Before entering the site, please note the following: Information on this site is not intended to damage or infrige upon the rights or interests of others, including the folks at Angelfire. If, at any time, you are offended by anything on this site, or have just freaked out for no damn reason, please leave quietly-we won't tell anyone that you can't take the shear glory of our truly amazing and wonderful site. For future reference, yes, most of the things you have done and will do were and are bad ideas. SO PLEASE DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID!!! I don't know what that would be, as I've never actually done anything wrong before, to the best of my recollection. Everything is in the interest of science on this site, or, in the very least, contains an unambiguous purport of pure, wholesome entertainment, with nothing to the liking of reality and its many shortcomings. In short, we are not responsible if your head explodes due the pure bizareness of any images or text contained within these pages.

The following is a list of the eleven commandments for viewing CRAZY STUFF...

1)Thou shalt not steal our material (please contact us if you really really want something).
2)Thou shalt not be an idiot (sorry, I'm just so damn tired of 'em).
3)Thou shalt eat many good things under a bright sun when thou wants.
4)Thou shalt not stab thyself with a damaging object to inflict pain or pleasure.
5)Thou shalt not do anything described on this site as though we we're encouraging or suggesting it.
6)Thou shalt set aside a second Friday for pure fun(now that's fairly reasonable).
7)Thou shalt dress up as a monkey when viewing our sites, and eat bananas too!
8)Thou shalt not speaketh of that which haveth no answer (any question that begins "why do women...?").
9)Thou shalt drink the milk of a goat while hopping on one foot and doing a rain dance for the happiness of the king of blood rats.
10)Thou shalt not maim the maimed, or further blind the blind, sink the sunken, eat furniture, forget to watch Cheech&Chong, abstain from that which is fun, remember the events of last night, or tease small children without laughing a lot.
11)Thou shalt make sweet sweet love with many beautiful women, and let me be there when it happens.

We will not be held responsible, ever, for anything, till death do us part, Amen.

And now-The crazy Pictures!!!!!

Frames Version