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.;~;. Chapter 7 .;~;.

Kristyn and Taylor walked down the upsatirs hall, heading towards the staircase. As they made their way towards the stairwell, they passed Lucy's bedroom door, which was wide open. Kristyn paused by the door and poked her head into the room, and found Lucy and Zac sitting cross-legged on the floor, crouched over a board game.

"Hi guys. Can we come in?" Kristyn asked.

"Yeah," Lucy said distractedly, without looking up from the game.

Kristyn and Taylor entered Lucy's room, and peered over Lucy and Zac's shoulders, trying to catch a glimpse at the board game.

"What are you guys playing?" Kristyn wanted to know.

"Ouija board," Lucy answered, still not looking up from the board.

Kristyn raised an eyebrow. "Ouija board? Is it working?"

"Well, yeah, it would be, if Zac would quit pushing it!" Lucy yelled, glaring at Zac.

"I'm not pushing it!" Zac protested. "I'm really not, I swear! My fingertips are just touching it and following it wherever it moves to, but I'm not moving it!"

"Oh, yeah? Then why does it always go to 'no'??!?" Lucy demanded.

Zac shrugged. "I dunno; how should I know? Maybe the Ouija board doesn't like you or something."

Lucy gritted her teeth. "ARRGGHHH!"

Taylor raised his eyebrows. "You guys, you do know that the whole point of the game is for someone to push it, right? I mean, it's kind of obvious it can't move by itself. Someone has to push it."

"That's not true!" Lucy and Zac yelled at the same time.

Taylor took a step back and raised his hands. "Okay, okay; sorry. guys are pretty touchy about all this Ouija board stuff."

"Shhh!" Zac hissed. "You're gonna anger the spirits! So if you wanna stay here, shut up!"

Taylor rolled his eyes. "Oh, please. I'm gonna 'anger the spirits'??" He rolled his eyes again. "Yeah, right. I can't believe you guys believe in that stuff."

Zac ignored Taylor. "Okay, Lucy, let's ask the Ouija board another question." He leaned forward and rested his fingertips on the pointer.

"Okay, I know what I wanna ask. Does Zac like Alleigh?" Lucy questioned the Ouija board.

Zac made a face at Lucy, and Taylor snickered. Kristyn bit down on her lip to keep from smiling.

"Hey," Lucy said suddenly. "Everyone shut up, it's moving!"

Everyone watched in silence as the pointer slowly moved across the board and pointed to 'no.'

"Ah-ha! I knew it!" Lucy cried. "See, I told you! You are moving it," she accused Zac.

"No, I'm not!" Zac exclaimed, exasperated.

"Yeah you are! If you weren't pushing it, it would've gone to 'yes'!" Lucy insisted.

Taylor frowned. "Why would it go to 'yes'?"

"Because," Lucy said. "Zac likes Alleigh, that's why."

"I do not!" Zac screamed.

Lucy raised an eyebrow. "Liar. You said you think she's cute."

"So??! I said she was kinda' cute, but that doesn't mean I like her!" Zac shot back.

Lucy crossed her arms. "Oh, no? Well, I think you pushed it to 'no', and it was supposed to go to 'yes'." She gave him a pointed look. "You are pushing it to 'no'."

"I am not!" Zac retorted.

"You are too!" Lucy shot back.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"



"You guys, cut it out," Kristyn cut in, playing peacemaker. "You guys are arguing over something so ridiculous."

"It's not ridiculous!" Lucy snapped. "This is completely serious, and Zac keeps screwing it up by cheating!"

Zac rolled his eyes and threw his arms up in the air. "Here we go again!"

Taylor snickered. "Zac, you like Alleigh?"

"No!" Zac yelled. He glared at Taylor.

Taylor continued to laugh. "I can't believe you. This is too funny."

"It's not funny!" Lucy and Zac snapped at the same time.

Kristyn sighed. "Okay, you guys; that's enough. Anyway, Taylor and I are going to go downstairs to watch TV in the den. Do you guys wanna come?"

"Fine! I'm sick of playing this! This game's going nowhere anyway," Lucy said disgustedly, throwing the pointer across the room. She stood up. "Okay, let's go."

Taylor looked down at Zac, who was still sitting on the floor. "Zac, come on. Let's go."

"No," Zac said. "I still wanna ask the Ouija board stuff."

Lucy rolled her eyes. "Well, it's not gonna work if you do it by yourself!" she exclaimed exasperatedly. "Now come on!"

"So stay here with me and let's play it," Zac said, looking around the room for the pointer.

Lucy shook her head. "No. I'm tired of playing that. So get up and let's go watch TV."

Zac sighed, but climbed to his feet and followed the rest of them out into the hall. As soon as he stepped into the hall, everyone began heading over towards the staircase.

Zac looked sideways at Lucy and gave her a mischievous grin. "Race ya down to the den. Last one down's a rotten egg!"

Lucy grinned. "You're on."

Lucy and Zac quickly got into their starting positions, ready to break into a sprint. Zac gave Lucy a sneer and snickered. Lucy rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Okay....ready...get set....GO!!" Zac shouted suddenly. He broke into a run, and raced down the stairs.

"Hey! No fair, you got a head start!" Lucy yelled, as she took off after him, tearing down the staircase and whizzing after him in a mad dash to the den.

Kristyn and Taylor looked at each other and laughed. They shook their heads as they started walking down the stairs.

"Ohh......Lucy and Zac. They make quite an interesting duo," Kristyn remarked.

Taylor laughed again. "Yeah, they're like, so similar......I mean, they have similar interests and stuff."

Kristyn nodded. "Yeah, that's true."

They walked into the den to find Lucy jumping up and down, doing a little victory dance, while Zac sat on the loveseat looking defeated.

"Hey Kris! Hey Taylor! Guess what?? I won! I beat Zac to the den!" Lucy exclaimed happily. She continued to hop around in little circles, pumping her fists in the air.

Taylor looked at Zac. "Lucy beat you? Wait, I thought you got a head start, didn't you?"

Zac let out a loud sigh. "Yeah, I did, but Lucy......" He trailed off.

"Beat ya anyway!" Lucy finished, giving him a smirk.

Taylor burst out laughing. "Zac, she beat you anyway?? After you had like, a five second head start??" He cracked up again.

Zac frowned. "Shut up, Tay. I didn't run as fast as I could've."

"Yeah, suuuuurrrre ya didn't," Lucy said mordantly. She gloated, looking very pleased with herself.

"Yeah, yeah; whatever," Zac muttered.

"Ha ha, way to go, Luce," Kristyn replied dryly. She sat down on the loveseat beside Zac.

Taylor cleared his throat loudly, and gave Zac a look. Zac looked up at him in surprise.

"What?" Zac asked, looking confused.

Taylor looked at him again, and then gestured to the floor with his head. He wanted to sit next to Kristyn and get Zac to move onto the floor.

Zac rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah; whatever, Tay," he grumbled, as he slid down onto the floor.

Taylor smiled triumphantly and sat down next to Kristyn. He leaned back and rested his hands behind his head.

"So, what are we gonna watch?" Taylor wanted to know.

"I dunno; let's see what's on," Lucy answered, grabbing the remote control, flipping the TV on, and plopping down on the floor beside Zac.

"Hey, gimme the remote control," Zac said, reaching over for it.

Lucy snatched it away from his reach. "No way! I dominate the remote control," she told him.

"Well, so do I! So give it here," Zac said, as he tried to take it out of Lucy's grasp.

"Not here you don't!" Lucy replied, as she held it away from him. She began flipping through the channels.

"AHHH! Stop! Go back!! You just passed Animaniacs!!" Zac screamed.

Lucy's eyes widened. "Oh, where?? Where??!?" She quickly flipped back to Animaniacs, just in time to hear the last part of the theme song.

"We're ani-mainy, totally insaney.........Pinky and the Brainy.........Ani-maanniiii-aaaacccss.....those are the facts," the TV sang.

Zac giggled. "Yay, I love this show. Animaniacs is so awesome."

Lucy nodded in agreement. "Definitely! Animaniacs is so cool!"

Lucy and Zac turned their full, undivided attentions to the TV screen, as they watched the cartoon intently with interest. Kristyn and Taylor looked on from the loveseat.

As they watched, Lucy decided she couldn't see, so she slid up closer to the TV, and settled down right in front of Zac's view.

"Ummm.....Lucy, I can't see a single thing on TV," Zac said, staring at the back of Lucy's medium-dark blond head.

"So? Tough," Lucy replied, without turning around to look at Zac.

"Well, I'd like to see the TV screen, if you don't mind," Zac continued.

"As a matter of fact, I do. I'm fine just where I am now; I'm not gonna move," Lucy answered.

"Lucy," Zac said. "Ya gotta move! I'm missing Animaniacs!"

Lucy turned around and looked at Zac. "What are you gonna do about it?" She smirked at him. "Make me."

"All right, don't mind if I do!" With that, Zac's arms shot forward, grabbed Lucy around her torso, and pulled her backwards.

"Hey!" Lucy yelped. "What the heck........Zac!!!" she yelled, as she tumbled backwards, causing her head to fall back into Zac's lap. She glared up at Zac, her view of him upside-down, of course. Zac looked back down at her, a smirk on his face.

"I made ya," Zac replied with a devilish grin.

Lucy rolled her eyes. "Lemme up." She hauled herself back up, and resumed her sitting position in front of Zac again, only to get yanked back down again by Zac.

"Zac!!" Lucy yelled, as she glowered up at him.

Zac just cackled. "I'm not gonna let ya block my view, ya know."

"Well, obviously!" Lucy snapped, pushing herself back up again, but only to get hauled down a third time by Zac.

"Zac, quit it!!" Lucy screamed.

Zac snickered. "Well, then move outta the way!"

Lucy made a face at him. "No way. I'm not moving anywhere." She attempted to sit back up, but this time Zac held her down.

"Zac, lemme up!" Lucy shouted, struggling to break free from Zac's hold. "I'm missing Animaniacs!"

"So? Me too, but it's worth it if it'll keep ya down," Zac said, looking Lucy right in the eye.

Lucy blinked in surprise and frowned. "Huh?"

"You guys, stop tackling each other and being so playful down there," Taylor scolded. "Some people are trying to watch."

"Well, so am I!" Lucy snapped. "So, Zac, lemme go!" Again, she tried to free herself, but Zac managed to keep her down.

"ARRGHH! ZAC!!" Lucy screamed, wriggling with all her might.

Zac snickered. "Ha ha, I gotcha and there's nothin' you can do about it!"

Taylor looked over at Kristyn, as Lucy and Zac continued to struggle and wrestle each other on the floor, yelling and screaming. "Zac's flirting with Lucy," he said, as he shifted his glance back over to them.

Kristyn nodded knowingly. "Oh yeah." She glanced over at Lucy and Zac, who were rolling around, tackling each other on the floor, and hollering. "Big time."

<^v Chapter 8 v^>
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