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Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14

This page was created in memory of Misty Nicole Daigle. In the summer of 1996, she was killed instantly in an auto accident while riding as a passenger in a car. Her spirit lives on! Our love for her lives on! As does, God's mercy.... Although her life here on earth was brought to an abrupt ending, we praise God because he was and continues to be the everlasting comforter. We pray this page brings forth a feeling of love for Misty as well as an appreciation and reverence for the precious hands in which she now remains......

Misty Nicole Daigle
born: 4-29-78
died: 8-25-96

Those we love can never be more than a thought apart, for as long as there is memory they'll live on in the heart.


I Hold in my hands a box of gold, with a secret inside that has never been told: The box is priceless, But as I see, The treasure inside is far more precious to me. Today I share this treasure with thee, it's the treasure of friendship you've given to me!

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"Thank-You" in advance!! :-))
~~~~Angel Hugs~~~~

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This is where I lay to rest.