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Ceci's Testimony

Have you ever met someone, and you knew God had destined your paths to cross? An appointment ordained by God that caused you to know He was watching over your life? You just knew the course of your life was about to dramatically change due to this person? I have, and I knew this man was as a ship passing by me in the night that God had sent my way, to bring light to my darkness, understanding to my questions, and to impart faith to many doubts. Receiving him had everything to do with receiving Jesus, and receiving God, who sent Jesus! He sees with eyes of Faith, Hope and Love, and all who get close to him begin seeing life from a new perspective. Jesus said He gave gifts to men, and he would send Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers. I looked to God and he sent a man, a Messenger, to me personally

Isaiah, a great prophet in the bible said, "Who is there among you who obeys the voice of the prophet, and walks in darkness and has no light?" Well, I met a prophet, (one who sees), and receiving him, opened my eyes to see things I never had before! God sent me a gift, and wrapped it up in the package of a man, and it took a great deal of faith to receive him. This man was a world class stunt man, and a champion heavyweight boxer. He had a famous father whom Walter Matthau portrayed in the movie "The Odd Couple." His mother was an Army Air Corp. pilot, who ferried B-25's during WW. II. She and her partner owned a crop dusting business in Colorado, the state I grew up in. None of these things are what makes this man so special, however. He is special because he was the one God personally sent my way! Meeting him has changed the direction and destiny of many lives, significantly and forever! Please, let me explain.

I've watched him fight the good fight of faith. His life has been a book of faith for me to read day by day. I have watched his faithfulness to God and Gods faithfulness to him. He has helped spiritual wimps become spiritual fighters. I've watched fat people lose weight and become fit. I've met anorexics who have put on weight. I've watched people who were killing themselves by getting drunk on many of life's ills, reach sobriety! I've seen careless, mean men learn how to love, care, and cover their wives and Families. I've watched quiet, withdrawn, indifferent older couples learn to have love, passion, and fire in their once bitter cold relationships. Many years of bitter critical thoughts and offenses that had gone undealt with, made them worlds apart. They got answers for their unresolved offenses, they talk about their problems and fears, and have fallen into true love and faith. I've known a man who was insane and unable to relate to others, who learned to bring order to his life and thoughts, and to give and receive love.

I met a seventy-eight year old man, bedridden for fifteen years, unable to care for himself or relate with anyone, who was resurrected from his dead condition. I saw him learn to give and receive the love of God. He not only began using the bathroom, but became self sufficient, and thrilled that God in His goodness led him to repentance. He faced his selfishness and changed the way he thought, and decided to love God and others before his life was spent in his hell of self-pity. He went from living by his senses and selfish desires to living life to glorify God. He ended up with the testimony of Jesus, rather than glorifying the works of the evil one.

I met a minister, full of pride, lying, selfishness, and anger, who repented for having had oppressed Gods people for years. He never wanted to see the correlation between loving those who are begotten of God, and loving God. He repented from being angry, hateful, and indifferent and became kind, caring, and truthful with the men Jesus brought into his life. I met a rich woman who was eating and shopping herself to death, (to avoid life's problems), her God was her belly, not Jesus. She repented, changed her mind. She has lost over 100 pounds, along with her world of lying, confusion, loneliness, and selfishness! She received the people Jesus sent into her life to help her war against the enemies of her soul.

I've met whores who lived to seduce and have power over men, who had repented and learned to be givers and helpers, rather than takers and users. I've met slobs living in filth and self-indulgence, which have learned to live in restraint and to care for others. I've seen depressed, suicidal women, who were smoking themselves to death. They were killing themselves, starving themselves, sticking their finger down their throat, because they cared mostly about how they were being loved and accepted, not how they were loving and accepting others. They have become givers instead of being takers and users.,

The thing all these people had in common is, they saw and received the ones Jesus sent into their lives to help them, and they learned to love and receive one another in honesty and sincerity. Jesus promised to send prophets among us. He also said we would lightly esteem, reject, kill them, and build their graves. I had to be deeply honest with myself, and as my spirit burned within me, I knew God had caused this man who had understanding to the deep things of God to cross the path of my life. His name is Gene (of noble birth) Sullivan (single eye). My name, Cecile, means, blind in one eye, and Jesus said, if your eye is single, your whole body will be filled with light. For the first time in my life, in 1986, my eye was single and I met a man whose whole body is filled with light, because he cares about pleasing God in what he thinks, says, and does. He cares about the effect and influence he has towards others, and teaches others by his example. To God be all honor, praise and Glory!

Ceci's Testimony Part II

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