Chapter 1- Life is such a funny thing, you never know what it’ll bring

Chapter 1
This is a story about a girl named Lucky…
Early morning, she wakes up

" Boy I've been watching you, and you've been watching me…" I sang dancing along to my song. " I know you want me baby, I'm gonna make you see, I'll give you what you need, I know the way you feel, I'll take you higher baby, I want you here with me…" I sang smiling into the audience. " I've got my eyes on you…" I ended smiling into the audience. " Thanks so much! You guys rock!" I yelled running off the stage to where my father and step mother were standing.
" You were great Katie." My father said hugging me.
" Thanks daddy." I said smiling.
" Lindsay…" My father said looking at my step mother.
" Your dance moves could've been a little better Kat, your getting lazier every day." Lindsay said staring at me.
" I- I'll try harder next time mom." I mumbled walking to my dressing room.
" You know Katie, I only push you because I know you can do this…" Lindsay said smiling.
" Gee thanks mom." I sighed rolling my eyes. " Can I have some 'me' time now? I really don't want to be around anyone right now." I said shutting my door. " What's that woman's problem?" I muttered grabbing my water bottle. " I'm not perfect."
" Kat a little more on the kicks!" Lindsay yelled up to me.
" If I kick any higher I'm gonna flip over." I mumbled and my best friend Karrie laughed.
" What's so funny up there?"
" Nothing, nothing, higher kicks? Right Kar?" I said rolling my eyes.
" Kat! Aren't you hot in that sweat shirt?" My father yelled looking at me. " It's 80 degrees out!"
" Nah, I'm fine." I said as the music came back on. " Its all about the way your feeling, deep in your heart, when she let you go…" I sang.
" NO NO NO!! Your voice is wavering Kat!! We talked about this!!" Lindsay yelled.
" Take a break everyone, your all getting tired." Dad said smiling at us all.
" A word please Kat." Lindsay said and I looked back at my friend.
" Shit." I mouthed walking towards my dressing room as I exchanged glances with Karrie. " Yes mom?" I asked looking at her.
" What did I tell you about mocking me in front of my friends??" She asked looking at me.
" I- we, we're not with-" I stammered as she backhanded me.
" DID I SAY I WAS FINISHED??" She yelled and I winced. I shook my head no, not daring to speak. " Now I want you to make those kicks higher, and you better smile more." She snapped, slamming my head against the wall as she left. I put a hand to my head and Karrie walked in, carrying an ice pack.
" You know, you cant live like that forever." She said handing me the icepack.
" I know, but if it keeps my dad happy, I'll live with it." I muttered as we walked towards the mini stage, where I performed for some of my mothers record friends.
Knock, knock, knock on the door
It's time for makeup, perfect smile

" I've got my eyes on you.." I sang, as my friend Alexia hit a sour note. " STOPP!!" I yelled.
" What was wrong?" Jacey asked.
" She was off!" I yelled pointing at Ally.
" Cass, it's live, you can make some mistakes when your live. If you sound flawless, people think your lip-syncing!!" Eliza exclaimed.
" Yeah, well I want a flawless performance!!" I snapped. " Jeff tell them we have to do it again!!" I whined, looking at my mother and step father.
" Sweetie it was fine, I didn't even hear a flat note." My mother said shaking her head.
" I DID! I want it done over!!" I exclaimed.
" Honey we cant, we have no more time." Jeff said sighing.
" Fine! I'm going out then." I said rolling my eyes as I walked off the stage and walked towards my car.
" Hey Cassie!!" My friend, TJ yelled smiling at me.
" BITE ME!" I yelled pushing him out of the way.
" Okay… someone's bitchy today." His friend Clay said laughing as I walked to my car. I sped away, driving to the mall, maybe to get a new pair of shoes.
" KAT THAT WAS HORRIBLE." I heard a woman yell. I looked to the right of my car and saw a mini stage set up a few feet away. I walked towards the stage to see what the commotion was about.
" Holy shit." I muttered to myself, seeing a girl who looked exactly like me, standing on the mini stage, fixing her microphone. " HEY! Could I talk to you?" I yelled as the girl looked up.
" Me??" She asked, looking around.
" No the Pope behind you, of course you!" I said rolling my eyes.
" Um, sure." She said walking off the stage to where I was standing.
" Do you know who I am?" I asked and she looked at my face.
" Oh my god." She muttered. " Your- your Cassie Dorah!!" She exclaimed.
" Yeah, that'd be me." I said laughing. " Do you sing?" I asked looking at the microphone. I was getting an idea, and if this girl could sing, I could put the plan into motion.
" Uh yeah, not that well though." She said smiling a little.
" Really? Sing Walk me home for me, k?" I asked and the girl nodded.
"five a.m, you're on my mind once again. I must have been dreaming, thought i felt your heartbeat till ten. And i wonder how it would be, if i was your lady, and you were my friend… I would put my heart in your hands, and it would never end…" She sang and I smiled. She could sing just like me! This was great!!
"Uh, I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name…" I said as the girl blushed.
" Katrina, Katrina Johnson." She said smiling.
" Ok, Kat, mind if I call ya Kat?"
" No, not at all." The girl said smiling.
" Ok Kat, how would you like to take my place on the Take Five, Crazy tour?" I asked and Katrina's eyes widened.
" Are you serious? I couldn't- I can't sing like you! I don't look like you!!" She exclaimed and I laughed.
