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The main objective of Bangladesh Chasi Kallyan Samity is to make the peasants self-reliant economically through self-employment. The aims and objectives in details are as follows:

1.     Organization: To promote the interest of the downtrodden peasants by organizing them under the banner of the society.

2.     Movement: To make organized efforts for safeguarding the interest of the peasants and also to make all out efforts to get their due share from the national Government.

3.   Training: To arrange regular training on the latest technology in agricultural science and to help promote moral values of the peasants.

4.     Formation of capital: To make the peasants conscious and interested in making regular savings for the future.

5.     Undertaking of scheme: To make them interested in co-operative farming and collective agricultural projects with a view to alleviating their poverty by self-help and mutual co-operation.

6.     Rendering of service: To render benevolent services to the needy people of the country.

Programme Of Activities:

1.     To assist the peasants to solve multifarious and baffling problems of agriculture and to try to introduce appropriate techniques and technologies according to the need of time and place.

2.     To make all out efforts to remove moral degradation from the society and to improve religious and moral values, especially, of the peasantry and also to help them settle their internal disputes and conflicts amicably on the basis of fair play and justice

3.     To remove illiteracy from the peasant society and to arrange proper education for their children.

4.     To give incentive for regular savings among the peasants and to educate them on modern agricultural system.

5.     To assist the peasants in collect necessary information and receiving training so as to obtain all kinds of facilities, including equipments and accessories from the Govt. agricultural departments and other autonomous and non-government organizations dealing with different aspects of agriculture.

6.     To try establish industries, especially cottage industries, connected with agriculture in the rural areas with a view to solving the problems of unemployment and poverty of the teeming millions of rural population

7.     To introduce the system of Zakat and Ushar as also to make the peasants acquainted with the land tenure system of Islam.

8.    To help the rural people, particularly the peasants, at the time of natural calamities and disaster.

9.  To motivate the peasants to plant more and more trees not only to earn livelihood but also to protect the environment from the disastrous green house effect.

10. To extend whole-hearted co-operation to the welfare programmes undertaken by the Government for the peasants so that the real peasants get the due benefits.






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