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Welcome to my fantasy world!
YES, Look my curser is POOKIE!!!!!

Hello and welcome to my 100th try at a web page. My name is Mandi and I am from a little town in the state of Pennsylvania. I am 5 feet tall and 140lbs with brown hair and brown eyes. I am tan from the summers sun.

I go to Pennsylvania State University and my major is Human Development and Family Studies. What the hell is that you ask? Well, I plan on doing Social Work or something with Drug and Alcohol Abuse. I also put in an application into the PA State Police. So I hope one of my dreams comes true with that.

Some of my hobbies include everything from sports to work to watching movies and taking long walks.


Sprinkled Sands.

The sands within my hourglass
Had slowly fallen through
I'd thought my joy had long sinced passed
Until my heart met you

Lifted from a field of wheat
Caught within a golden sun
Your love has made me so complete
We've only just begun

For time has ceased my falling sand
No passageway too small
And distant paths are but a strand
Of wishes strung from waterfalls

When tears do come and wash my eyes
And fall as drops of dew
I see your face in dawn's sunrise
I'm blessed for knowing you

Someday between the moon and tide
We'll meet for once again
In truth I was your only bride
Tis written on the wind

So sprinkle sands across the shore
We need them not for time
I only wish to love you more
Forever knowing, you'll be mine

I think this is a awesome poem. It was given to me by my best friend. I wish I could write like that but he says my poems are good so I guess I will just keep it with that.
