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Megan's Weighty Journey

Well hello its me back again on the weight loss journey I am so sorry to have not updated but will tell you more in my journal entry when I get to doing it, I know how annoying it is checking on journal's when they dont update and apologise but it has been a very trying few months for me. I hope you are all well I will try and get back into the journal but wont be writing in it weekly at this stage, not really sure how often I will get in here we are so busy these days its unreal. Anyway the girls are 5 and 3 now so the years are flying bye and they are getting big. Anyway will write in my journal ASAP. Bye for now Meegs.

My Story

My PhotosUpdated 20/03/2001

My Family PhotosUpdated 5/10

Read My Journal
go to my latest entry

Weight Loss Tables & Measurements - Start to Life Time

Weight Loss Tables & Measurements - Life after Life Time

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Lets Chat Forum (New 01/02/2003)

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