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I'm dragonlady, and this is my world.

Hello. My name is Katie. This is my website. I hope you enjoy it.

I have three older brothers and a little sister. Big family huh? And I'm right in the middle. My brothers don't like me enough. And my sister likes me too much. It's very annoying!!

I'm different then most people my age. I love to read and write. I like school and I'm very artsy and crafty. Also, I LOVE dragons. In fact I'm planing to have a good deal of dragon pictures. It's not just dragons either. I like anything that is some what midevil, fantasy or scifi like. Things like that are just awsome!

I'm a big Harry Potter fan. I just love those books. I have all four that are out now. I also have some Harry bookmarks, a Harry Potter journal, and some other things. Harry Potter ROCKS!!!!!!!!!! YEAH! *grins* Sorry. Just got a little worked up!

Well have a look around. You can tell me what you think by e-mailing me through the icon below.

email me

I've gotten a few of my pictures scanned and put into the art page now. I'll work on getting some other ones, including (once I get them back) the ones I turned into the fair. And guess what!!! One of them got Grand Champian Best of Show!! I'm so excited. I'm going to see if I can take it to state. That would be fun.

7/29 Hey and that's just the begining! As of right now I have gotten almost all of my artwork scanned. I'm also working on making my art page a bit less crowded by dividing up my works so that you can just go look at the ones from different times. I think it'll work better that way than if I was just to put them all right there so you'd have to scroll down and down and down through all the boring pics. Perhaps I'll just have the titles and you look at what sounds interesting... Oh well. I'm still thinking as of yet, but believe me, I'm on a role.

I've even started typing out a new story just for the purpose of having upgraded my short stories. That'll be a while though. I will do my best to get it done sometime soon though. I'm on the computer enough that it should be easy, but I get distracted easily. Not sure how long that'll take. Doesn't even have a name yet. Just a description of the characters I plan to put in it. Oh well.

11/1 Er... or 11/2 depending on whether you want me to be completely correct. I mean, considering it's midnight now. Oh well. I've updated and updated and updated tonight! Two new short stories have been put up and I've finished the art for fun section of my art page. It isn't up just yet, however, for I am afraid that I still have a few things to fix on it. (mostly that'd be puttig in the dates they were drawn and such.)

Well I hope you enjoy all the things that I've put up for you. That's what this place is here for. Entertaining the likes of you. And perhaps if some publisher or editor that's looking for young talent happens upon my site... well then I'd be rather pleased if that said person would decide to take me under wing and get me a nice place for my work. Am I right people? *grins* Well I can hope can't I? That would be an interesting way to start my career as a writer though. "They found me on the internet!" Heh... right... ^_^" I told you... it's midnight. I'm hyper and I haven't had much sleep lately. So anyway, again I say "ENJOY!" and good night. *passes out and sleeps until 3 in the afternoon.* tee hee hee... I wish...

The Library
Late Breaking News for the site