Zac Quotes

"I wanna work in Burger King!!!!!"

"When we first started playing instruments, we weren't doing very much - just simple stuff. Bang, bang, bang!"

"Maybe people don't hate their parents so much these days."

"You can't expect sucess. You can only hope for it."

"We're best friends,only bester."

"I guess I have a talent for hitting things..."

"You can't avoid getting girls if you're a guy in a band."

"What's really cool is when you're singing a song and the whole crowd knows the words and they're just singing it with you. That's a great experience."

"I love you, man!"

"If I say I'm the wacky one, I always have to be wacky. When I act serious, it's like, 'Why aren't you wacky? Is this a bad day for you?'"

If you have anymore Zac quotes email them to me and I'll gladly post them!