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<^v Chapter 8 v^>

Linda was in the kitchen, busy putting away things and rummaging through cupboards. Dante walked into the kitchen and headed over to the sink to wash his hands.

"Hi, mom," Dante said, as he turned the faucet on.

"Hi, honey," Linda greeted. "Have most of the kids finished eating their lunches already?"

"Uhh, yeah, I'm pretty sure they have," Dante answered. "I mean, at least I think so."

"So where is everyone? Are all of you kids still out in the back?" Linda questioned.

Dante turned off the faucet and dried his hands with a towel. "Well, kind of. Some of us are still out back, but other people aren't there, so I'm assuming that they're inside, I guess."

"Oh. Well, all right, then," Linda said, nodding.

"Hey, is that the Animaniacs I hear on TV somewhere?" Dante asked.

Linda listened carefully. "Hmmm....sounds like it. It also sounds like there's some screaming and yelling going on. I'd better go see what the commotion is all about."

"Mom, don't worry; I'll do it," Dante offered.

"All right, thank you, honey." Linda smiled. "If anyone is killing each other in there, please break it up!"

Dante laughed. "Okay, sure. No problem." He turned to leave the kitchen.

"Oh, Dante, wait. Also tell them that dessert will be served soon. We're having ice cream," Linda informed him.

Dante smiled. "Okay. Sure thing."

He turned and headed out of the kitchen and towards the den, where all the loud noises and sounds were coming from. He quickly hurried into the room to find Lucy and Zac struggling and wrestling each other on the floor.

"Hey! You guys! What do you think you're doing??!" Dante exclaimed, as he quickly pulled a struggling Lucy off of Zac.

Lucy continued to squirm and wriggle in Dante's grasp. "Lemme go, Dante. I'm not finished with Zac yet. Lemme at him, lemme at him."

"Oh, yes you are," Dante said sternly, looking her right in the eye. "That's enough you guys. No more fighting. Remember what mom said? We can't fight."

Lucy gave Dante a weird look. "We're not fighting."

Dante looked surprised. "Oh? Then what were you two doing?"

When neither Lucy or Zac answered, Dante glanced over at Kristyn and Taylor, who didn't seem to be paying much attention to them.

"Umm, you guys? Can you fill me in on what was happening?" Dante asked.

Taylor shrugged. "I dunno; they were just messing around over something stupid, I guess."

"Well, why didn't you guys try to break it up??" Dante demanded, looking exasperated.

Lucy looked annoyed. "Break what up??!? We weren't fighting."

"So then will someone please tell me what you guys were doing???" Dante exclaimed.

Zac shrugged. "Just having fun, I guess."

Dante looked skeptical. He glanced down at Lucy, who nodded.

"Yeah," Lucy said with a shrug. "Just.......having fun."

Dante stared at Lucy and Zac for a long time, before he finally sighed and nodded.

"You're not gonna tell mom we were fighting, are ya?" Lucy asked worriedly. "Cause we weren't fighting! So if you told her that, it wouldn't be true."

"Don't worry, I'm not going to say anything to mom," Dante assured her. "But you guys, know. Keep it under control. Don't get too out of hand or carried away, okay? Just remember that."

"Okay," Lucy said with a shrug.

Zac nodded. "Okay."

"All right, well anyway, I came here to tell you guys that mom says that we're going to have ice cream for dess--" Dante began.

"Ice cream!!" Lucy screamed. She jumped up and down. "Yes!! I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!!"

Zac looked just as happy. "Yay, cool! I'm hungry, anyway."

Taylor looked at Zac. "You're always hungry," he told him.

Zac shrugged. "True."

"When do we get our ice cream??" Lucy demanded. "Tell me, tell me!!"

"Luce, calm down," Dante told her. "I guess you can go into the kitchen now and get y--"

Lucy didn't bother to stick around to hear the rest of her brother's sentence. She quickly bolted out of the room towards the kitchen, with Zac at her heels. Lucy and Zac both rushed into the kitchen and stopped in front of Linda.

Lucy smiled up sweetly at her mother. "Hi mom. I heard that dessert was going to be served soon, so....." She gave her mother a pleading look.

Linda smiled down at both of them. "I thought that was why you two came flying in here," she said with a chuckle. "Well, I'll serve you two your ice cream as soon as everyone else is ready for their dessert too."

Lucy turned to Zac. "You know what that means."

Zac nodded. "We hafta go tell everyone to come get their dessert now!"

With that, Lucy ran back to the den and Zac ran out to the backyard, in hopes of gathering everyone to claim their dessert, so they could get theirs as well. Soon, not too long afterwards, Lucy and Zac returned back to the kitchen with all of the Cambridge and Hanson kids.

"Okay, mom. Everyone's ready for dessert now," Lucy announced. "So now we can get ours too!"

Linda smiled. "All right. First, let me ask all of you kids what flavor ice cream you want."

"What flavors to you have?" Jessica asked.

"Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, mint, cookies 'n cream, and coffee," Linda answered.

"Dibs on chocolate!" Lucy yelled.

"I want vanilla!" Zac called out.

"I get cookies 'n cream!" Mac declared.

"Can I have strawberry?" Ceital asked.

Linda grabbed a pad of paper and a pen. "Wait, let me just jot down all the flavors you kids want," she said.

Everyone told Linda what flavor they wanted, and she recorded it all down. Then, she opened the freezer and started to remove the cartons on ice cream. Lucy quickly ran over and stood right by Linda.

Linda looked down at Lucy. "Lucy, what are you doing?" she asked.

"I want to get the chocolate ice cream," Lucy explained.

Linda smiled. "Lucy, go sit down at the table with everyone else. "You'll get your chocolate ice cream, I promise."

Lucy grinned. "Okay. Can I be first to get my ice cream then?"

"We'll see," Linda replied. "It's depends how patient you are."

Soon, Linda had fixed everyone a small bowl of ice cream. Everyone either settled down at the dining room, in the kitchen, back outside, or in the den. Lucy had settled down at the kitchen table with her bowl of chocolate ice cream. Zac sat next to her, scooping up his vanilla ice cream.

"Mmmmmm, this tastes good," Zac murmured as he happily devoured a spoonful of ice cream.

"Well, duh, of course it's good," Lucy told him. "What do you expect? Ice cream's the best tasting stuff on the planet."

Zac nodded in agreement. "Yep. Ice cream and green jell-o are really yummy." He rubbed his stomach and licked his lips.

Lucy made a face. "Green jell-o??" she repeated disgustedly. "I think not. Orange jell-o's the best."

Zac shrugged. "Well, I think green jell-o is yummy."

"Hey, do you want toppings on your ice cream?" Lucy asked suddenly.

Zac smiled. "Sure!"

"Okay," Lucy said.

She hopped out of her chair and went to the refridgerator. When she returned, in her arms she had a bottle of choclate syrup, a bowl of rainbow sprinkles, and a can of whipped cream.

Zac immediately grabbed the bottle of chocolate syrup, turned it upside down, and began to pour out a rather large amount of the liquidy syrup over his vanilla ice cream.

Lucy took the can of whipped cream, shook it hard, and then applied the cream over her chocolate ice cream. Then, she picked up the bowl of sprinkles, and began dumping it over her sundae. Zac waited impatiently, as he watched Lucy take her time pouring the sprinkles.

"Anytime now......" Zac prompted impatiently, looking at the bowl of sprinkles.

Lucy rolled her eyes. "Okay, here you go, Mr. I-can't-wait-five-seconds." She handed him the bowl of sprinkles.

Zac eagerly took the bowl, and dumped a large amount over his sundae. He then added whipped cream to it as well.

Lucy picked up her spoon and grinned. "Well! Here goes!" She scooped up a large heaping of her ice cream, and shoved it into her mouth. A smile crossed over her face.

"Mmmmmmm! This tastes great!" Lucy exclaimed.

Zac rubbed his hands together. "Lemme try mine!" He eagerly scooped up a large helping and shoved it into his mouth. His eyes went wide.

"This is really yummy!" Zac cried.

"I know! I told you," Lucy replied.

They continued to devour their delicious sundaes rather hungrily. Neither of them spoke for a while, since they were too busy concentrating on their ice cream.

Zac looked up from his bowl and glanced over at Lucy. A wicked idea just entered his mind. He grinned devilishly, as he stuck his left index finger into his whipped cream and then reached over and pressed his finger on the tip of Lucy's nose. When he pulled his finger back, a white dot of whipped cream was planted on Lucy's nose.

Zac snickered. "Nice white dot ya got on your schnozz there!"

Lucy scraped the whipped cream off her nose with her left index finger, and glanced down at her finger. She looked back up at Zac and made a face at him.

"Ha ha; very funny, Zac," Lucy said sarcastically.

When Zac continued to giggle, Lucy raised her eyebrows at him.

"Hey, Zac. Maybe you'll find this funny," Lucy said, as she dipped her left index finger into her chocolate syrup, and drew a brown line of chocolate syrup across Zac's forehead. She sat back in her chair and snickered.

Zac stopped laughing, and raised his left hand and touched the chocolate syrup that Lucy had drew on him. He looked down at his finger, and then back up at Lucy.

"Nah, that wasn't really funny. But this will be." With that, Zac scooped up a heaping of vanilla ice cream, grabbed the back collar of Lucy's shirt, and dumped it down her back. Lucy yelped, as the cold ice cream travelled down her back, trickling down her spine. Zac roared with laughter as he pointed at her and squeezed his eyes shut.

Lucy slowly looked over at Zac, a hard look in her eyes. Without a word, she grabbed the bottle of chocolate syrup and aimed it at Zac.

Zac stopped guffawing. "Oh, no," he said uneasily. "Lucy......."

"Yeah?" Lucy asked, still pointing the bottle of chocolate syrup at his face.

"Y-you, you wouldn't," Zac said nervously.

Lucy raised her eyebrows. "Oh, really? I wouldn't, huh?" With that, she squeezed the bottle with all her might. A stream of chocolate syrup shot out of the bottle and flew through the air, headed straight for Zac.

Zac's eyes grew wide. "No!" he cried.

Before Zac had a chance to move out of the way, the chocolate syrup splattered all over Zac's head, dripping down his face and sticking to his hair.

Lucy burst out laughing. "Gotcha!" she jeered.

Zac wiped his face off with the back of his left hand. "Okay, that's it!" With that, he grabbed the can of whipped cream and began firing the cream at Lucy, while Lucy grabbed her bowl of ice cream and dumped the rest of it on his head. Zac grabbed his bowl of ice cream too, and dumped the remains out over Lucy's head as well.

"ARRGHH!! Zac!!" Lucy shrieked.

They both collapsed onto their chairs, panting, breathing hard, and looking at each other. Neither of them spoke for a moment. Finally, Zac spoke up.

"Is it....just me, or is here?" Zac questioned.

Lucy gave him a weird look. "Uhhh.......just you."

Zac shivered. "I d-dunno why I'm s-so c-cold."

Lucy rolled her eyes. "Well, gee, I don't know; maybe cause I dumped my ice cream on you?!!?" She gave him a pointed look.

Zac nodded slowly. "Th-that c-could be i-it," he agreed. "B-but I d-dumped m-my ice c-cream on y-you t-too."

Lucy shrugged. "I guess I'm just incapable of getting cold." She shrugged again. "Oh well. Whatever."

Zac looked at her for a moment. "Ya know," he said. "That....that was f-fun."

"Fun??!?" Lucy repeated in disbelief. "I don't think so! That was--" She paused and thought about it for a moment. Finally, she sighed and shook her head sheepishly.

"Fun, I guess," Lucy admitted. "But that was a pretty big waste of good ice cream."

Zac grinned at her, then suddenly reached out his left hand towards her face. Lucy quickly started to back away.

"No-- Lucy, c'mere.'ve got a small sprinkle stuck in your eyelash," Zac told her.

"Oh." Lucy moved closer to Zac, as Zac reached over and slowly and carefully fished out the sprinkle from her eyelash.

"There. I got it," Zac said, as he placed a small yellow sprinkle down on the table. "See?"

Lucy peered down at the tiny yellow sprinkle and nodded. "Yeah. Thanks."

Just then, a loud voice startled them both, causing Lucy and Zac to jump.

"What is going on in here??!?!" a voice demanded.

Oh, no, Lucy thought grimly. Here comes

..:/\^/\:.. Chapter 9 ..:/\^/\:..
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