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The days and times of 8-I
Why do people think 8-I is a perfect section? Perhaps its our academic ability, perhaps its our ability to get along with each other, or the maybe its our rewards and praise from teachers. Yeah, sounds perfect dosn't it?
You most likely are in 8-I or believe we are a top notch class. If you believe anything of the above things are even half true, your in for a surprise!!
8-I Acdemic Ability: Acdemic, a word I can not define nor spell, and surprise I'm in 8-I. We moreless have a major lack of acdemic ability. While half the girls in our class are obsessed with N'Sync, or TJ, the other half (me!) rebel and bitch how much our class sucks, there is little room for education. If we were smart we'd be in the top section, we're not therefore teachers excpect more out of us. Last year Kurzinsky (drill sargent, haha) lecured us how we were all going to move down, many of us were filled with happiness, nobody excpects ANYTHING out of 8-A. But no, she lied, i'm still with the same people. Nobody that we didn't excpect moved down. So why did she spend an entire year telling us we are all bad and are worse then the lowest section (oh, brr), we may never know. In conclusion, we don't care about education, we hate school, we're not stupid, but we're not smart.

8-I, the section of Friends: Yeah, right, we HATE each other. Between the carvings of "Jay is Gay" in desks and the chants of "tapeworm" nobody is safe. Everybody picks on each other, people scream, people fight just in a normal day. Today they were putting 'restration orders' on each other. Nobody can stand each other in that class. Peca gave us a 1 hour lecure on bullying. That's life, we deal with it. In the end it will only make you stronger, so stop telling us to be nice to each other because it WILL never happen. But everybody becomes friends in the end. Complicated, eh?
Praise and Rewards The top section got a pizza party at the end of the marking period. Our reward was newsweeks. As for the praise, we get praised when we, uh, um, be quite. Yes I KNOW our class likes to talk, duh, we're 13-14 year olds, of course we like to talk. Teachers always tell us to shut up, and tell us how bad of a reputation we have. Oh, right, our class is soooooo bad, we *gasp* talk! We never get rewards, nor simple praise. We don't expect it, why do teachers bother to make us listen to them? Save it for the top section....

Thats only a brief overview of our class, i've barely began to go into dealtail. Even if you thought 8-I was a bunch of preps, or wannabe's. Your right, and being in 8-I is like being in an endless oblivian of tourture.

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