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..:/\^/\:.. Chapter 9 ..:/\^/\:..

Lucy's head shot up in alarm and Zac looked up in surprise as they both raised their eyes to the sound of the stern voice. Both of them had somewhat sheepish expressions on their face, since they were both covered in ice cream and toppings.

"What do you think you guys are doing??!?" Dante demanded. "What was going on in here??!"

"Uhh...Dante! Hi! What are you doing here?" Lucy put on an innocent smile.

Dante shook his finger. "Luce, don't play innocent with me. What went on in here?"

Zac panicked. "Uhhh........" he stuttered. He looked over at Lucy and gave her a pleading look.

"Well," Lucy began. "You see, it's really not that hard to explain. It's kinda' simple. It's really kinda' funny, actually."

Dante raised his eyebrows. "Oh? Funny??" He crossed his arms and gave her a pointed look. "I'd like to hear this."

Lucy gulped a little. "Ummm..........well, see, uhh.....this is what happened. Umm, you see, Zac and I were just sitting here eating our ice cream, right? And then we decided we wanted some toppings, but then when we got them, they were sorta' slippery, and.........uhh, they just kinda' fell over onto us, and......."

Dante gave Lucy a strange loook. "They just kinda' fell over you guys??" he repeated in disbelief.

"Ummmm..........yeah!" Lucy nodded quickly. "That's what happened!"

Dante looked at Zac. "Is that what really happened?"

Zac hesitated. "Ummmmm........well, uhhh........" he stammered. He glanced over at Lucy nervously. Lucy gave him an urging look and nodded her head slightly at him.

"Zac? Do you agree with Lucy's story?" Dante questioned.

"Uhhh..........yeah! Yeah, I do! Right! Th-that's what, uh, happened. Lucy said it," Zac said quickly.

Dante sighed and shook his head. "You know, I really don't believe you guys. I think it's pretty obvious that you two had a little food fight, and now you two are going to clean up this mess and wash yourselves off. You guys have to clean this all up before mom comes back in here." He looked over at Lucy. "Remember, we all promised mom that we wouldn't do anything juvenile like this today. So you guys better get started now." He turned to leave the kitchen.

"Dant??" Lucy called after him.

Dante turned around. "What is it?"

"Can you help us clean this all up? Please??" Lucy pleaded. "Zac and I'll never finish cleaning this up fast enough by ourselves. Ya gotta help us."

Dante sighed. "Lucy, this isn't my job. I didn't take part in this food fight--"

"Please???" Lucy begged desperately.

Zac nodded quickly. "Yeah, can you? Please??"

Dante sighed again. "All right, fine; you guys win. But we have to move fast, okay?"

Lucy and Zac nodded. "Okay."

The three of them quickly grabbed sponges and began wiping down the table. Then, Lucy quickly grabbed a mop and mopped up the sticky mess that fell onto the floor. Dante put the remains of the toppings back in the refridgerator, while Zac dried the table. Soon, the kitchen was clean again.

"Ha! There! We did it," Lucy said with a grin.

"Yes, but now you two have to get cleaned up," Dante reminded her.

"Oh." Lucy looked down at her clothes, which were a sticky mess. "Right."

"Come on, you two. You're both headed for the bathroom," Dante said.

Lucy and Zac followed Dante over to the downstairs bathroom, and Dante pushed open the door for them.

"You guys, just try to wash all that ice cream stuff off," Dante instructed. "Zac, you might need to borrow one of Mac's shirts."

Zac nodded. "Okay."

Dante nodded before closing the bathroom door, leaving Lucy and Zac alone in the bathroom.

Lucy looked at Zac. "That was close! I thought for a sec that that was my mom! Thank gosh it was just Dante."

"I know! He really had me kinda' worried there for a sec," Zac agreed.

Lucy snickered. "Kinda' worried?? You were sooooo scared, Zac! That was so funny." She cracked up again.

Zac made a face at her, but giggled. "Well, what about you and your story? I mean, c'mon. The toppings were slippery and they just kinda' fell over??" He shook his head and laughed. "If you ask me, that wasn't such a good cover story. No wonder Dante didn't buy it."

"Well, excuuuuuse me, but not all of us can think up a good cover story off the top of their heads!" Lucy retorted. "Anyhow, it worked out okay. I mean, we got the kitchen cleaned up and everything, so our moms won't know about that. All we hafta do now is just wash ourselves off, I guess." She turned the bathroom sink faucet and filled the sink up with cold water. "Okay, put your hands in."

Zac stuck his left hand into the water, but then drew it back quickly. "Lucy! That water's cold! It's freezing!" he yelped.

Lucy rolled her eyes. "Aww, come on, Zac. Don't be such a wimp. Just put your hands in really fast and get it over with! See?" Lucy demonstrated as she quickly thrust her hands through the water's surface.

Zac bit his lip. "Well........okay," he said hesitantly. He slowly moved his hands towards the water. Just as his hands were above the water, he stopped and hesitated.

Lucy rolled her eyes again. "Oh, for crying out loud, just put 'em in!" she snapped impatiently. With that, Lucy grabbed Zac's hands and shoved them into the ice cold water.

"Lucy!!" Zac yelped.

"What? There, ya see? You got it over with; now your hands are in the water. That wasn't so bad, now was it?" Lucy gave Zac a pointed look.

"You have no idea!" Zac answered, as he shivered from the chills the water was sending through his body from his hands.

Lucy shook her head. "I don't know how you can be such a wuss when it comes to cold water."

"I'm not a wuss!" Zac protested. "I just......I mean, well, the water is very cold, ya know."

Lucy rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Whatever." She picked up a bar of soap and began rubbing it against her hands.

"Here, your turn," Lucy replied, as she handed the bar of soap to Zac.

Zac accepted the soap and began massaging it over his hands as well. As he scrubbed, Lucy let out a groan.

"Awww.........this sucks! My hair's all sticky!" Lucy complained, as she held up a few strands of her sticky blond hair clumped together, looking at them in disgust.

"So? Mine's sticky too," Zac said with a shrug. "There's always soap and water. Here, this is what you gotta do." He dipped his left hand into the water, then brought his wet hand over to Lucy's hair and gently began soaking Lucy's hair with his wet fingers.

Zac beamed. "See? Wasn't that a good idea?"

"Umm.......yeah, but it coulda' been a whole lot faster and easier if I just put my hair in the water, ya know," Lucy said weirdly.

Zac shrugged and nodded. "Or you could do that too, I guess. That would also work."

"Well, good, 'cause your hair needs it!" Lucy replied, grabbing the back of Zac's head, and shoving it into the sink of water.

"AHHHHHHH!!" Zac cried out, as his blond hair immediately soaked up the cold water.

Lucy cracked up. "Well, ya got a good cool down there, didn't ya!"

Zac pulled his head out of the cold water and whipped his head around, sending water drops flying from his long wet hair at Lucy, as he searched for a towel.

"Hey!" Lucy exclaimed, as the water hit her. "Watch where you flip that mane of yours!"

"Well, serves you right for dunking my head in the water, thank you very much!" Zac shot back, as he grabbed a towel off the rack and quickly wrapped it over his hair and squeezed tightly, trying to dry it as best as he could.

Lucy smirked. "Well, that was for the whipped cream on my nose."

Zac raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really? So are we even now?"

Lucy pretended to think about it for a second. "Well, now that I think about it, since you just showered me with all that water from your hair........nope, I guess we're not even! I still hafta get you; it's my turn now."

Zac rolled his eyes. "Well, I'm sure that'll be something to look forward to."

"For me it will," Lucy replied breezily. "But I dunno about you. Ya gotta watch it, 'cause I'm gonna getcha'."

"Well, thanks for the warning," Zac said sarcastically. "Now I see I've got it coming."

Lucy simpered and nodded. "No sweat."

-=#=- Chapter 10 -=#=-
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