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"Welcome To The men Of 1109 MCU Boston"

"1109 The Early Years"

As this site progresses I hope to name as many of the men who served at 1109 as I possibly can.To date there only a few and these names will appear under photo's.

This page contains the personel of the early years,at present the earliest date I can find is the that of the arrival of 1505 in June 1948.

"Dok Haliday after leaving Boston at RAF Seletar".

"Crew taken outside Civvie digs 1949"

This and all photos of 1949 supplied by John Clegg.This photo outside Ma & Pa Raytons,top end of Wide Bargate on the way out to the Skegness/Spilsby Rd.Only names :- Paddy to left of Ma[her left] ? Taylor Mar/fitter,holding newspaper,Pete Craddock next to and just behind John Clegg,John Clegg in dark sweater behind guy in white jacket,Hector McCluskey on Ma's right{between her and Taylor}looking over Ma's shoulder,Eddie?,head between Taylor and Hector,{man's name not known}but believed to be of the chippy,Tony Forbes head turned behind Hector,two guys in white coats were the cooks.

"John Clegg holding New Henley/Jap motorcycle"

Crew on Boston Dock with 2 Perkins S6M's"

"At sea in The Wash,Pete,Robby [cox] and John"

"Crew of 1505 alongside river Witham wall "

"1505 on hard about to be painted John on bike one of the others was a chippy"

The 1949 guys of 1109 were billeted in civvie digs in Boston town.On the Dock there was a small workshop which had the CO's office at one of its ends.There was a Flt Lt CO,Flt Sgt fitter,3 Cox's,two of which were Aussie speedway riders prior to W.W.2.There were other members including M.B.C's,Wop's,Fitters and Chippies.The duties of this unit was to patrol an area off Heligoland to ensure no fishering boats or other craft entered beyond the safe area off the bombing range, where Lancaster bombers dropped their surplus to requirement bombs.Their other duties would have included the normal ASR requirements.