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The following links are to adult fanfiction of the homoerotic variety. Prudes and minors are advised to go elsewhere, possibly to return when you are less prudish or older.

Still here? Good, welcome and come in! This is an archive/index of Highlander slash fanfiction focusing on pairings other than Duncan/Methos. The stories here are listed by pairing. Some links are off-site, which sortof makes this a cross between an archive and an index.

Archivist's Note 12-4-2003: Update! Whee! Have fixed the links to T. Botta's stories. Don't expect to update again soon though, just happened to find the link and happened to have time. Please use the guestbook to suggest any stories you think would be of interest!


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Connor Slash


I Never Forgot You
by MichiruK
Rating: PG-15
Summary: Methos and Connor meet for the first time (As if!) at Duncan's and things "heat up." .

Lover's Spat
by MichiruK
Rating: PG-13 (Some cuddling, but no sex.)
Summary: Sequel to I Never Forgot You. Methos and Connor are having a "lovers' spat."


Friends and Lovers
by Indiana
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Written for the lyric wheel challenge. Connor gets a surprise house guest with an unexpected outcome.

New Years: New Beginnings
by Marie Bootz
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Richie goes to stay with Connor after Mac tries to take his head.

by Marie Bootz
Rating: NC-17
Summary: This story takes place 8 months after my other story, New Years: New Beginnings. You do not have to have read New Years to read this one. It stands on its own. Connor and Richie have returned from their round the world trip and are settling into a life together, that pretty much sets it up.


Brothers in Arms
by the Lady Saraid
Rating: NC-17
Author's notes: this is an m/m/f story set sometime after Tessa's death and in Duncan's past. I've taken literary liscense and moved the beginning of the tv series to before the first movie - I think that will fix it. Don't try to figure out exactly when, it'll just give you a headache :) like it did me. If you don't like multiple partners or graphic sex, don't read this.

Brothers in Arms #2
by the Lady Saraid
Rating: NC-17
Author's notes: This is a continuation of the Highlander timeline I started with Saraid, so you should read that story first to know what's going on here. Graphic m/m sex, AND A RAPE SCENE, don't read it if it will upset you.

Brothers in Arms #3
by the Lady Saraid
Rating: NC-17
Author's notes: This is the third piece of the Saraid series. In this timeline Connor and Duncan have been on-again, off-again lovers, in case you didn't know. Go read the other two stories first :) This takes place a few months after Wall of Love, so that places it sometime in the nebulous future. NC-17 for graphic m/m sex, some of it violent! DON'T READ IT IF YOU'RE UNDER 18 OR YOU DON'T LIKE THAT! (and don't complain if you know you won't like it but read it anyhow!)

Gunmen tell no tales
by the Lady Saraid
Rating: NC-17
Author's notes: After renting and watching all of Christopher Lambert's (blessed be his name! :) movies (and, gods, some of them are *terrible*) I've come to a conclusion; he's playing Connor MacLeod in every one. So, in that spirit I've written this series of stories about those adventures. This takes place after The Feelings of Your Truth in my timeline.

by Debra Fran Baker
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Sometimes, all you need is some comfort. First time.

Richie/Methos Slash

Richie Methos Slash doesn't really count as rare, though there is a lot less of it than of Duncan/Methos. Richie and Methos hold a place in my heart as being one of the first slash couples I ever read, as well as the first Highlander Slash I read. I spent a month reading AC's Richie/Methos Chronicles. There is a webring for this pairing. The stories below are just a selection; I'm not going to archive everything, as there already is an archive for R/M slash. The stories below are just a few I liked, or found somewhere, or whatever :)

Loving You
by Cynthie Beckner
Rating: NC-17
Author's note: Methos and Richie have known each other for a bit longer than Mac thinks.

The Dance
by Shelley Wright
Rating: NC-17
Author's notes: Methos and Richie celebrate after The Messenger.

R/M Links

AC's Highlander Slash Fanfic

Other Pairings


Hearth and Home
by Rachael Sabotini and Andrea Drummond
Rating: NC-17
Author's note: All standard disclaimers apply. We don't own these guys; We just like to have fun with them. No one made no money off this. We do it for love, and we mean no harm. This story contains Methos/Joe NC-17 Romance stuff. You have been warned.

A Winter's Tale
by Jane Mortimer
Rating: R
Author's note: Methos and Joe discuss things one night over a tankard of ale.


The Healing
by the Lady Saraid
Rating: PG or PG-13
Author's notes: This is just a little story I wrote one night after watching Tessa die, again. What I think might have happened - not necessarily what should have happened :)

The Healing 2
by the Lady Saraid
Rating: NC-17
Author's notes: This is a continuation of The Healing. It picks up where the first one left off and carries Richie's contribution to Duncan's emotional healing about as far as it can go.

We'll Always Have Paris...Well, Seacouver, Anyway
by Macrich
Rating: NC-17
Author's notes: After a bout of training Duncan and Richie decide to explore their relationship. First part of a series.

Change of Seasons
by Kris Larsen
Rating: NC-17
Author's notes: This story takes place about a year after The Messenger and Richie hasn’t seen Duncan or Joe in all that time (you figure out what that means for the rest of Season 5 and 6).

Darwin's Sonata
by elynross
Rating: NC-17
Comments: The following story takes place at the end of "Something Wicked." It includes extreme, graphic sexual violence.

Methos/Nick Wolfe

by Morgan
Rating: PG-13
Summary: As Paris celebrates the start of the new millennium, Methos has a tough decision to make (spoilers for Dead on Arrival).

After the Millennium
by Morgan
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Morning, and Nick wants to know why Methos hasn't slept. Sequel to Millenium.

Old Embers, New Fire
by Morgan
Rating: R
Summary: Methos seeks out Amanda, but finds someone else. Sequel to After the Millennium.

by Morgan
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Nick comes face to face with Amanda again, and Methos learns that Nick has a past (spoilers for The Ex-Files). Sequel to Old Embers, New Fire.


Judas Kiss
by Cori Lannam
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Methos faces the betrayals he has committed in the past and present.

Crossover Index


Pollyana Series
by Erika
Rating: NC-17
Summary: I really don't know. I just went with the flow.

Immortal Series
by Erika
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Takes place two years after the Pollyanna Series.

Methos/Krycek (X Files)

A True Friend
by Sleeps With Coyotes
Rating: R
Author's notes: Snippet. Fresh from the silo, Alex recuperates with a true friend.

Warm Thoughts
by Sleeps With Coyotes
Rating: R
Author's notes: Snippet. SillyDrunken!Krycek meets BeatlesSinging!Methos at Joe's for a little vodka and sympathy.

Heaven and Earth
by Sleeps With Coyotes
Rating: R
Author's notes: Snippet. Methos comes home to a not-quite-empty apartment.  Shakespeare happens.

Only Two
by Sleeps With Coyotes
Rating: R
Author's notes: Snippet. Alex does some decorating and they discuss movies.  Silliness alert.

Methos/Mulder (X Files)

In the Eye of the Storm
by Alyss
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Mulder meets a stranger and learns about love and himself.

by Rhiannon Shaw
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Two men, a hurricane, and love. Companion piece to In the Eye of the Storm.

Methos/Louis (VC)

Deadly Allies
by T. Botta
Rating: NC-17
Summary: When Louis gets kidnapped and Joe gets blamed, it’s up to his friends to save him. In four parts. Methos/Louis, Methos/Lestat, Methos/Duncan.

Between the Shadows
by T. Botta
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Sequel to Deadly Allies. In three parts.

Gather thy Cares
by T. Botta & Maygra de Rhema
Rating: NC-17
Author's notes: Sequel to Between the Shadows. The gathering has finally come.

by Mona Ramsey
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Methos and Louis meet one starry night in New Orleans. First part of the Wordsworth series.

In Beauty
by Mona Ramsey
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Sequel to Walks.


by Jam-wired
Rating: NC-17
Summary: First in a five-part series. What happens when two immortals meet up? Warnings for violence and vampiric rape on the entire series, as well as Methosangst, in spades. This is dark, heed the warnings!

Tranquil Sleep
by Jam-wired
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Sequel to Trust.

Guardian Angel
by Jam-wired
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Sequel to Tranquil Sleep.

When Sanity Dims
by Jam-wired
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Sequel to Guardian Angel.

Memories of the Future
by Jam-wired
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Sequel to When Sanity Dims.

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