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<:(:< Chapter 11 >:):>

The following morning, Lucy was up in her room, rummaging through her closet, tossing things out over her shoulders, causing a huge pile of junk to form behind her. As Lucy continued to bury her head in her closet, hunched over, Alleigh walked over to Lucy's doorframe and leaned against it, munching on an apple as she watched Lucy.

"Umm....what are you doing?" Alleigh asked curiously.

Lucy turned around, looked at Alleigh, and rolled her eyes. "What does it look like I'm doing??!" she shot back.

Alleigh frowned. "Well....I don't know. That's why I'm asking."

Lucy stood up and let out an annoyed sigh. "I'm gonna head over to Zac's place in a few hours, and we're gonna have a sleepover." She paused, and her eyes narrowed. "That is, if I can find any of my stuff."

Alleigh's eyes brightened. "You're going to go over to Zac's? As in, the Hanson's place??" she asked excitedly.

Lucy frowned. "Well, yeah, considering the fact that that's where he lives."

Alleigh screamed in delight. "Ohmigosh! Ohmigaw! You're going to Zac's! Oh wow, ohmigosh, I can't believe it! That is the best thing ever! Ohmigaw, I gotta come with you!" she shrieked.

Lucy's eyes widened with alarm and looked at Alleigh as if she were mad. "Um, NO, you are so not coming."

But Alleigh didn't seem to hear her. Instead, Alleigh started dancing around Lucy's room in little circles, dancing in delight.

"I'm going to Zac's house. I'm going over to see Zac. I get to see Zac," Alleigh sang, as she closed her eyes, sighing happily as she continued to dance around.

"Alleigh. Alleigh? Alleigh! ALLEIGH!! Earth to ALLEIGH!!!" Lucy yelled.

Alleigh stopped dancing, and looked at Lucy. "What?"

"You're not coming with me to Zac's," Lucy said firmly.

Alleigh's face fell. "Huh? How come? Why not?"

"Well, if you hadn't been so busy prancing around, making a total ditz outta yourself, you would've heard me say that you can't come," Lucy said crossly.

Alleigh looked crestfallen. ", come on, Lucy," she pleaded. "Zac's the best. He...he's everything to me. Please, Lucy. You gotta let me come with you. Please."

"I already told you. No," Lucy said flatly.

"Come on, Lucy," Alleigh begged. "Seriously. Please?"

"NO," Lucy said sharply.

Alleigh tried again. "Pretty please? Pretty, pretty, pretty please? Pretty please with sugar on top? Pretty, pretty please with a cherry on top? Pretty, pretty, pretty..."

"ALLEIGH!! SHUT UP!!!" Lucy screamed. She covered her ears with her hands and squeezed her eyes shut.

"Well, does this mean that I can come with you then?" Alleigh asked hopefully.

Lucy's eyes narrowed, and snorted. "Pshh, no." She turned back around and resumed her quest of searching for her sleep over belongings.

Alleigh looked devastated. "Lucy....." she moaned.

Lucy rolled her eyes again, and turned around. "What??!" she demanded irritably. "If you're just gonna beg some more about going to Zac's, then save it. I don't wanna hear it, and you can't come. So don't even bother asking. I can't take anymore of your stupid 'ohmigaws' and 'pretty pleases,' all right??! So just do me a favor, and just save it!" she snapped bluntly.

Alleigh looked like she would burst into tears. She covered her face with her hands, turned away from Lucy, and ran out of the room.

Lucy sighed. Finally. No more distractions or disturbances. Lucy turned her attention back to her closet and continued searching for her things.

"Hey, Lucy. I wanna ask you something," Mac piped up, as he walked into Lucy's room.

Lucy stood up, put her hands on her head in frustration, and screamed. "ARRGHHH!!! WHAT??!!?!"

"Whoa." Mac took a step away from her. "Take a chill pill, sister."

"Not when all you people keep barging in here, bothering me and pissing me off!" Lucy snapped. "What do you want??!?"

"Ummm......" Mac hesitated. "On second thought, never mind." He turned around and headed out of the room.

Lucy let out an annoyed sigh. "Ugghhh," she groaned. She sat down on her bed, and massaged her temples with her hands. Out of the corner of her eye, Lucy spotted Kristyn walking by her room.

"Hey, Kris, wait up!" Lucy said suddenly. She jumped off her bed quickly.

Kristyn walked backwards over to Lucy's door. "You called?"

"Yeah, I really need your help," Lucy said with a sigh. "I'm gonna go over to Zac's in a little while, but I can't find any of my stuff."

Kristyn raised an eyebrow. "Stuff? Meaning.....?"

"Stuff. Just.....stuff. Ya know, like my sleeping bag, my overnight bag...." Lucy trailed off.

"Ohhhh, you mean that stuff." Kristyn nodded. "Okay, I get it now."

"What am I gonna do?" Lucy moaned.

"Never fear, Kristyn's here," Kristyn said sarcastically. "Okay, anyway, if you can't find any of that sleepover stuff in your closet, chances are it's in the closet down in the den. That's your best bet."

"Really?" Lucy felt her heart lift. "Thanks Kris, you're the best!" With that, Lucy tore out of the room, hurried down the stairs, and rushed into the den. She threw open the clost door, and scanned around the closet. Sure enough, all the Cambridge's sleeping bags and overnight bags were stored inside.

Whew! Lucy thought, as she grabbed a cobalt blue overnight bag, and a bright yellow sleeping bag. Good thing I asked Kris for help!

With that, Lucy ran back up stairs and into her room, slamming the door shut behind her. Now she was able to get ready for her sleep over at the Hanson's. There would be so much in store for her later that night.

;)\(: Chapter 12 :)/(;
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