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Find Your Own Truth

Welcome to my page. Here is how you can get in touch with me.
I'm working on a Wiccan Web Page.
it is slow in coming.. as my time is limited at the moment please bear with me.

I hope to have substantial links. and info.. and would appreciate any addtional URL's
till then
Merry Part
Fare The Well
Don't forget to do your part for the Goddess 2000 Project Project

Why did the Chicken Cross the Road
( pagan style )
these are a few ideas i have found.
check out GREEN EGG mag.Nov-Dec,'99

To reveal this would break my oath of secrecy. althought it REALLY is an ancient rite, dating bak before 1951. I learned it from an unbroken lineage. As Gerald says. "It takes a chicken to make and Egg".

First we don't believe in a "One Chicken" or a "Hen or a Hen and a Rooster". We believe in many chickens. Second "crossing the road" is part of a 3 levels, or worlds, and the chicken is simply crossed from one level to another. HAIL TO THE CHICKENS !!!.


Butt Prints

One night i had a wondrous dream,
One set of foot prints were to be seen,
The footprints of the Goddess they were,
But mine were not along the shore.
But mine then some stranger prints appeared
And i asked "what have we here?
"These prints are large round and neat.
But much to big to be from feet"
"My Child" She said in a Somber tones,
"For miles i carried you alone.
I challenged you to walk in faith,
But you refused and made me wait.
You would not learn, You would not grow,
The Walk of faith you would not know,
So i got tired,i got fed up,
And ther i dropped you on your butt.
Because in life, there comes a time
When one must fight and one musst climb,
When one must rise and take a stand.
Or leave their butt prints in the sand".

Author Unknown


The Committee for the Pope's Millenium Apology
c/o Pagans in Action Council
dunbarton Road, Montgomery, AL 36117

October 30, 1999

the Vatican said Thursday that it had to take responsiblity for one of the darkest eras in Roman Catholic Church history --- The Inquisition, in which thousands of accused heretics were imprisoned, tortured or burned at the stake during the Middle Ages.
Pope John Paul II has said in several speeches that the Church needs to assume responsibility for the Inquisition, which was responsible for the forced conversion of Jews as well as the torture and killing of heretics.
"The Church is not afraid to submit its past to the judgement of history" Said Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, who heads the Vatican's commission for the Grand Jubilee, which oversees events planned for the Millenium. "The Church cannot cross the threshold of the new millenium without pressing its children to purify themselves in repentence for their errors, infidelity, incoherence, and slowness."

Dear Friends:
Enclosed herein is a letter regarding the Pope's anticipated Millennium Address. The letter requests that his Holiness include Witches and their descendants when he asks forgiveness for the acts of the Inquisitions. This document was drafted by adjunct Committee of Pagans and sympathetic Christians, and has been signed by various individuals and groups who support this request.

The Pagan community recognizes the historical importance of such a Millennium Address and has rallied in support of the Pope's Anticipated act, which will be one of courage, penitence, and peace as he stretches forth the hand of the Vatican in an effort to redress an ancient wrong. It is the strongly held conviction of those signing this document and of the groups which they represent that this Millennium Address must include an apology to the Pagans, Witches and alleged Witches who were also victimized by the Inquistion in order for this act of the modern Church to have complete meaning.

We look forward to hearing from you and can be reached at the following email address: Sincerely yours, The Committe for the Pope's Millennium Apology:

These are a few of my lates fav songs. they sound more like chants. but they are very soothing inspirational and touching
traditional chants
Ancient Mother, i Hear your calling,
Ancient Mother, I Hear your song,
Ishtar,Cerredwin,Hecate Inanna.
Pele,Paso Wee,Demeter Purvati

Drums and shakare
Celtic harp
chorus.. chanting softly the Goddesses names beneath the top two chants.
with a background of waves washing up on the shore.


BASED ON A TRADITIONAL Wicca invocation.

By the Earth, this is Her body.
By the Earth, mother of us all.
By the Earth, future and past,
The circle is cast, the circle is cast.

By the Air, this is Her breath.
by the Air, sweet wind of life.
By the Air, from the first to the last.
The circle is cast, The circle is cast.

By the fire of Her bright spirit.
Shining candles in the night.
By the fire of her bright spirit.
Shinin, shining your light on me.
By the waters, this is Her blodd.
By the waters, the calm and the flood.
By the living waters, running slow. running fast,
The cirle is cast, The circle is cast.

Ganga,Pele, Uma Kali,
Oya,Paso Wee, Diana.

acoustic piano
drums elctric bass


traditional closing of a Wicca gathering

May the circle be open but unbroken.
May the peace of the Goddess be ever in your heart.
Merry meet, and merry part.
And Merry meet again.

Tyrolian folk harp

this was pulled from the "ACCORD"
Bob Barr attempted to append a Department of Defense bill a rider which would outlaw Wicca on Military bases, but the amendment was not allowed to remain on the bill.
Texas Governor George W.Bush clearly doesn't understand the issue: he said, "i dont think witchcraft is a religion, and i wish the military would take another look at this and against it."

The Free Congress Foundation led a Movement urging Christians to boycott services in the Army till the Witches were no longer allowed to practice their religion on base. However the movement lost steam quickly when the American Family Association & The Christian Coalition refused to participate.

On June 20 approx. 100 people gathered at Nebraska Rotunda for Earth Religions Awareness Day. Jason Blodgett-McDeavitt led a ritual to bless the crops, followed by a Wiccan Prayer and a Guest speaker Cantor Michael Weisser.
GOVERNOR Johanns did not sign a proclamation for the day, nor did he attend the festivities, ALTHOUGH he DID -BOTH- for BACK TO THE BIBLE DAY, which coincidentely happend the day BEFORE. On June 19.

In Texas News, Voucher Legislation concerning tax exemption for religious organizations, and bills outlining parental rights and responsibilities all failed.
HB217, which ensures that schools WILL excuse students who are absent from school on religious holy days, and passed THE TEXAS RELIGIOUS FREEDOM RESTORATION ACT passed as well. Texas joins South Carolina, who has also passed a similar law.
THE RELIGIOUS LIBERTY PROTECTION ACT (H.R.1691) passed the U.S. House or Reps. providing that state & local gov. CANNOT impose "substantial burden" on a group or individual's religious practices UNLESS the Government can prove it has a compelling reason to do so.

A U.S. House Resolution (H.CON.RES.94)urges American's to participate in the " NECESSARY DUTY " OF PRAYER AND FASTING as a response to an alarming trend of violence was defeated. but sponsores said they would continue to try again. they include TOM DELAY & SAM JOHNSON of TX. flauntin rhetoric as : " IT IS INCUMBENT ON ALL PUBLIC ON ALL BODIES AS WELL AS PRIVATE PERSONS, TO REVERE AND RELY ON -GOD ALMIGHTY- FOR OUR DAY TO DAY EXISTENCE." Rep. CHET EDWARD of TX OPPOSSED the resolution with a moving rebuttal.
Wiccan JEAN WEBB "won" her suit against the City of Republic, Missouri, U.S. District Court Judge RUSSELL CLARK ruled the display of the "ichthus" (Christian fish symbol) on the city seal violated the First Ammendment. The City Council voted on whether they wanted to comply with the Court Order or not. Mayor Doug Boatright broke a tied vote in FAVOR of removing it from the " ichthus " from the seal thus eliciting a strong negative response from observers.

David and Diane Reiter of Denver, backed by the American Center for Law and Justice, have filed a FEDERAL lawsuit to challenge a city zoningorder which forbids them to hold more than one prayer meeting at their home each month.The City claims it filed the order because of complaints from neighbors about parking and noise violations: HOWEVER; there was there is apparently NO MENTION OF "ANY" SUCH VIOLATIONS in the Zoning Order.
The Midwest Pagan Council (MPC) Host of the Pagan Pan Festival's lost there right to find a place to hold there gathering . They filed and LOST a zoning request to improve there 35 acres. that have been used for the last "8 years" . there will no longer be festivals held upon that land.
Kansas, Reno County Comissioners won the right to hold "NON DENOMINATIONAL" prayer meetings in the Court House. when organizers 'tried' to exclude 'NON-CHRISTIANS' the Commissioners were "banned" from holding such meetings altogether.

There are many more like these
August 11, Kansas Board of Education ?
eliminates the State Curriculum referrin to Evolution." citing scientist CAN't recreate it in the labs.
individual schools can elect to create there own that "include" evolution. The ACLU People for a America Way & Americans United for Separation of Church and State . "HAVE WARNED THAT SCHOOLS WHO "CHOOSE" TO TEACH "CREATIONISM' - COULD0 FACE LAWSUITS.
-- go figure on that one --
Kansas Governor BILL GRAVES does NOT support the new curriculum and has suggesseted "abolishing" the BOARD OF EDUCATION. he has garnered support from the Legislature at State Levels, & from BOTH parties.
- things that make you go hmmm -- ehh ?
6th Grade student Jessica Holland sent home from school and asked NOT to return because of her "Interest" of Witchcraft.
My Herbal Path
APRIL 6 2000
Cradled in the arms of the crescent Moon will appear the ghostly outline of the full Moon, a dim glow that astronomers call "Earthshine."
The only significant illumination on the "dark side of the Moon" is due to Earthshine -- sunlight that bounces off the Earth and falls on the lunar surface. A slender crescent Moon with Earthshine is widely regarded as one of the most delicate and beautiful sights in the night sky.
for those who beleive in hell,
SPIRITUALITY for those who have been there

"Due to circumstances WITHIN our control ARMAGEDDON has been CANCELED."