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{{{{{{{Things I Love}}}}}}}



Some people have fame and fortune. Some people have beauty and others have power. And then there are folks like ME. I'm one of the luckier ones. I have FRIENDS. God, in His wisdom, looked into my heart and saw a great hunger to love and be loved, to need and be needed. He also saw that here was a "wild child"; an untamed, rather than a domestic kitty. He knew that I'm a bit of a loner and more than a bit of a Bohemian ( born on "Holy Innocents Day" which is considered to be the unluckiest day of the year, it was snowing, dark of the moon phase, night owl, left-handed: Of COURSE I'm artistic! ), that it was not going to be my fate to walk in the footsteps of my mother and play out life's role as a "domestic goddess." But He knew I had to find a place to take that loving heart and be fulfilled ( and to do so and not necessarily have that fulfillment be found in the arms of a good man for a life time love ). I am middle-aged, single, never married. I am not looking for Mister Right. I have enough problems doing my own laundry, my own dishes. Love has passed me by. True, it played with me for a moment, toyed with me, even used me and spat me out in a cruel way ( once, only once, there WAS a Mister Wrong ). And through that misadventure I had friends who loved me, who understand my torch and flame, who stood by me. THANK YOU! My friends know I love them. They know I am there for them when they need me. And I know they love me, they care for me. Every friend who has honored me with their friendship is a true miracle of God. The have opened their hearts to me. They have shared with me their joy and their grief, their laughter and tears. Some of my friends have told me I am the richest person they know. I believe they are right. FRIENDS. They are my treasures, my blessings and my miracles sent to me from a loving God. Some of my friends come from different backgrounds, different countries ( or parts of this great land of America, where I live ) different religions ( or no religion ). None of them are wealthy financially. They are short, tall, average, skinny, not-so-skinny. They are of all ages. They see me with their hearts as their friend and they love my soul. I realize I'm repeating myself but ---I'm truly blessed aren't I ?
Cynthia aka Cid aka Angel


{Paper Dolls}

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