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Introducing a hollow shell:
a compilation of poems.
I am now a hollow shell,
of that which I once aspired to be.
A broken thing, can you not tell,
can you not hear, can you not see.

Cut my strings and watch me fall,
I've done it so often before.
My face pressed hard against the wall,
and life spilt on the floor.


Witnessing the inner darkness:
and other nightly things.

This is a page dedicated to personal darkness and the acceptance of self defeat and eventual destruction.
It contains stories, moralistic teachings, letters and poems I have written over the years, some of them
average, some of them terrible. I ask that you don't copy them and claim them as your own, but being the
cynic that I am, I know a number of you will or already have.

The format for this page was gleaned from Hurak
I hold copyright on everything appearing on this page so
don't copy or use without permission