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This is the complete list of all the tombs in The Valley of The Kings. KV means "Kings Valley" and WV means "West Valley."
Some of the tombs have a link so you can learn more about it. If there’s not a link for the tomb you would like to see, e-mail me by clicking here and I will find you some information about it.

The Valley of the Kings (or Wadi Biban El-Muluk) holds sixty-two tombs that are currently known. It was first used as a burial site for Pharaoh Thutmose I. This valley may have been chosen for the Pyramid-shaped peak that looms over the valley. The tombs were cut out of the bedrock by builders who lived in the village of Dier El-Medina along with the artists who painted the tombs and their families.
The Valley was not used anymore after 1000 B.C. The tombs were plundered by Ancient tomb robbers, and to many this meant that that the Pharaoh would not enter the afterlife, but the Pharaohs memories live on through the beautiful wall paintings in their tombs and their mummies, if they have survived the ages.

KV 1 – Ramses VII

KV 2 – Ramses IV

KV 3 – Ramses III

KV 4 – Ramses XI

KV 5 – The sons of Ramses II

KV 6 – Ramses IX

KV 7 – Ramses II

KV 8 – Merenptah

KV 9 – Ramses V/VI

KV 10 – Amenmesses

KV 11 – Ramses III

KV 12 – Unknown – 18th Dynasty

KV 13 – Bay

KV 14 – Tausert/Setnakht

KV 15 – Seti II

KV 16 – Ramses I

KV 17 – Seti I

KV 18 – Ramses X

KV 19 – Mentuherkhepshef

KV 20 – Hatshepsut

KV 21 – Two Queens from the 18th Dynasty

WV 22 – Amunhotep III

WV 23 – Aye

WV 24 – Unknown 18th Dynasty

WV 25 – Akhenaten’s tomb before moving to Akhetaten?

KV 26 – Unknown 18th Dynasty

KV 27 – Unknown 18th Dynasty

KV 27 – Unknown 18th Dynasty

KV 28 – Unknown 18th Dynasty

KV 29 – Unknown 18th Dynasty

KV 30 – Unknown 18th Dynasty

KV 31– Unknown 18th Dynasty

KV 32 – Tia’a

KV 33 – Unknown

KV 34 – Thutmose III

KV 35 – Amunhotep II

KV 36 – Maiherperi

KV 37 – Unknown

KV 38 – Thutmose I

KV 39 – Unknown 18th Dynasty

KV 40 – Unknown 18th Dynasty

KV 41 – Unknown 18th Dynasty

KV 42 – Unknown 18th Dynasty

KV 43 – Thutmose IV

KV 44 – Unknown 18th Dynasty

KV 45 – Userhet

KV 46 – Yuya and Thuya

KV 47 – Siptha

KV 48 – Unknown 18th Dynasty

KV 49 – Unknown 18th Dynasty

KV 50 – Unknown

KV 51 – Unknown 18th Dynasty, Animal Mummies

KV 52 – Unknown 18th Dynasty

KV 53 – Unknown 18th Dynasty

KV 54 – Tutankhamen Cache

KV 55 – Tye? Akhenaten? Smenkhkare?

KV 56 – Unknown 18th Dynasty

KV 57 – Horemheb

KV 58 – Unknown 18th Dynasty

KV 59 – Unknown 18th Dynasty

KV 60 – Two 18th Dynasty Workmen

KV 61 – Unknown 18th Dynasty

KV 62 - Tutankhamen