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-=#=- Chapter 10 -=#=-

Lucy pulled open the bathroom door, and sauntered out, with Zac following behind. They had both successfully managed to clean themselves off, although their clothes still showed some evidence of a food fight.

Lucy glanced over at Zac's clothes, which had ice cream stains scattered across his t-shirt and pants. "Umm, Zac?"

"Yeah?" Zac responded.

"Uhh, do you wanna borrow one of Mac's shirts or something?" Lucy asked uncertainly. "I mean, your clothes still have all that ice cream stuff on it..."

Zac looked down at his clothes and shrugged. "Nah, it's okay. But thanks anyway."

"Are you sure? I mean, it's totally okay to borrow something if you need it," Lucy said.

Zac shook his head. "No, it's okay, really."

"Ummm......okay," Lucy agreed slowly.

"Zac! Where are you??!" Isaac called from the den.

"Over here!" Zac yelled back.

Isaac walked out of the den and approached Zac and Lucy. "Zac, where were you? Everyone was looking for you. We're going to leave soon, so you'd better start getting ready--" Isaac stopped talking and stared at Zac's clothes in disbelief. "Wait, what happened to you??!?"

Zac looked down at his clothes then back up at Isaac, and shrugged. "I just.......I just spilled some ice cream on myself, that's all."

Isaac continued to stare at Zac's ice cream-stained clothes. "Uh-huh," he said slowly. "Well, like I said before, we're going to leave soon, so just get ready to leave." With that, Isaac turned and walked away.

Zac turned to Lucy. "Well, tomorrow's Saturday, so do you wanna hang out tomorrow?"

"Okay!" Lucy agreed. "Hey, why don't we have that sleepover thing tomorrow?"

"Hey, good idea!" Zac exclaimed. "Yeah, I'll ask my mom about that. And then I'll call you tomorrow and let you know about it."

Lucy nodded. "Cool. Do you have my number?"

"Well, I don't have it, but my mom probably does, since she's friends with your mom, so I'll just ask her for it," Zac replied.

Lucy nodded again. "Okay."

"Zac?? Where are you? We're going to leave now!" Diana called from the front door.

"Okay, I'm coming!" Zac yelled back. He turned back to Lucy. "So, I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"

Lucy grinned. "Okay."

"Cool. I'll catch ya later," Zac said.

Lucy nodded. "Yep."

"Zac?? Are you coming???" Isaac yelled.

Zac started walking towards the front door. As he walked away, he turned around and called, "See ya later, alligator."

Lucy rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Once in a while, crocodile."

Zac grinned at her before turning around and hurrying out the front door. Lucy stood where she was as she watched him go.

Linda waved goodbye as the Hanson van honked and drove out of sight. She closed the front door, and walked over to where Lucy was standing.

"So, what did you think of them? Did you like them?" Linda questioned.

Lucy nodded. "Yeah, they're all right. Zac's cool."

Linda smiled. "Well, I'm glad you two got along well and became friends. That's what I was hoping for. And I'm also glad that you behaved well while the Hansons were here."

"Oh." Lucy looked down at the floor. "Don't mention it."

Linda smiled again. "Well, I'm very grateful for how all of you acted today. I was very impressed and proud of all of you." With that, she patted Lucy's head and headed towards the kitchen.

If only she knew how I REALLY acted, Lucy thought grimly. Then she probably wouldn't be so proud anymore.

* * *

Meanwhile, the Hansons had arrived back at their home, and were settling back into the house. Zac quickly pulled off his Airwalks, tossed them onto the floor, and went searching for his mom.

"Mom!" Zac yelled, as he walked into the kitchen.

"Lower your voice, Zachary. I can hear you just fine," Diana scolded gently.

"Oh. Sorry. Anyway, can I have the number to the Cambridges?" Zac asked.

"Sure. The number's over there by the phone." Diana pointed to a pad of yellow post-it notes by the phone.

"Thanks. And, uh, can I ask you something else?" Zac asked.

"Well, I guess so," Diana answered with a chuckle.

"Can Lucy come over tomorrow and sleep over?" Zac asked. "I mean, like could we sleep outside?"

"Outside??" Diana repeated. "You want to sleep outside???"

", I mean, we would sleep in the tree house," Zac explained.

Diana thought about it for a moment. "Well, I don't know, Zac. I mean, if the weather is warm enough, then I don't see why not......"

"Yes!!" Zac exclaimed happily.

"But," Diana continued. "You also have to have Mrs. Cambridge's permission too. If she says yes, then it's all right with me as well."

"Oh, I'll get her permission, don't worry!" With that, Zac hurried over to the phone and quickly dialed the Cambridge's number.

"Hello?" Christian answered.

"Can I talk to Lucy?" Zac asked.

"Hang on," Christian said.

Zac listened and heard a thud as Christian dropped the phone and went searching for Lucy.

"Lucy! Your boyfriend's on the phone!" Zac heard Christian yell faintly in the background.

"I don't have a boyfriend, you moron!" Zac heard Lucy retort.

Lucy finally picked up the phone. "Lucy here."

"Hey Lucy. It's Zac," Zac greeted.

"Hey Zac. I thought you were gonna call me tomorrow," Lucy reminded him.

Zac shrugged, even though Lucy couldn't see him. "Yeah, well, I couldn't wait. Anyway, I asked my mom, and she says it's okay with her just as long as it's okay with your mom."

"Really? I'll go ask my mom now." With that, Lucy put down the phone and went searching for her mother. Zac waited patiently, until Lucy finally returned.

"Yeah, my mom says it's okay with her," Lucy announced.

"Cool!" Zac exclaimed. "Wow, this is gonna be so awesome! We're gonna sleep out in our tree house."

"Okay!" Lucy agreed. "We can stay up late and tell ghost stories, do dares, play tricks on people, and other stuff."

Zac was getting more and more excited. "Yeah! And we can pig out on junk food and stuff too."

"Cool. And we can play video games before we go out to the tree house," Lucy added.

"Definitely," Zac agreed. "So, well, I guess I'll see ya tomorrow, then!"

"Yeah. At what time should I come by?" Lucy asked.

"Ummmm......." Zac thought for a moment. "Let's say......around.........four-ish?"

"Okay, cool. So four it is," Lucy said.

"Yep! So, I'll see ya tomorrow," Zac said.

"Not if I see you first," Lucy replied.

<:(:< Chapter 11 >:):>
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