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~`';.,.;'` Chapter 15 `';.,.;'`~

Kristyn continued walking home, feeling a bit uncomfortable, since Josh was still walking with her. She didn't know what to think; her mind was racing with different thoughts all at once, and she could feel her heart beating somewhat faster.

Another thing that was making Kristyn feel a little uneasy was the fact that she could feel Josh's eyes on her most of the time. However, she wouldn't let herself look back over at him; she was determined not to. She kept her gaze straight ahead, concentrating on getting back home.

Unfortunately, Kristyn kept her gaze a little too focused on looking straight ahead, and she didn't notice a rock on the ground ahead of her. Kristyn walked straight toward the rock, not noticing it.

Josh shifted his gaze toward the ground, and saw the rock. His eyes widened.

"Kristyn, look out!" Josh said suddenly.

"Huh?" Kristyn turned around, but it was too late. Her right foot hit the rock, and Kristyn felt herself start to fall. Her books fell from her hands.

All of a sudden, Josh quickly grabbed Kristyn, and caught her, preventing her from spilling on the hard concrete. The books hit the ground, while Kristyn stumbled into Josh's arms.

The two of them looked at each other. Kristyn stared into Josh's eyes, and Josh stared back at her. Kristyn felt her body freeze. She felt transfixed in Josh's arms.

They stared at each other for a moment, before Kristyn finally managed to look away from Josh's strong gaze. She glanced back at him.

"Th-Thanks," Kristyn said softly. "I mean, for...well, umm...."

"Are you okay?" Josh asked, looking worried. He looked truly concerned.

"I-I'm fine," Kristyn said, looking down at the ground. "I don't know what just happened. I guess I wasn't paying attention or something...."

"But you're all right?" Josh asked again.

"Y-yeah," Kristyn answered. "I'm...fine."

Josh looked relieved. "Okay, good."

There was an awkward silence for a moment, and Kristyn lowered her gaze. She could tell Josh was looking at her again.

"Ummm...Josh..." Kristyn began.

"Yeah?" Josh asked, still staring at Kristyn.

Kristyn gestured to his arms, which were still holding her. "Umm...could you let go of me now?"

Josh snapped back to reality. "Oh, yeah. Sure. Sorry." He sheepishly let Kristyn go.

Before Kristyn could move, Josh quickly scooped up her books. He stood back up and gave them to her.

"Thank you," Kristyn said quietly, as she took the books into her hands.

"Sure," Josh said amiably.

Kristyn started walking again. Josh walked along beside her.

Josh cleared his throat. "Uh, listen, Kristyn. I've been meaning to ask you something...."

"Umm, okay...." Kristyn said slowly. "What is it?"

Josh looked down at the ground, before glancing back at Kristyn. "Do you--"

"Hey, Josh!"

Josh and Kristyn turned around to look in the direction where the loud voice had come from. Kristyn felt her eyes narrow as they landed on the person.

Walking over towards Kristyn and Josh was Matt. This time, he was with his girlfriend, Robin Dembner. Gavin was also with them; he was with his girlfriend, Briana Wallace, who was also a close friend of Robin. Tara Atkinson, another one of Robin's close friends, was with them as well. None of them were any of Kristyn's favorite people to associate with. In her humble opinion, Gavin and Matt were obnoxious jerks, and Briana, Robin, and Tara were some of the biggest snobs she had ever met. It was also a known fact that Kristyn and Robin didn't get along very well, either.

Matt sauntered over to Kristyn and Josh, bringing Robin along, with his right arm draped around her shoulders. He looked over at Kristyn and smirked at her.

"Well, well, well...what have we here," Matt murmured, looking from Josh to Kristyn, and back again. He raised his eyebrows slightly as his eyes fell on Kristyn.

Kristyn frowned, and turned her head in another direction, glancing around at random things.

Robin glared at Kristyn, before turning to Josh. "What are you doing with her?" she demanded, gesturing to Kristyn with her head.

"I'm just walking her home," Josh replied.

Robin raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really? And why is that? Oh, wait -- don't tell me...she can't walk home by herself -- her not being allowed out alone and all. I mean, after all, with her big family, her parents have to keep tabs on all their children!" Everyone snickered except for Josh and Kristyn.

Josh frowned. "Hey, cut it out, Robin. Leave her alone, okay? That really wasn't funny."

Robin pretended to look sorry. "Oh, gee, I didn't know I was hurting her feelings -- so sorry. I mean, why didn't she just say so?"

Kristyn didn't like the way Robin spoke as if she wasn't even there. It was part of the reason why she preferred to avoid Robin's company. She wanted to strangle Robin at that very moment and choke her neck, but she managed to restrain herself and kept silent.

Tara pranced over to Josh, brushing past Kristyn as she did so. She gave him a bright smile, as she looked at him adoringly.

"Hi Josh," Tara said in a flirty voice.

Josh looked at Tara. "Hey Tara," he responded casually.

Tara smiled an even bigger smile. "And how are you today?" she asked playfully, as she placed her hands on his shoulders, and began rubbing them.

"Uhh, fine," Josh replied. He turned around and gave her an odd look. "Um, what are you doing?"

"Just giving you a massage," Tara answered lightly, as she continued to rub her hands against his shoulders.

Josh lifted Tara's hands off his shoulders. "Thanks, but no thanks. I don't need one," he told her.

"Well, okay. But if you ever need one, you can always call on me," Tara said sweetly, giving him a smile that could have caused a cavity.

"Uhh.....yeah, okay," Josh said uncertainly. He glanced over nervously at Kristyn, but Kristyn was looking up at the sky. Her lips were tightened together in a seethe. Josh turned back to everyone else.

"Hey, look you guys, we gotta go. See you later," Josh said.

"Oh, what's the hurry?" Briana asked, a smirk on her face.

"Yeah...does your little friend have a bed time or something?" Robin chimed in. Again, everyone but Josh and Kristyn laughed again.

Josh glared at Robin. "Stop it. I said leave her alone," he said sharply.

"What's the deal, Josh? Why are you so defensive about her? You're acting like she's your little sister or something," Gavin remarked.

"Yeah, you don't have to worry about her. She's fine all by herself," Tara assured Josh. "But, you can worry about me, if you'd like." She gave him a sly smile.

Kristyn abruptly turned on her heel, and stalked away. She took big strides as she walked faster away.

Robin made a face. "Well, pshh -- that was rude. She shrugged. "Oh well, whatever!"

Josh turned around and his face fell. He knew Kristyn couldn't bear to hear any of this.

"Kristyn, wait!" Josh called after her. He started to go after her, but Tara pulled him back.

"Just let her go," Tara said gently. "She doesn't want to be here. But, you're still more than welcome to keep me company." She smiled at Josh.

Josh gave Tara a hard look. "Well, maybe I don't want to be here, either!" he snapped. He turned to everyone else. "Well, gee, thanks a lot, guys. You really hurt her feelings."

Robin shrugged. "She wasn't doing anything about it."

Josh scowled at her. "Well, maybe because she doesn't want to sink down to your level!" He glared at them. "Why can't all of you just leave her alone??!" he yelled. He shook his head at them. "I mean, what did she ever do to any of you??"

When no one said anything, Josh just shook his head again, and looked down at the ground, before glaring back up at them. His eyes were filled with anger.

"Yeah, I knew it. She never did anything to any of you." Josh glowered at them one last time, before tunring around and running in the direction Kristyn went in.

* * *

Meanwhile, Kristyn stormed down the sidewalk, angrily stomping her feet with each stride she took. She felt like she could burst with fury at that moment. She turned the corner onto her street, and angrily walked faster down the street.

Josh ran up around the corner, and spotted Kristyn walking in big strides down the street. He quickly ran after her.

"Kristyn! Kristyn, wait!" Josh called, as he ran to catch up with her.

Kristyn ignored him. She continued to walk faster, without turning around to look at Josh.

Josh quickly caught up to Kristyn. "Hey, wait up. Slow down, will you?" He reached over and put his right hand on her left shoulder, but Kristyn abruptly shurgged his hand off of her.

"Kristyn, come on," Josh pleaded. "Just listen, will you? Please." He touched her left arm with his right hand, but Kristyn pulled away.

"Don't touch me!" Kristyn shrieked. "Just...go away! Leave me alone! I don't want to talk to you."

"Come on, Kristyn. Please. Just listen to me, okay? Stop for a second, will you??" Josh begged.

Kristyn whirled around and stared at Josh through watery eyes. "I don't have to deal with this," she said crossly. "I can't take it, all right? I just...can't." She turned away, and started walking away again, but Josh quickly took her left arm.

"Kristyn, I don't want them to treat you like that, either! I was telling them to leave you alone!" Josh protested.

"Oh, what good is that going to do?!" Kristyn snapped, looking annoyed. "It's not like they're going to stop just because of you."

"I'll get them to stop, okay? I promise," Josh said desperately, looking into her eyes.

Kristyn shook her head. "Don't make promises you can't keep," she muttered.

"I will get them to stop," Josh vowed. "Okay? me, all right?"

Kristyn gave Josh a questioning look. "Why should I trust you?" she asked suspiciously.

Josh opened his mouth, but then closed it. He sighed, and gave Kristyn a long look.

"Because I'm not like them," Josh said finally. He looked at Kristyn. "And I care about you."

Kristyn shook her head. "You don't know me at all." She studied Josh's face, before shaking her head again. "You don't know me." With that, she turned away and ran.

One of Kristyn's books fell out from under her left arm in her haste to hurry away. Kristyn didn't bother to turn around and retrieve it. She just kept on running away, leaving Josh standing there alone.

Josh let out a deep sigh. He walked over to where the book lay on the ground, and kneeled down beside it. Slowly, he picked up the book, and glanced at the cover.

"Romeo and Juliet," Josh murmured. He glanced back up, and watched Kristyn rush inside a house, slamming the door shut behind her. He stood back up, clutching the book in his right hand. He knew what he had to do.

Josh took a deep breath, and started walking over towards the Cambridge house, the Romeo and Juliet book in his hand.

...*)`|'(*~ Chapter 16 ~*)'|`(*...
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