“Zac?” I called as I opened the door to his apartment.

“I have to get rid of her, she’s getting too big. Yea she’s such a mouth on her. She doesn’t know how to behave at all!” I heard Zac say. ‘I don’t know how to behave huh? Get rid of me?’ I thought as I walked toward were the voice was coming from.

“Yea I have to go Sally’s here,” he said into the phone. “Bye”

“How dare you say all those things about me!” I screamed at him. “Get rid of me? Is that it? I’m too fat? Geez Zac I’m 110 pounds!” I turned around and slammed the door of the apartment as I left.

“Sal! Sally wait!” I heard him call but it was too late the elevator door was closing. Did I care? No, he just called me a dog. 5 years of being a loyal girlfriend, and what? He goes and calls me a name and insults me over nothing.

By the time the elevator came to a stop on the bottom floor I was in tears. I quickly walked to my car got in and sped home.

When I got inside my house I took my ring off that he gave me and threw it at the wall. It smashed one of the very first pictures that we took together. The one from when we went to Disney World. I remember that trip; it was so perfect, just like I thought we were until today. I guess I was wrong.

“What happened?” my roommate Felicity asked later when she entered my room. She saw that I had been crying.

“Zac,” I said softly, “he said he had to get rid of me.”

“Like he really wants to get rid of you,” Felicity said walking over to my bed were I was laying on.

There was a knock on the door. Felicity said she would get it. After what seemed like a long time she came back into my room. “These are for you,” she said when she came back into my room carrying flowers, “There from Zac, read the card! It’s so sweet!”

“I love you more than anything. I wasn’t talking about you before. I’d never talk about my girl that way! Meet me at “our place” tonight at 8. Love always, Zac” I read out loud.

“So are you going to go?” Felicity asked sitting down on my bed.

“Yes I’m going to go,” I said looking at my watch, “Shoot! I have 5 minutes to get there!” I quickly pulled my hair back into a ponytail and walked out the door.

After a short walk I was at “our place”, a small pond with benches around it. It’s where Zac and I first met. When I arrived Zac was already there.

“Sally I am so sorry you had to hear that but I was talking about the puppy I had, not you! I’d never say anything bad about you. I love you very much,” he said getting down on one knee, “Sally Burnes will you marry me?”

“Yes Zac yes!” I said smiling. I kissed him and we’ve been happy ever since!