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Karone's Fan Fics

I needed a layout design for my fanfics and I wanted something simple, so I try this.. and voila! So um here we are! Okay, basically here I'll post all my fanfics at one place. Any fic places can take them, I don't mind.. But I have many genres here: Power Rangers, Pokémon, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, ER.. And more in the works! So stayed tuned in the distant future!

Stand Alone Fics : [Power Rangers] Mostly Lost Galaxy and in Space fanfics, but these are the assorted fanfics I have written that aren't part of "Untold Hearts" or just was a vignette fic, or just not with a romance theme in them. *gasp*

Pokémon Fics : [Mostly AAMRN] If you can't tell yet, I'm a hopeless romantic and all my fanfics deal with romance of some sort. These are my fanfics of Misty and Ash. (And yes I know they are only about 10 in the series, but hey, if you're destined to be with someone, what's wrong with knowing this at a young age?)

Assorted Fics : [Different genres] ER, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dawson's Creek.. Stand alone fics that I wont be writing a lot about. But still they deserve to be written about!

Original Fiction : [Fiction] Short stories I've written, character sketches I've attempted, anything that doesn't belong with a disclaimer. This will have a pink background, just so it can be told apart from fanfic. :)