Sea of Poetry

Never Sober



I wish I had throat cancer,

So then I wouldn't have to answer

All your questions about this and that.

Where's your decency at?

Don't you know that I got feelings too?

I shouldn't have to explain everything to you.

If you're not a first-hand witness,

I don't see how it's any of your business

What goes on every day with me

As if you couldn't already see.

Sometimes I feel so lonely;

I wish someone was there to hold me.

Sometimes thinking gets me so stressed;

It leaves me feeling depressed.

As if you can't see it on my face,

An expression I wish someone could erase.

I always knew it'd come to this,

And love would be something I'd miss.

It just feels so hard to carry on;

This misery is something that I wish I could pawn.

Then I'd buy a reason to care,

Or I'd buy a smile to wear

Just to look happy again.

I wouldn't hear the questions then--

What's the matter?

Could you look any sadder?

God, I wish this was over.

Now you see why I'm never sober.

Slow Is How We'll Take It



Release from a bitter feud;

I'm also back to where

I want to be with you.

It's so close to meaning something again,

And when I get close to you, I realize

I want to be more than just a friend.

Wish it was last summer

Without transition into winter or spring--

Times so cold that even fall felt warmer.

Maybe it was you covering me like a blanket;

I could have slept forever

Until my mistakes caused me to awaken.

But that's all in the past,

And the future is what we make it.

This time we won't move so fast;

Slow is how we'll take it,

And maybe this time we can make it last.

Frozen Desires



Will anything ever happen

Between us?

Still to early to tell,

Still early for lust.

It's there and it exists--

Opportunity for satisfaction,

But I can't act on these desires

When you have my attraction.


If there ever is an us,

A me and you together,

I don't want to spoil before then

In this steamy weather.

I'll move to the North Pole

To keep these passions frozen.

I'll save it all for you

When your hot air blows in.


Over here is a sure thing,

And you I don't know.

I don't want to get my hopes up

But it's hard to force them below.

You're just so special;

I want to be a little special too.
I want to hold out just longer

So it's still special for you.


If there ever is an us,

A me and you together,

I don't want to spoil before then

In this steamy weather.

I'll move to the North Pole

To keep these passions frozen.

I'll save it all for you

When your hot air blows in.


Go ahead

I'm ready to unthaw, so melt me.

For you I would defrost

At any cost.




Crumpled up bed sheets,

Comforter lying on the white carpeted floor,

Door wide open to a hall leading to the den,

Leading to the kitchen, leading to another door.

Outside it's a bright day,

Thermometer reading 94 degrees farenheit.

98 sky blue Pontiac Sunfire parked in the gravel driveway

Hasn't moved since last night,

But a car has come and gone.

A 2000 red Ford mustang driven with sex appeal

Both on the exterior and interior.

She drove the car home; he had driven her--

Feelings after reaching the destination...superior.

First Date



I sat there in the movies,

But I couldn't focus on the screen.

I'm sure that what was being displayed--

A single woman's search for the right man,

A cliche worn out more than my four-year-old sneakers,

Held the attention of the audience

And my date sitting next to me,

But I could only stare at her hand,

Which was resting on the theater seat's arm rest

Next to mine.

Should I cover her hand with mine,

Or is it still too early--

This being the first date.

 Home Sweet Home
Keep traveling the sea
More Sea Quests
