000
Comments: I am extremely happy to have found this site, and wish it were available to me at the time of my molar pregnancy back in 98. I think it is wonderful for those who are going through this painful and unexplained ordeal, especially in the beginning because you learn so much from the others who have experienced the same ordeal. Thanks, Kendra for putting the time into this site to help others.

Name: Edith Bigley
E-mail address:
Signed on: August 26, 2000
Comments: Last week I went in for a D&C after being told it was not a viable pregnancy. That was hard enough to deal with, a week later I went to my family doctor and she told me it was a molar..?? The past 5 days have been filled with confusion for me. My gyn. app is two more days. I am grateful for this site it is so informative and also good to know I am not alone. Thanks Kendra and all you others who take the time to post your private stories to help others. Good luck to you all!!

Name: Mary Stein
Signed on: August 27, 2000

Name: Ronnetta Hardy
E-mail address:
Signed on: August 27, 2000
Comments: I was told I had a molar pregnancy on 04/06/98. My HCG level has been normal twice. The first time for 8 months. The next time for 6 months. I have had 2 D&C's and 3 different chemo’s, all single agent. I have had pelvic ultrasounds & chest ex-rays more than once. I have had abdomen cat scans. I will be going to see a new doctor on Monday Aug. 28. And for a brain scan on Tuesday Aug 29. My doctor wants to give me multi agent chemo. But he doesn't know where the cancer has gone. I would like to know where it is before I just jump in there again with the chemo. Maybe I need a different treatment. I have asked for a hysterectomy. But my doctor doesn’t agree. I just want to be well again so I raise my 7 year old son. I have decided not to try again for another baby.

Name: Dottie
E-mail address:
Signed on: August 29, 2000
Comments: My niece was recently diagnosed with a molar pregnancy. I found this web site right away and cannot thank you ENOUGH for the information. When I speak with her (her D & C is today) tonight, I shall put her in touch with this site. Kendra, it is a very thoughtful, loving thing you have done here! Thanks!

Name: Jo Hammond
Signed on: September 2, 2000
Comments: Good website. What everyone says rings true to me especially "a lesson in patience", as we all really love children and find it hard to have to wait for them, especially when it seems that all around us people are having babies all the time.

Name: Ronnetta
E-mail address:
Signed on: September 2, 2000
Comments: I will be having a hysterectomy on Thursday Sept.7. Then I start chemo treatments on Sept. 15. I pray this works. I want to be well again. Thank you Kendra for your support. Keep praying for me. Ronnetta

Name: Janette Anderson
E-mail address:
Signed on: September 7, 2000
Comments: It helps to know that there is someone else in this great big world that knows what I have been through and my fears going forward.

Name: Mary Carver
E-mail address:
Signed on: September 8, 2000
Comments: Ronnetta's hysterectomy went ok. We don't know yet if her HCG level has gone down. Ronnetta will still need to take the chemo even if the level drops, so it's not over yet. Ronnetta needs everyone’s prayers. God Bless You, Ronnetta's Mom

Name: Ronnetta
E-mail address:
Signed on: September 15, 2000
Comments: Good news!! Ronnetta's HCG level went down to 4 after the hysterectomy. Ronnetta will need to get the chemo but we are praying this will make her will again. Ronnetta sill needs everyone’s prayers. The chemo is multi agent w/5 medicines. God Bless you, Mary

Name: Eileen Strong
E-mail address:
Signed on: September 23, 2000
Comments: Thanks for the website. I just had a D&C two weeks ago for a partial molar pregnancy. I got more information on this site than from the doctor and books. Thanks again.

Name: Amy Willard
E-mail address:
Signed on: September 30, 2000

Name: Molly Fiechtl
E-mail address:
Signed on: October 6, 2000
Comments: I had a partial molar pregnancy diagnosed at 13.5 weeks during a routine ultrasound a couple of weeks AFTER we heard the heartbeat. IT was devastating. The D&C was 3 weeks ago, and my hcg was at 400,000 then and is 187 now. We tried for a year to get pregnant, we were pregnant and now this. I can't imagine making it through the waiting period or god-forbid chemo. I am glad I found this web-site and support group. It's nice to know I am not alone and that I can get through this (I think).

Name: Lacey Buxton
E-mail address:
Signed on: October 12, 2000
Comments: I really enjoy your website because i get to here from a lot of women who are just like me. I know that I am not alone, and that there is always someone to talk to. Thank You.

Name: Jenn
Signed on: October 25, 2000

Name: Dee
E-mail address:
Signed on: October 25, 2000
Comments: I have just joined the support group and I've been reading everyone's stories. Eventually I would like to share my story. I'm glad I found this group; I know it will be helpful for me and many others. Thanks.

Name: Julie Thornton
Signed on: October 25, 2000
Comments: I found out I was pregnant Feb. of 2000, very large immediately and very tired. Started bleeding in late March and had a D&C April of 2000, my hcg levels went from 300,000 to 48 and then started going up again. I had to go through chemo for 2 months, 5X week for 8 weeks every other week. I had my last treatment at the end of August and am now waiting for 1 year to be able to try again . . . the chemo was tough to go through and the waiting is even tougher. I go every month for 1 year for an hcg test. So far, 2 have been less than 1. I am blessed to have had an amazing Doctor but this is all very difficult. I am glad to see that I am not alone.

Name: Anne
E-mail address:
Signed on: October 27, 2000
Comments: I am currently going through a possible molar pregnancy. I have so many questions and I don't know where to look. Your stories have helped answer some questions.

Name: Amber
E-mail address:
Signed on: October 27, 2000
Comments: This web site is wonderful. I had a molar pregnancy April 1998. I had never even heard of a molar pregnancy before and until know. It is very hard to read the stories on the other hand it is nice to hear what others have had to say about this. They will never be forgotten.

Name: Ronnetta Hardy
E-mail address:
Signed on: November 6, 2000
Comments: Hello, I finished my chemo on Oct.20, 2000. I lost my hair but I am doing well with everything else. My HCG count has been negative since Sept. 22. My HCG count will be monitored every month for 1 year. I am going back to work on Nov. 13. I am ready to put this behind me and move on with my life. If anyone has any questions, please email me. I will be glad to help. Take care and God bless you. Ronnetta

Name: Ronnetta Hardy
E-mail address:
Signed on: November 18, 2000
Comments: I had my follow-up visit to the doctor yesterday. All my blood levels are back to normal and my HCG level is normal. My doctor said he didn't plan on giving me anymore chemo. That was the best news I could hear. If anyone has any questions please feel free to email me. I want to help anyone going through a molar pregnancy. It helps to talk about it. You are not alone. God bless you. Ronnetta

Name: Kellie
E-mail address:
Signed on: December 9, 2000
Comments: Thank you for making this site, it helps to know that there are other woman out there who understand the fears and emotions that we're feeling right now.

Name: Myken
E-mail address:
Signed on: December 9, 2000
Comments: My levels are less than 2 now. I got migraines after the d&c. My family thought that the migraines were related to depression- well they weren't. The fast drop in hormones was the cause. I am back on the pill which helps, but when I get my period I also get a migraine. And believe me it is not a fun week. Otherwise I feel great. It is still difficult. I miss being pregnant, but am willing to wait the full year, to heal and be ready to try again. Thank you all for your support and stay HEALTHY!

Name: Angie
E-mail address:
Signed on: December 17, 2000
Comments: Hi, my name is Angie and I have just found this site. In the last few months I have just gone through a complete molar pregnancy! It feels so good to read your stories so I know I'm not alone. I don't have many friends or family to talk to so I have been holding my feelings up inside. I really need help. If any of you think you can help me get through this please email me. My life feels so empty and sometimes I really wonder if there is any point of me still living on this earth. I would like to end my life now! Please help me!

Name: Pam
E-mail address:
Signed on: December 20, 2000
Comments: Wonderful site which provides much needed info, and support for women going through this. I had a molar pregnancy, complete with 9 months of increasingly stronger chemo (inc. hospitalization.) I am now done with chemo and hope to put this behind me. I'm happy to help others who have questions-I've done a lot of research. Happy holidays!

Name: Debbie Krezmien
E-mail address:
Signed on: December 26, 2000
Comments: This is a good sight for people who have been threw a molar pregnancy. I recently had a partial molar and had to have a D&C. The Dr didn't realize until I was 12 wks.. Now I am getting methotrexate shots to bring my hcg levels down. Will see what they are in Jan. Thanks for haveing this sight talk to and not feel so alone, Because this doesn’t happen that often.. debbie

Name: Anne
E-mail address:
Signed on: January 11, 2001
Comments: This web page has been my savior. I first visited this support back in October when they first thought it was a molar pregnancy. My midwife dismissed this diagnosis because my hcg level was 427. They said I should be at least 10,000 at 10 weeks.

Name: kari
E-mail address:
Signed on: January 13, 2001
Comments: I had a molar pregnancy back in march 2000 that seems like it just happened yesterday. I am having a very hard time dealing with this, and it is very difficult to talk about. I am so scared and feel so alone I feel like nobody understands. Thank you for creating this site and thank you for listening. God bless all of you.

Name: Myken T. Johnson
E-mail address:
Signed on: January 16, 2001
Comments: Hi all! Levels are completely zero now. I have four more months of testing, but should go well. If you need to more information about a Molar Pregnancies look through There is an article by a Dr. Williams and it is very informative. He even has an e-mail address. I have e-mailed him myself with questions and he responded within a day. His article is very interesting and answered a ton of questions that I had. Hope it will do the same for you! Stay HEALTHY!

Name: Gretchen
E-mail address:
Signed on: January 23, 2001
Comments: I just found out that I had a molar pregnancy, kind of having a hard time understanding and dealing with all of this. Your site was very helpful, thank you!!!

Name: Deb
E-mail address:
Signed on: January 24, 2001
Comments: I am glad to have found this site. I had a partial molar pregnancy in '98. My baby lived for 3 days. I am looking forward to talking with others who have been through the same.

Name: Katt
E-mail address:
Signed on: January 26, 2001
Comments: I'm waiting, and don't know if I should hope. I'm 29 years old and 5 1/2 weeks pregnant, and went for my first ultrasound yesterday. They had a look, but put the screen where I could see nothing, and then they told me to go see my doctor for some blood work. I did that, and my doctor told me that they saw a sac, but that the ultrasound seemed to echo off several places - I don't know what to think. Is it possible to suspect a partial molar and be wrong? Should my baby's heart be beating already - they said they didn't detect a heartbeat, and that was also why they were concerned, but I didn't think there would be a heartbeat yet. And I had a little implantation bleeding (I assume that's what it was) but it hasn't happened since Jan 8th. Is it possible that it won't be a partial molar pregnancy? Could it just be something simple or nice (like twins). My instinct is telling me nothing. Part of me just wants to curl up and stop eating and everything, but there's a little part of me that wonders if things might still be okay.

Name: Laurie Gormley
E-mail address:
Signed on: January 27, 2001
Comments: I was diagnosed with a complete molar pregnancy after the path report came back for what my physician and I thought was a D and C for a missed abortion. I had an ultrasound at 6 1/2 weeks that did not show a fetal pole, so I repeated it at 7 1/2 week. There was still no fetal pole, so I was sent for serial HCG levels. They were 18,000 and then two days later were 16,000. That's within normal limits and declining, so we were surprised by a diagnosis of complete molar pregnancy. Everything I read says they are abnormally high and increasing. Has anyone else had a similar experience? I can't help but wonder if there is something else going on. My US was normal and I had none of the other typical symptoms.

Name: Krystal
E-mail address:
Signed on: January 29, 2001
Comments: I had a partial molar pregnancy in June 2000 and had a D&C. I am single and have no insurance. My surgery cost me a whopping $7000 total! What concerns me is that after my week follow up to the D&C, I have not seen the Dr. He never said anything about going in for weekly blood tests and everything I've been reading lately says how important this is. I'm very glad to have found this guestbook and support group so I can find out more information. I'm so scared that I may have developed Gestational Trophoblastic Disease without even knowing about it.

Name: Susan Dubur
E-mail address:
Signed on: January 30, 2001
Comments: I have recently been told that I have a molar pregnancy and am scheduled to have a D+C tomorrow afternoon. My only hope is that my level stays low and that my husband and I can have a child in the next few years. Thank you for sharing this website.

Name: Ruth Hoffman
E-mail address:
Signed on: January 31, 2001
Comments: My daughter's first pregnancy has resulted in a D&C for a molar pregnancy. We are waiting for the next step. Thank you for the information on your site.

Name: Laurie
E-mail address:
Signed on: February 2, 2001
Comments: I made an entry a few days ago after receiving a diagnosis of complete molar pregnancy. I never felt comfortable with the findings for reasons I explained earlier. The path was sent out for a second opinion and they reversed the decision. I know that this is not common, but I thought that anyone else facing the same diagnosis should be encouraged to obtain a second opinion if they have any questions at all. If it happened to me, I can't be the first. Good Luck.

Name: Katt
E-mail address:
Signed on: February 10, 2001
Comments: Well, just following up I guess. No fetal pole at 7 weeks, and I had the D&C last Friday. It's been a week now, and I'm bleeding more than makes me comfortable. Went to emergency on Thursday and had to have another ultrasound on Friday (yesterday). Freaked out when they wanted to do a pelvic exam. I just feel raw and don't want to be touched anymore. It's like I'm being punished for something. Don't have the pathology report yet, so I don't know if the suspicions of a molar pregnancy have been confirmed yet. Should have those back on Tuesday. (sigh) I'm comforted that this site exists and really thankful for the people who have read my messages and reached out to help. Thanks again.

Name: Katt
E-mail address:
Signed on: February 16, 2001
Comments: I have been e-mailing with a couple of people I have met through this site, and I have to say again that the support I have had through here has been a so heartening. The fear got overwhelming at times, and my partner was unable, for whatever reason, to support me the way I needed. That being said - again, thank you for reaching out. The wait is over. The pathology report came back with degenerated tissue, but no mole. Am I relieved? Yes. What is the message that I take from this? Second opinions are imperative - never be afraid to question people in the medical profession - they are not gods. And don't give up hope.

Name: Amy
E-mail address:
Signed on: February 16, 2001
Comments: I had a miscarriage in the doctor's office on 1/31. I was later diagnosed with a molar pregnancy on 2/13/01. My HCG level was 20. My questions are: 1. How long should it take for the HCG level to go down? 2.I didn't have many of the symptoms (bleeding, nausea, etc.) Do I need a second opinion? 3.If my HCG levels don't fall and I need chemo, will I be able to have a baby later??

Name: Kammy Leslie
E-mail address:
Signed on: February 17, 2001
Comments: I had a mole with a co-existing fetus. I lost Kaitlyn at 24 weeks due to early labor. This was followed by 18 rounds of chemo and a hystectomy. It's been a tough ride, but the love of family and God has brought us through this and continues to support us as does this wonderful group of ladies.

Name: Michelle
E-mail address:
Signed on: February 19, 2001
Comments: I just recently found out that I had a partial molar pregnancy after pathology came back from D&C. I am glad there are sites like this so that I don't feel alone!

Name: Myken T. Johnson
E-mail address:
Signed on: February 20, 2001
Comments: Last test showed 2. In January they told me that my levels were zero- I even asked if the lab showed any trace amounts- nurses stated no. So now my levels are 2. I have called the Doctor and we have discussed this and he thinks it might be lab error- so more tests. This is not over yet. I am getting frustrated with the results not being accurate- or I am not being told what is actually the number being resulted. And my doctor only wants to do two more tests. I love my doctor but am worried that we are not being thorough. Wish me luck and luck to you all.

Name: Marlene Vermeer Campbell
E-mail address:
Signed on: February 26, 2001

Name: Becky
E-mail address:
Signed on: March 3, 2001
Comments: I want to thank all of you for sharing your stories. They have been such a help to me. I have been on such a roller coaster for the last 2 weeks. I was 8 weeks pregnant and went in for a routine u/s. Empty gestational sac, lots of placental tissue. Scheduled for d/c the next morning. Last week I'm feeling relieved that I made it through the week and am trying to accept the miscarriage when my doctor calls with my pathology report. I've never heard of a molar pregnancy. I think all I heard was the word cancer. My hcg level on the Monday after my u/s was 160,000. It has dropped to 2,089 in 2 weeks. I am reassured and feel good about the results but I am still very anxious.

Name: L. Knickman
E-mail address:
Signed on: March 9, 2001
Comments: Thanks for this site. I had a total mole in 1999 and am just starting a new pregnancy. Please continue to provide info and other links. Thanks.

Name: Roxana
E-mail address:
Signed on: March 9, 2001

Name: Rachael
E-mail address:
Signed on: March 10, 2001
Comments: I'd just like to say thanks for this web site. Its great to read other people’s stories. I know I’m not the only one. I have only had 2 results back after having a complete molar pregnancy diagnosed at the beginning of Feb. The last was 230 and I am told this is looking good. Keep your fingers crossed for me that it keeps going down. I am terrified of having cancer. My best wishes to all of you.

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