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Remember Me With Love

When I am gone, Remember well we got along........
If you never see me again, Remember I love you my friend.......
When I am no longer near, Remember there should be no tears......
Think about the good times we had, Remember don't be sad......
When you look up at the sky so blue, Remember I am always with you........
But most of all ..........
Remember, I am with the Lord above,
and please always...
Remember me with Love.....


Suddenly you were gone
from all the lives you left you're mark upon....
I remember
How we talked and drank into the misty dawn
I hear the voices
We ran by the water on the wet summer lawn
I see the footprints...
I remember
I feel the way you would--
I feel the way you would--
Tried to believe but you know it's no good
This is something that just can't be understood
I remember
The shouts of joy skiing fast through the woods
I hear the echoes
I learned your love for life,
I feel the way that you would
I feel your presence
I remember
I feel the way you would
This just can't be understood........


Thank You Steve......!!