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~Yet Another Angel~

In a little house somewhere in the foothills of Tennessee, on her knees, she prayed - "God, give me a healthy child" - and less than 12 months after Aaron was born, his fragile little body lay limp on the living room floor as a belt came crashing down, blow after endless blow.

He was delivered to an Emergency Department by ambulance - Dead On Arrival - bloody, battered and bruised both inside and out. A victim of violent child abuse; now an angel living without fear on the playgrounds of heaven.


Somewhere in South Carolina; a male child, age 4, is left unattended playing in the front yard, manages to get into his mother's car and knocks it out of gear. The car began to roll, apparently down an incline as it was moving at a fairly rapid rate of speed at the time the "accident" occured. The child inside, screaming, managed to fall out of the moving vehicle and was run over by same said automobile. After hours in the Emergency Department, having undergone a CAT scan of the brain, having been intubated, and having had his chest cut for tube placement; an angelic little boy lay in pain with severe head injuries, spinal cord injuries, urinary retention and severe organ damage.

The Mother?!

Inside the house talking on the telephone. The child was Life-Flighted to the nearest Pediatric Trauma Facility where he survived in said condition for less than 48 hours and at 0231 hours on the morning of 02 October 1997, another angel was delivered into the hands of God.


An accident is a child falling off a bicycle; an accident is a child who was playing hopscotch, tripped and fell; NOT what has been outlined above and yet, being a medical professional, I see so many cases like the above labeled "Accident".


Child Neglect/Abuse - defined, according to Mosby's, as the physical, sexual or emotional mistreatment of a child that often results in permanent physical or psychological injury, mental impairment or, sometimes, death. Contributory factors include stressful environmental circumstances, poor socioeconomic conditions, inadequate physical and emotional support within the family and major life changes or crises.

Every 3 minutes, in the United States, a child under the age of 3 is abused and every 7 minutes, in the United States, a child's soul is delivered to the gaits of heaven by the hand of an abusive parent.

It's a horrifying disease that is plaguing
more and more children every day.


It's got to end somewhere
but it has to begin with You !!!!!

WARENESS is the key; Because
Until that happens, Suffering will not End.

"This photo is ©2000, David B. Stevens,
and is used with his explicit consent.
Please do not take from this site."

What can YOU do?!

Something so simple as calling
your local radio station to request the song
Dear Mr. Jesus
will set awareness into motion.

Whether you're a victim, a survivor or a supporter,
you can help by signing your name to
The Wall.
One brick at a time, help the abuse to end and the healing to begin.

Save Our Children
Day Of The Child 2000

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Disclaimer: The names and locations of children in above stories have been changed to protect the innocent. If these cases, in any way, liken unto a similar event in your life, it is merely coincidental.